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Playing against Hamelin


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Dear Outcast players, I come to your land to ask help on how to deal with the lord of plague. Basically, I've started playing against him and my opponent is still getting the hang of him, but I've noticed that Bleeding Disease is a very high damaging ability with some setup and everybody and their mother can use it in a Hamelin crew. Basically, how do I avoid having my stuff just accumulate blight 3-4 between exploding stolen/pipes or what have you and then not getting everything imploded by even measly Stolen?


Thanks for the help.

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When fighting against Hamelin, you really have to pay attention to keeping his kids in check.  Stolen aren't difficult to kill, with low defensive skills and only a single wound, but if you let them live they will become a problem for you, one way or another. 

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Doesn't Hamelin's upgrade with the no blight removal aura and Nix take care of the condition removal and mass attacks problem? As for the high Wp, that sounds great, but if he only declares faction and I happened to go with a Wp 5 master, it's not really helping much either.


Was referring more from the sense of "ok, you went with X and Hamelin is on the table, what are the dos and don'ts". Keeping the stolen population in control is something I tend to have in mind, as well as stopping rats from being able to grow into kings, but outside of that is a bit hazy and not really sure how to approach Nix or Hamelin. Hell, I'm wondering how the Weakness aura interacts with the red joker for example, does it become a moderate and a weak?

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It's also worth noting that Bleeding Disease has quite a long setup time - it's really more of a mid-game nuke. If you're playing an aggressive crew, it's now far more viable (than in M1E) to rush Hamelin's crew and sucker-punch them before they really get a chance to get going. He's far stronger against resilient crews that try to outlast their opponents.

If you are going the resilience route, condition removal is basically mandatory, as others have mentioned. Johan is a very solid piece and is available to everyone.

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Hamelin's Crew is actually stronger when everything is clustered; spreading out and he will have serious problems to stop you.

Also, Nix can be a great tank, but it also folds down quickly under any serious Casting Attacks, after all it's only 6 Wds, and We all know Incorporeal only goes so far. That said, only really Attack Nix if you really know you've some serious chances to take it down, or it will just be a waste of AP and Cards. Isolate him, and it will be weaker the less enemy models there are around it as it won't be able to heal much then.

Anyway, remember that a Void Nix costs at least 10ss, 1/5th of its Crew, and it is really not that dangerous, at least not until Blighted Strats to stuck in big numbers, usually not before turn 3 at the very least.

As already stated, Hamelin's Crew becomes more dangerous on the last turns of the game... But it is also a weakness on itself, as there are a lot of games that are already mostly won or lost on the 3rd turn, so rush it if you are really able to enter the fray and kill Fast. If not, just focus on the usual Strategy/Schemes Victory Points and avoid the fight.

Ohh, and if you even find yourself facing a Survivalist Hamelin, forget about Assasinating him. It can be done, but it would usually need such a huge investment in resources to accomplish it that it most probably wouldn't be worth it.

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Hamelin is, without a doubt a tough master to take down. Between summoning and bleeding disease he can really bog down your crew. The key is remembering that he is, at heart, a control master. The key (as has been mentioned) to disrupting his plan is to force him into reactive action. If you let him build up over a couple turns he'll put a hurting on you but if you can disrupt that game plan early then he is much easier to take down.


Things I am worried about when I run Hamelin:

  • Heavy healing
  • Slow (or paralyzed)
  • Condition removal
  • Anyone who can kill models on turn 1 or 2

Really, what you want to do is the same as you'd do against any control master. Force them to react so they cannot control the flow of the game.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It drops from severe + weak to Moderate + Weak.

Only when concerning blasts does red joker say it drops to moderate. Do you know why. Well let me explain. Cause it would deal severe+weak then the blasts would deal severe. To stop this abuse they made it so the red joker does moderate when it steps down. Now if the red joker is flipped on nix he takes severe+weak. Not a step lower. The red joker is not just a better severe flip it's in its own category. Heck check the rulebook there is a nice chart. Didn't we already discuss this?

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Question did you flip severe or the red joker. The red takes the severe profile adds (+) it to the weak profile and you deal that much. So technically yes you would not. Blew the chi right out of the model with such great force. (Unless the damage kills the model then you still get your chi) but hey let's bring this to the rules forum and stop blowing up razhem's tread.

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