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Why is there no Samuel love?


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Been looking threw the forums for a bit this afternoon (no work today). And he seems rather forgotten about in these parts. But he is a great model that gets better if you take 1-2 stalkers with him. And that is a fairly cheap package to include into whatever combo of models you like. He is probably the best at damage per point spent in the guild faction. And he can be thrown into a dita list for great effect. He fits the theme with a Sonnia crew. And isn't half bad with J. I don't play hoff so I can't comment much on him. And I'm from the old days of 1E so Mcmourning will always be a filthy resser in my eyes.

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Weeeellll, McMourning doesn't want to watch the world burn, he just wants to watch the light leave the worlds eyes as it slowly succumbs to the anesthetic. Or bleeds out.


It's interesting, though. I seem to cross a lot of other models into my C. Hoffman crew, and that rarely includes Sam. Though now that the light bulb is on, I can see him in a group with lots of Large steam arachnids handing out fire.


Even at adepticon I think I only saw one sam, and I saw Sonia twice, and guild most of my games... Dunno. But yeah, not needing LOS, dropping burning on models taking cover, and rapid fire with extra damage is really very solid.




Ps Welcome back? It's been a bit, eh?

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Yeah, I'm the guy you taught 1.5 Colette to at RIW. :P


I'm not from Michigan anymore though... Moved out west about a week or two ago. Spending some time at my girlfriend's family's lake house then finishing up our move to Portland OR area.



Ah ok sup man. Drop me a pm about Portland then to catch up. Don't want to clog the thread up with off topic stuff  ;) .

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Still here.


I love Sam. I don't usually field him with other masters, but always with Sonnia. He is really scary......in melee he is super-duper scary.


Still here.


I love Sam. I don't usually field him with other masters, but always with Sonnia. He is really scary......in melee he is super-duper scary.

Hey man how ya been? Need someone to teach me about this forums multi quote use cause the next couple replies are gonna suck cause I'm computer illiterate.

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Hey man how ya been? Need someone to teach me about this forums multi quote use cause the next couple replies are gonna suck cause I'm computer illiterate.

Living the dream.


Just click MultiQuote on each thread you want to reply to....which will pull up a little box which keeps track of how many times you clicked MultiQuote.....Then click on that green box that says something like.....'reply to 3 quotes'.

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I have took him in all my Sonnia lists. I have never needed him. 3 games under my belt now with Sonnia. 


1st game: Sonnia obliterated the whole Levi crew and didn't need pretty much anyone.

2nd game: Molly obliterated my whole Sonnia crew because I didn't use the Flame Wall upgrade

3rd game: Sonnia held the whole board stuck with her Child and two Flame Walls, when the Viks came to sight Sonnia started blasting


Every game I had Samael there and will continue to have him, it's just that Sonnia does an insane amount of work herself and often renders Samael useless in my games :D I am still in very much starting shoes with Sonnia crew though and at the moment she is sitting on the shelf again waiting to get painted. 

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When I play him, his most used ability is Burn Them Out (from his upgrade). Just so useful to get Burning into Cover or Engagements.


I mostly play Justice or Dita, and the latter doesn't really need another damage dealer (doesn't hurt, of course). But I play a lot of Witchlings with Justice lately, so it's probably time to add Samael to her crew, too.

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He often feels too fragile for my Lucius Crew.  Since Lucius himself doesn't get dug in very often, my henchmen/enforcers are usually used to take a lickin' and hopefully keep on tickin'.  


That being said, you have inspired me to see if I can use Lucius's Thats what lackeys are for to put Sam in Position for a nasty alpha strike, and then use it again to pull him back (with Executioner or Graves close behind to charge anything that threatens Sam/Lucius turn 2)

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When I play him, his most used ability is Burn Them Out (from his upgrade). Just so useful to get Burning into Cover or Engagements.


I mostly play Justice or Dita, and the latter doesn't really need another damage dealer (doesn't hurt, of course). But I play a lot of Witchlings with Justice lately, so it's probably time to add Samael to her crew, too.


As a Neverborn player I sort of hate to suggest this, but since a key to surviving Perdita is cover and Burn Them Out punishes you severely for taking cover... :(

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As a Neverborn player I sort of hate to suggest this, but since a key to surviving Perdita is cover and Burn Them Out punishes you severely for taking cover... :(


Hm, Dita herself doesn't care about Cover too much. Also, the Burning condition is a much more severe punishment in other crews.


