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Order Received


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I placed two orders, one in the morning of the 14th and one later, almost at midnight. My roommate said a package arrived for me at the house as he was going to work (10am) yesterday, and about 4 hours later I got the confirmation email about the OTHER order, saying it should arrive today...! Hahaha


Everything in the first shipment (the larger one) arrived it good order, and the models and Arsenals and the Crossroads book are all INCREDIBLE!!! I think with Wave 2 the guys really explored much deeper into the "horror" aspect of Malifaux. There is some REALLY disturbing imagery in the new book! Are the models honestly going to look like the art??? Amazing!!! Creepy and demented as all hell... but amazing!


Looking forward to more sweet toys waiting for me when I arrive home tonight after my gig! :D

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A vast majority of the orders are already out the door - the paperwork saying 'shipped/completed' usually follows anywhere from a day to three days as that is entered in separately. As a matter of fact I put on my big boy pants today and just took up the stacks and stacks of paperwork and have been completing your orders in the store and where applicable, providing tracking numbers.


I know another 300+ orders went out today and I've got that stack plus another couple hundred to go through before we're officially caught up on the 'completion' when it comes to the software. 


We're working a portion of the weekend and I believe all orders should be finished by Tuesday, barring anything funky that I'm unaware of. 


As for the online store, we leave that down now until we're done with all the orders. I would hate for someone NOT expecting the Gencon rush to wander in, make an order, and then start hollering due to an extended wait on getting their package due to Gencon goodies being sent out. 


And thanks again everyone for the support. Y'all broke record numbers again this year, and while we're working hard, it is an awful lot to get sorted. And we didn't even catch the con crud this year!

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Glad you guys escaped the Convention Contagion this year!


Honestly, I didn't expect to get my order this soon, so thank YOU for all your efforts and hard work in getting so much Malifaux-goodness out to your rabid fans! Every single piece of the Wave 2 product line I have seen so far has been outstanding on an intergalactic level. Really unbelievably cool. I can't wait to get everything all prettied up so I can get it on the table and get it scrappin' with everyone else!

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