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The Dreamer and Distract Scheme





I played a game the other day with my Dreamer crew. My opponent had Distract as scheme and managed to distract Dreamer. 


Is the Distracted Condition removed when The Dreamer buries with Release Nightmares?


Distracted: "No other action may remove this Condition"

Release Nightmares: "remove all Conditions on this model"


 - S



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Had this last night with cursed object. Didn't realise about the non scoring from someone buried with it though. So just to clarify, chompy had been given cursed object but was buried at the end of the turn. Can my opponent score from it?

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Although when the ability that buries dreamer and Leveticus says "and remove all conditions" then it is somewhat a moot point whether they could be scored off or not...

Plus, LCB isn't buried when dreamer comes back, he's sacrificed

Edited by Shadowfane
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No, it's not. Not at all.

Pg 54 (small book): "When a model is buried, it is removed from play."


"Buried models still process Conditions as normal."

If I give you Distracted and then Pine Box you, I still score off Distracted. Same with Cursed Object.

There is nothing in Schemes that requires the model to be in play. Since a dead model cannot process Conditions, dead models don't count for those Schemes.

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No, it's not. Not at all.

Pg 54 (small book): "When a model is buried, it is removed from play."


"Buried models still process Conditions as normal."

If I give you Distracted and then Pine Box you, I still score off Distracted. Same with Cursed Object.

There is nothing in Schemes that requires the model to be in play. Since a dead model cannot process Conditions, dead models don't count for those Schemes.


I will have to remember this for the next time I play against my friend's Lady J crew. :)

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No, it's not. Not at all.

Pg 54 (small book): "When a model is buried, it is removed from play."


"Buried models still process Conditions as normal."

If I give you Distracted and then Pine Box you, I still score off Distracted. Same with Cursed Object.

There is nothing in Schemes that requires the model to be in play. Since a dead model cannot process Conditions, dead models don't count for those Schemes.

Unfortunately there is apparently an invisible "in play" everywhere in the rules unless otherwise noted:


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I'm going to leave this one up to Justin.

Conditions are explicitly mentioned as still existing on buried models. I see no reason why a Buried, Distracted model shouldn't / wouldn't count for the scheme.

I agree that they still definitely have the condition, it's just that, as per Tara bomb thread, I believe that the text on Distract implies:

"At the end of every Turn, this Crew earns 1 VP if at least two enemy models in play have the Distracted Condition."

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I agree that they still definitely have the condition, it's just that, as per Tara bomb thread, I believe that the text on Distract implies:

"At the end of every Turn, this Crew earns 1 VP if at least two enemy models in play have the Distracted Condition."


Yeah, that would be my understanding as well. 

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Justin's answer From another thread (http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/102208-buried-models-and-scoring-vp/)



Buried models explicitly process conditions as normal. If that condition gives you VP, that's cool.


Also edited linked post to be more clear.


I don't quite get it, at points there are the "in play" in everywhere but at points there isn't? :D

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Guys, the rules are mostly straightforward. I bet we could all play hundreds of games without these potential issues coming up.


If a model is Buried and has a condition, that condition process. This includes the gaining of VP. However, per the topic, this doesn't matter for the Dreamer since he removes conditions when he Buries based on an Ability (not an Action, so it can therefore remove the condition).


All that said, there are no Rules Marshals anymore including Justin. Anything he says on the boards is not official, only the FAQ/Errata is official. This has been said repeatedly. The reason Rules Marshals were eliminated were because of discussions like this, where a comment about one specific circumstance was applied to other instances. So please stop quoting Justin in one place saying one thing and drawing all sorts of conclusions from it. HE IS NOT A RULES MARSHAL. What he posts on the boards related to rules carries the same weight as anyone else.


And if you must quote him for some reason then at least recognize the context of his statement. He was trying to discuss model Abilities and Actions... not the entire rulebook. Don't assume that he was referring to the entire rulebook when he said that. He even went back and edited the post to make this more clear.


So the text on Distract implies nothing other than what it says, there is no "in play" because


1) Justin was referring to Abilities and Actions not the entire rulebook,


and more importantly...


2) Justin is not a Rules Marshal, there is no way for any post on the boards to be an official ruling or statement.



The constant linking to that post is getting completely out of hand. It's been answered by the RULES (i.e. not by Justin).

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