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Night terror, useful or trash?

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Hey guys, I've been bolstering my knowledge of ressurs as a whole these past few weeks. I came across the night Terrors from the wave 2 PDFs and while I can see what their intended use is, I wanted to ask if anyone has experimented with these lil buggers? They seem good to try and out activate the opponent and or stop some sh/ca shenanigans.

are they really best used by masters that can summon them into the ranged threats in question?

Due to my lack of play testing them I cant decide wether I would want them for kirai or Molly (spirit summoner) thanx!

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They are 3ss models which are insanely horrible to remove from the table, they should be solid gold in Reconnoiter in taking a hold of the table quarters, I haven't yet tried them but on paper and on theory they are insane.

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Their Night Falls ability is a great debuff on all Ca actions (within 8 inches).  Really good!


Yeah, I had a few games which were minion based, and night falls and being tough to kill made them absolute headaches for a lot of abilities. Particularly when dealing with Ca heavy models that aren't super mobile, it's amazing (particularly if you're able to double tap it).

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Insignificant just means they can't use interact actions. For Recon and Turf War you just need non-peon models standing in the appropriate locations to count for scoring. It doesn't matter if they are insignificant or not.

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Insignificant just means they can't use interact actions. For Recon and Turf War you just need non-peon models standing in the appropriate locations to count for scoring. It doesn't matter if they are insignificant or not.


If you play Neverborn or Ten Thunders Lynch, this same strategy applies to The Depleted, which are cheap Minions despite being Insignificant. 

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If you play Neverborn or Ten Thunders Lynch, this same strategy applies to The Depleted, which are cheap Minions despite being Insignificant. 

I almost used those as an example as I play Lynch, but didn't want to bring in other factions into the question. :) Great minds though...

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They are 3ss models which are insanely horrible to remove from the table, they should be solid gold in Reconnoiter in taking a hold of the table quarters, I haven't yet tried them but on paper and on theory they are insane.


Tell me about it! They are just plain damn irritating. 3ss for all that defensiveness is a royal wind up! They are amazing objective runners and are stupidly tough to take out. You tried them on me and I wanted to come over to Finland just to kick you in the shins  :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

For Kirai I take at least one.  Super fast, super resilient jump points for swirl spirits or into the spirit world.  Not terrible in melee, especially when the opponent is debuffed with adversary.  Great for tying up a target while you blast it with nonrandomizing ranged attacks from Kirai.  

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Tell me about it! They are just plain damn irritating. 3ss for all that defensiveness is a royal wind up! They are amazing objective runners and are stupidly tough to take out. You tried them on me and I wanted to come over to Finland just to kick you in the shins  :D


I did try them against you and I loved them :D They are absolutely insane in Reconnoiter. 

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I should clarify that they took beating but they attracted Nino, Brutal effigy, Enslaved nephilim and Fransisco to advance towards them. In the end I lost the game but still it was fun lookin half a crew advancing towards two night terrors.  ;)

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