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So you wanna do a podcast...


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Hello all I've been listening to every single Malifaux podcast I can get my hands on since M2e started, and recently I am considering trying my hand at it.

What I plan is to have this podcast be specifically about non-master/henchmen models in a faction and go over their strengths/weakness, general crew role, how well they work with each master in a faction, and when to take them.

(So think Malibites but about Minions)

I'm posting to see how everyone feels about this and if anyone feels like taking this trip with me, the more people the more factions we can cover.

I'm also posting to ask those already entrenched in the art of the "Cast" what programs they favor for editing and general newbie advice.

The faction I'll personally cover is Ressers, I've been playing them since 1.5 and still have a hard time playing anything else, I play mostly the Wave 1 Undead but am delving more into Wave 2.

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I'm actually interested in a Malibites-type short podcast that speaks about individual models and gives some tips and insight into using the models.  I would prefer that it's not simply a read off the card podcast, however.

I think it could be a pretty interesting listen, especially if you could get people from different areas to talk about their thoughts on specific models and how they use them.  It would be good to get some kind of description of their meta (terrain amounts/types, opposing crew tendancies, etc...), for comparison purposes.  I think it would be fun to hear how the UK/Euro uses "Model X" compared to the US/Canada and also compared to Australia (as far as I can tell these are the 3 big areas, though I'm sure there are breakdowns within these areas.

The hard thing, I think, might be getting those guest speakers together (all at once or just at a time that matches up with your schedule).

I didn't respond previously, as I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be able to participate (limited time and experience) and have no advice with regards to equipment or software, etc...

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What do we not have in the podcast arena that I can try and do?

A podcast about Malifaux.  


Since most current podcasts are 40% rambling, 30% lame jokes, 20% marginally relevant anecdotes, and just 10% Malifaux content, (albeit in the form of incomprehensible batreps and announcements for tournaments thousands of miles away), it shouldn't be difficult to improve on those ratios.  


Well, I guess there are one or two worth listening to.   ;)    

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Speaking as someone who has done a podcast relatively unsuccessfully, you absolutely want to know and like what you plan on podcasting about. I never really got a solid idea of what I wanted to talk about, and I ended up canceling it all because of it. If you end up going with what other people want but you're not into it, it still won't work.


Figure out what would be interesting to YOU to talk about, and get advice on the format (not the topics). Then hope other people like your topics, haha.


I used Audacity for editing, including multi-track editing. It is relatively straight forward and easy... and free. I tried one or two others but didn't feel they added a lot I wasn't already getting for free.


Lastly, seriously, have a good mic. It makes a world of difference.

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If you wanted to do a podcast, how about you do one about a game you have played?

2 people, WHY this faction, WHY that crew composition, WHY those schemes etc.

Then you could summarize the game you play and do it like a battle report.


Just a thought :)

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The only problem with that is that a new podcast already exists that does exactly that formula. I suppose you could both do it but personally I like the original idea Nicodemic had of evaluating individual non-master models and their roles within different crews and their faction overall. Maybe I will think of something else you could do and post more later but whatever suggestions you go with I would definitely make sure you are interested in it if you are going to podcast about it. You dont want hobby to become work. You still wont get paid.

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So listening to "Before we begin" episode 3 (BwB is awesome) it is very close to what I was thinking of doing so I wanted to ask if more of these types of podcasts are wanted or is one good enough?

Well yeah that was the podcast I mentioned in my original post when I said that your exact proposed formula was already being done by another new podcast.  I dont think it is crazy for you to do something the same or similar but that is why I pitched in that I liked your original idea better or at least the point of focusing on non-master models in terms of analysis.  As long as you can do something different enough to make it your own im sure it will be fine and you already have a different host so I bet it will work out.  Also based on how Before We Begin has been recieved I dont think there is a lack of interest in podcasts like that. I would just suggest trying to find your own twist on it. 

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