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Ending the game.



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I have to ask the question then, how does this mechanic not promote tabling your opponent every game and having a free for all for up to x amount of turns, cause then really if I flip a 10+ I get another turn and so on up till turn 8. The reason I joined Malifaux was because I thought tabling an opponent was not the objective of the game but with this mechanic in place it makes it a viable option.

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I have to ask the question then, how does this mechanic not promote tabling your opponent every game and having a free for all for up to x amount of turns, cause then really if I flip a 10+ I get another turn and so on up till turn 8. The reason I joined Malifaux was because I thought tabling an opponent was not the objective of the game but with this mechanic in place it makes it a viable option.

Sure, if you're happy playing with about a 30% chance that the game will go on to Turn 6......and a 20% chance for Turn 7.


I'm not thrilled with those odds and I'd rather make sure I have my victory assured by the end of Turn 5.

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It's pretty hard to table people in Malifaux in my experience too.  I have never seen it happen (although I wouldn't describe myself as having played extensively).  If you are just focused on killing to try to wipe somebody out then likelihood is that they've secured all the VPs they'll need to stay ahead even if you do give yourself some turns to finish it up on your own (except on missions that involve lots of killing of course!)

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I have to ask the question then, how does this mechanic not promote tabling your opponent every game and having a free for all for up to x amount of turns, cause then really if I flip a 10+ I get another turn and so on up till turn 8. The reason I joined Malifaux was because I thought tabling an opponent was not the objective of the game but with this mechanic in place it makes it a viable option.

Please, try to do it regularly, if you can manage to achieve this with any regularity I might start to worry. What will usually happen is you will feel like a badass for killing the other crew till you noticed you have less VP than him, are badly positioned to get you VP and you don't flip those 2 turns you needed to achieve them.


I've lost more than my fair share of games for being too blood thirsty.

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Its hhard to explain without seeing it in action, but if you are focused on Vp gain, whilst your oppoent is focused on killing you, you generally get to have an unassaliable lead before you die.

Sure, there will be about 25% of the games there is a 6th turn, which can help the Killing player, and about 6% that have 7 turns, but you never know when the game is going to end until then end of that turn. (Which i find helps encourage not doing a bunch of hugely risky actions on the last turn, becuse it might not be the last turn)


I've only been totally tabled about 5 times, and I think only one of those times did I lose because of there beign a 6th turn (a couple of other times I would have lost if there was a 6th turn, but there wasn't so I won).

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What everyone else said. Killing tactically is important, but just killing everything will lose you the game 95% of the time. I've maybe 1 or 2 games that this was an effective tactic in. On the other hand, I've seen many, many players lose games due to not remembering their schemes (Distract, Take Prisoner, etc) and just killing everyone. They look so proud before you tally up the VP.

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I find that 5 turns are too few to be able to table my opponent, but I guess that depends on my opponent, and his crew. I have seen turn 2 complete tabling (in fact I have been on the giving end of it), but it is rare. It takes a lot of AP resource to do it, and if you are dedicating AP resource to tabling the opponent, you are not dedicating it to objectives. 

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Not to mention all the Schemes that don't want you to kill the enemy.....Cursed Object, Distract, Take Prisoner, Deliver Message.....etc.




I've been tabled twice and still won the game... ;)


And this.


I've both tabled and been tabled by opponents and it doesn't always equal an auto-win.  In fact that's one of the things I've had to constantly remind myself of at times when playing with some of the heavy hitter crews like Perdita.  I'll focus too much on killing models only to hit the last turns and realize I've only got 1 VP.  Cause unless you manage to table them on turn 2 which certainly isn't easy then you'll be scrambling trying to finish everything up.


Every game I play where I keep the thought of "Play to the victory conditions" in mind, I always do better than trying to kill the other crew.

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