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Clarification regarding shooting and target flipping



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Under Shooting into Engagement (Page 50 of the Small Rule Book) it does not say yes or no. I can only talk about my personal opinion as an answer which is no, you can't cheat the randomization flip. This flip is the same as any dice game where you roll a die to see who gets hit, or you count off (eenie meenie miney mo) to determine it.

In the spirit of the game (and good sportsmanship) as the book doesn't say you can, then don't. Just flip a card for each target engaged within 2" of your initial target, Whoever gets the lowest card is the model hit.

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AFAIK the only cheatable flip is a healing flip. Rule books say all others may not be cheated that I can find.

AFAIK the only cheatable flip is a healing flip. Rule books say all others may not be cheated that I can find.

Your book sounds like it's missing a page. Damage flips can be cheated, so can any flip expressly allowing it, such as the Sprint flip. Simple duels, attack duels, and defense duels naturally are cheatable.

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Your book sounds like it's missing a page. Damage flips can be cheated, so can any flip expressly allowing it, such as the Sprint flip. Simple duels, attack duels, and defense duels naturally are cheatable.

You are correct sir, and I did a horrible job expressing my thoughts. Shoulda said something like "Only cheat able flip that doesn't involve a duel in some way."

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Bear in mind you DO NOT randomised for All engaged models. Only those that are within 2" of your declared target. Whether they are engaged in not.


Sorry to highjack, but just wanted to make sure I had this correct (as I think I have been playing it wrong).


When shooting in to combat, you only randomise for models within 2" of the target you choose? So for example: I choose A as my target, who is engaged with B who has  :melee 3, and standing 1" from friendly C (and therefore no engaged with). Does this mean I would only randomise to hit A and C, as B is not within range

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Sorry to highjack, but just wanted to make sure I had this correct (as I think I have been playing it wrong).


When shooting in to combat, you only randomise for models within 2" of the target you choose? So for example: I choose A as my target, who is engaged with B who has  :melee 3, and standing 1" from friendly C (and therefore no engaged with). Does this mean I would only randomise to hit A and C, as B is not within range

I'm a little confused by your phrasing of this (too many pronouns I guess). I'll try to give an example though.

A - Shooter

B - Target (can be friend or foe, but for this call him an enemy) model engaged with D

C - Enemy Engaged Model with D

D - Friendly Engaged with B & C

E - Friendly Engaged Model with B & C, but 3" away










B+C+D are all engaged in combat within 2" of each other.

E (your friendly model) is 3" away engaged with both B & C


-A (you) shoots at B.

-You randomize your shot between B and all models within 2" engaged with him

- So randomize between B, C, and D, even though you don't have LoS to D due to the blocking terrain.

--You don't randomize with E as, even though he's engaged in the combat, he's more than 2" from the initial target, B


Let's say you flip a 7 for B, 12 for C, and a 2 for D. You then take the shot against D, your own guy whom you normally couldn't see. Resolve shot as you normally would for attacking a friendly (you flip for attack, you have the option to relent, etc, etc). 


I hope that helps. I'm awful at ansi artwork. :)


And yes, this does mean you can "target" your own guys in combat to try and hit enemy models outside of LoS. It's risky, and I've done it before, but my guy in combat was dead either way. That, and if I had targeted the only one of two enemy models in that combat that I could see, then his other model wouldn't of been randomized for as it was more than 2" from him.

They where spread out 2" from each other like so:  A (His) -- B (Mine) -- C (his out of my LoS).

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I shoot into combat fairly frequently with my Freikorps Specialist.  If you hit the opponent then your own guys are usually immune to the blast damage and if you hit your own guy you make a decision whether to hit him for some damage but blast off onto opponents.  Can be a winner either way sometimes.  With scheme clearing triggers it can often by very useful/nasty (depending on your point of view!).

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I think you're getting overly hung up on engagement Asrian. Pretty sure it works like so:

1) Is model I am targeting engaged? If Yes, go to 2), if not, go to 3)

2) Flip cards for EVERY MODEL WITHIN 2" of original target (igore LOS). Low card becomes new target

3) Shoot your target.

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