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Oops... I think I totally forgot my usual disclaimer of 'These are all Vallejo Game Colour, except where I mention the brand'.


Sorry about that!


Definitely Vallejo. Usually Game colour, but sometimes I use their Model colour range (usually deck tan, because it's a great paint).


Also, thanks for reading it!

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Ah vallejo, coolio. Great painting articles by the way. Being used to used to a GW product like White Dwarf then seeing articles like these really was quite refreshing.

Not patronising like White Dwarf and with an actual great job at the end.

Wyrd Chronicles is surprisingly very good and i would glady of paid for it, the fact its free is even better.

Thanks for a great mag

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Ah vallejo, coolio. Great painting articles by the way. Being used to used to a GW product like White Dwarf then seeing articles like these really was quite refreshing.

Not patronising like White Dwarf and with an actual great job at the end.

Wyrd Chronicles is surprisingly very good and i would glady of paid for it, the fact its free is even better.

Thanks for a great mag



In case you only have GW or some of the other brand paints there's a paint reference chart on DakkaDakka that I like to use here.

I use VGC paints, but use the chart when someone mentions other GW paints, etc so I can make a quick reference to the vallejo paints. 

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It's a great non-white highlight, when I don't want things to look warm. My two usual highlights are bonewhite and deck tan. One warm, one colder. I only use white if I want a bright clean pastel as my highlight, really.


That plus rucksack tan are spot on for painting blonde hair, with a little dark brown/purple shading you're set

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I'm loving that deck tan now that I started using it.


I've been phasing out my old GW paints with Vallejo paints as they run out / dry up.


The other day I found my old GW Dark Angels Green finally dead in the pot......which meant it was time to replace it with Vallejo........so I ran down to the LGS and picked up Black Green........then I started painting with it........and immediately thought (just like I always do); why didn't I just throw away that crappy GW paint and get the Vallejo paint earlier?

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I agree, everything about Vallejo is superior. I find it much nicer to work with. The GW reds aren't too bad to work with i guess. But that's about the sum of it. I quite like a few of the P3 colours. There coal black is a really nice one. Although there flesh wash is horrible unless you want to paint umpa lumpas lol

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Vallejo has become my go to paint in the last 3 months, partly because of their model air range which I got for my new airbrush. The dropper style bottles also make colour matching/ mixing much easier especially as my GW sets get outdated every year it feels leaving me to fix whatever I hadn't finished if I run out of old colours. Vallejo isn't the only brand to use droppers but for their wide range of colours and versatility I would say they are the best out there.

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I find most Vallejo Model Colors tending to separate easier than other paints and being harder to mix. That said, the bottles are great, and some of the colors are amazing (light browns, deck tan, the dark browns/greens/blues). I find Model Air better, and that range also has some amazing colors (like non-metallic rust). Haven't tried game color yet, as they're hard to get by locally. The easiest to work with for me are the army painter warpaints, seems much more stable when mixing, and good quality all around.

Highly limited selection though, means that the bulk of my collection is Vallejo with some P3. Never missed my old gw stuff though, all the others are simply that much better, especially considering the price!

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I've been disappointed with GW paints for since they changed to shorter, wider bottles (and, I suspect, their formulas changed as well).  I still have many bottles of GW paint from the 90s that I haven't used up, and are quite good. 


The few Vallejo paints I've tried were quite nice.


If you don't mind getting a little crazy with your paint sources, I've found that some of the cheap-as-dirt "waterbase acrylic" craft paints work well.  You know, the ones that come in 2oz bottles, for painting the white ceramic buildings.  I've gotten some great earth-tones and pastels, and a "victorian green" that is a wonderful drybrush or wash for undead (depending on where I want the rot to be).


My question for the paint gurus here would be on preferred flesh tones, especially for (ahem) impatient painters.  Mine are all ancient (Partha Paints!) and tend to get chalky/clumpy while painting.  Recommendations?

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I agree, everything about Vallejo is superior. I find it much nicer to work with. The GW reds aren't too bad to work with i guess. But that's about the sum of it. I quite like a few of the P3 colours. There coal black is a really nice one. Although there flesh wash is horrible unless you want to paint umpa lumpas lol



I want my zombies (belles especially) to look like they have a bad, baaaaad spray tan, so thanks for that.

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