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I think I know what the Crossroads book is going to be, but I am new enough that I wanted to check.


Based on the Chronicles description I am expecting to find a list of models not included in the first Malifaux 2e Rule Book (the big one with fluff and stuff).


Does this seem right?

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Yes. The edition revision was broken up into multiple waves of play-testing. Wave 1 was the rules and a hefty chunk of models that are all in the first book. Wave 2 was the rest of the models and will be in book 2. Avatars are the last group of models and we aren't sure yet how they will be given once done.


But, there will also be more fluff and some other stuff.

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So will the avatars likely be released within a 'wave 3' book?

Good question. Just the avatars which are just special upgrades would make it an incredibly sparce book. They could be released in a deck, but it would be 6 cards per deck unless they put all the avatars in a single deck and I'm already hearing the gnashing of "paying for avatars I won't own". So the distribution of avatars is a bit complicated unless they add more models to give some mass to the new deck/possible expansion.

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So will the avatars likely be released within a 'wave 3' book?


We have not yet been told how the Avatar rules will be released.  But they were released in a third book last edition so take that for what you will. I agree it would be a sparse book though, and nobody really knows what they plan to do. 

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It might be cool if they were released in a third book say end of next year with a stack of new models to be released alongside them (I mean new masters/minions etc.) I hope they go down that route. There are plenty of models out at the moment but I'd like it if a stack more were released in a year's time or so with new rules for avatars. That's my opinion anyway (one of them!!)

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I'm just dreaming of a "Native American" as a new faction released with the third book, with cool "animal totem" power (wolf, white buffalo etc. ), synergy with terrain, some dual faction people (who said undead iroquois ?) etc. 
Some card might be reprinted as weel (austringer with the Crossroad's cover look, as a dual mal, Marcus too ?)

Well a man can dream, I know, but that would be so cool, and this kinf of folklore has so much to offer !

(yeah, I know, it's a bit "Wild West Exodus" style, but they copied on Malifaux first, and Wyrd Miniatures are doing so much better ^^ !)

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I'm just dreaming of a "Native American" as a new faction released with the third book, with cool "animal totem" power (wolf, white buffalo etc. ), synergy with terrain, some dual faction people (who said undead iroquois ?) etc. 

Some card might be reprinted as weel (austringer with the Crossroad's cover look, as a dual mal, Marcus too ?)

Well a man can dream, I know, but that would be so cool, and this kinf of folklore has so much to offer !

(yeah, I know, it's a bit "Wild West Exodus" style, but they copied on Malifaux first, and Wyrd Miniatures are doing so much better ^^ !)

The Neverborn are the Native Nations in this allegory. (Get out!)

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I hope no new masters are released for at LEAST a year.

I wholeheartedly agree (who says me and Ausplosions never agree on anything?). I really hope they let things shake out a bit before adding more new interactions or making rare interactions/abiities more commonplace. That was a major issue with the last edition.

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I'll speculate, what with Crossroads being "Remaining Models plus awesome story encounters", we will probably see them keep up with that format. "Avatars, a couple more models, and more awesome story encounters"


Give us new ways to use the existing models, and a handful of new ones. THEN.... Release more story encounter model boxes with the unique models and tokens like the Transmortis University box to support the favorite encounters in the new books.


I'd love to see more officially sanctioned special boxes like that which come with 3-4 scenario models, a small piece of terrain, and an additional box-specific scenario/upgrade set.

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I remember Justin say in an interview. That he would like to start working on campaign rules. It’s not set in stone, but it’s something he would personally like to do. I think it would be great. 
So maybe the third book would be avatars, campaign rules, as well as some new profiles. Probably no new masters. I personally would like to see another generic totem for each faction.  
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A campaign system is the one thing that many players cried out for in 1.5. It's no easy task but if it is successful then Malifaux would be a complete and enclosed system for either 1-off games, tournament play, story driven games and the potential to develop your models over a number of games.



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I also hope they don't do a campaign system involving models gaining abilities. It is unbalanced and can't possibly be otherwise.

I agree with you but from talking to people who really like those sort of campaigns they don't seem to care, some even see it as a good thing. 

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I disagree Ausplosions. Why does the campaign system for Mordheim work and not for Malifaux? I think if there was stat progression, <some> set of abilities to choose from and some way to increase points costs accordingly (Mantic Deadzone) / give the underdog some advantages (Bloodbowl) then there is every reason for a campaign-based Malifaux to work.



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It's possible, but a lot of the Pursuit abilities won't transfer over well to Malifaux without some work. But that process could be used well as a starting point, with some work to adjust some of the pursuit abilities to fit better. People could do it now, without an official book, honestly.

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Because by the very nature of Malifaux, it is a highly precarious balancing act of model abilities.

Mordheim takes a small number of models, many of which have VERY similar stats and abilities and grows them.

Malifaux models already have complicated and sometimes powerful abilities. They don't need more. The more they have, the more it ultimately becomes a ridiculous slugfest of uber models.

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I also hope they don't do a campaign system involving models gaining abilities. It is unbalanced and can't possibly be otherwise.

Campaigns that vie for control of an area are fine, but if you want model advancement, play mordheim.

I disagree with 'can't possibly be otherwise'.......I think it's difficult.....and would be more so with Malifaux, but I don't see why it couldn't be done.


Not that I'm wanting it.....I wouldn't say no, but I'd be happy with any type of campaign system.

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