But you're right, of course: With his upgrade, there is no real hiding from Samael.

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As a Neverborn player I sort of hate to suggest this, but since a key to surviving Perdita is cover and Burn Them Out punishes you severely for taking cover... :(


So much this.


Some people say that they'd rather have Sam shooting because it is a more effective use of his AP and in a perfect world that may be true. But if you're using the proper amount of terrain, having Sam shoot clearly isn't always possible. Yes, he has Visions in Flame like Sonnia....many, many times you're getting use out of that Visions in Flame because a Stalker smacked someone while they were in cover and you need to randomize the shot......which is fine for Sonnia with her  :blast  if she hits the Stalker....Sam not so much. Being able to pick a different target that is benefiting from cover with Burn Them Out is ace.


And if anything....and I mean anything is stupid enough to engage Sam I will burn SS for prevention on every attack if I need to because when Sam retaliates.....whatever that foolish thing was....is history. A Weak damage hit of 7!!! SEVEN!!! With a Ml of 6....does anything else hit that hard with 1 AP? I killed a full health Rail Golem in one activation with him.....and several other big nasty expensive models have gone that way too.


The only reason I don't play him with my other Guild crews is because I like to play fluffy. When I play Ortegas, it's all Ortegas. And, not for nothing, I really like all the Guild Henchmen.....they are all solid in any crew....they are just a little bit better in their fluff crew because of synergy....so I usually stick with the fluff henchman. 

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If I recall correctly, Burn Them Out doesn't require you to actually be in cover, just within 1" of it. So even just moving up using cover to block LOS to Perdita and the rest of the Ortegas becomes a much more dangerous proposition when that is in play. If you don't want to get set on fire you have to stay out of range of Sam or pretty far out in the open, which is not a good place to be against the rest of the crew. 


Edit: Ninja'd with great thoroughness by Dgraz. 

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As I said, you're totally right. I don't see that as much as a synergy with Ortegas, as being out in the open is not a good place to be against Samael in the first place, or against Guild in general. It's a great feature of him, regardless. That ability is golden which is why I use it more often than his pistol.


A really bad thing happens, however, if you combine Samael, Francisco with Diestro, and a Witchling Handler.


Like Dgraz I mostly play fluffy. Recently, though, I have begun to include Sidir in my Theoryfaux. Perhaps I should think about Samael more often, too.

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As I said, you're totally right. I don't see that as much as a synergy with Ortegas, as being out in the open is not a good place to be against Samael in the first place, or against Guild in general. It's a great feature of him, regardless. That ability is golden which is why I use it more often than his pistol.


A really bad thing happens, however, if you combine Samael, Francisco with Diestro, and a Witchling Handler.


Like Dgraz I mostly play fluffy. Recently, though, I have begun to include Sidir in my Theoryfaux. Perhaps I should think about Samael more often, too.

     The thing with him is like dita he has a use against cover without needing a watcher shot to relieve him of the benefit of cover against def 4-5. Against higher defense 6+ he is better off getting support from a watcher shot. But what he really gains from inclusion in a Perdita crew is out of activation movement so that his activation ap are always all live. With a shackled, or obey for witch hunt, or abuela x move he gets to reposition for free from his ap so that he can unload a rapid fire into said target. Also depending on positioning without moving up all by his lonesome and out into the wind he can threaten a fair bit of area with modest turn 1 movement without exposing himself to a unfair  ;) amount of attacks. Also in a synergy chain is with francisco he becomes something fierce.


     If Francisco needs a different best friend forever making Sammy def 6-7 wp 7-8 (don't know his exact stats off hand have to pick up a card set today) then you essentially from a damage perspective make two ditas in one list. Two models with def 7 and nice damage profiles are very nice, he has rapid fire naturally so no need for a rapid fire upgrade only needs witch hunt and he is golden. Plus two defense 7 models with access to healing flips stays around for awhile outside of red joker damage considerations. Plus in a purely high value impact duo they aren't a combo that you can just send one model after to take care off. Also a suicide stalker 4-6" in front of Sam take one for the team eating a charge/ap on him preventing them from getting full ap on a good model then turns him on full throttle for his activation damage wise. Or in the best case scenario you get activation at the start of the turn and stalker is in range to charge said model tying them up and doing some damage and burning on said piece so you hold said model in place so it can't get a charge to maximise its movement in addition to its ap usuage via attacks..

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