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Let's populate the M2E PullMyFinger Wiki!

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Holy crap! Okay, I just updated Ulix, Kaeris, and Molly, who were the last Masters left at Light. Every Master is now Good or better!




I'm amazed! You guys really cleaned up and made the Masters go!


Let's work on minions and finishing things out in the next few weeks. I'll continue to check up and edit as I can. I know a lot of models are still totally empty, so it would be great to get those done.


Thanks everyone!

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I had assumed spanish for the ortega abilities, but starting a spanish language version of PMF is probably more of an undertaking for after we've got the english side of things done. And probably better as a second wiki, to avoid the possibility of 5 versions of each model spread through m2e/m1e version and 4 different languages.


Also, added the mercenary list to the sidebar

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