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Molly's second in command?


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Just considering Molly's Enforcer and Henchmen choices...


Bete and Killjoy seem to fulfil a similar role in that they are melee beat-sticks that she can get out into melee relatively easily with her summon or through killing/death. Giving either of them Decaying Aura turns them into ultimate assassins... However, this makes Killjoy expensive!


The Valedictorian - compared to the options about she is not as mobile and needs to move to get into melee. But she is a ss user... so she has that in her favour. But she would compete for the beat-stick slot again.


Madame Sybelle is interesting as she is also a beat-stick but can give Molly some increased mobility. Her upgrades seem useful as well. But I guess to get the most out of her you need to use a more belle-focused crew. Haven't tried her yet... but looks interesting.


Datsue-Ba has been great and with Spirit Whispers, she can do all sorts of useful things. Really like her.


Rogue Necromancy - just another beat-stick really.... I guess it's Stalk can add some movement. But again, like the Valedictorian it needs to move to get to the enemy which means it can be intercepted and/or avoided.


Mortimer and Sebastian seem pretty useless with her.



On another note... how come Madame Sybelle does not have the Belle descriptor?

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Is there some reason you're ignoring philip?


Ah yes. Forgot them.


He is pretty scheme and strategy dependent (though this could be said for lots of stuff).


I can see how he could be useful in some games, but does he synergise with Molly in any particular way compared to other masters?

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Don't forget Izamu, he's a spirit. Take him with spirit Molly, and give him unnerving aura or test the new upgrade. Unnerving aura and cause dmg if they can't get away, put the new upgrade on him and potentially do 2 dmg per hit the enemy does to him.

I find it hard to give up sybelle though. I really wish sybelle was a belle so black blood splashes wouldn't hurt her, but the ability to move Molly around without spending Molly's own ap, or needing to trade a belles ap for it is very very good.

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Take Back The Night is pretty cool on Killjoy because of how good he is at wiping out models.


I think you are underselling The Valedictorian a bit there. She is by no means slow and she is tough and able to kill. 3" Ml Rg on a 50mm base means she controls a huge area of the board too, basically an 8" control area. Her Triggers are both useful in different situations and she can stop models from declaring Triggers pretty darn effectively. She is a great model to take because whatever role you assign her in a game she is more than capable of accomplishing it and with two upgrade slots to flavour. Also.... HAVE YOU SEEN THE MODEL!?


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I just happen to know she wasn't a belle because I brought it up repeatedly over the course of the beta. If you look at the last open beta files you'll notice that Seamus' summon belle spell used to just summon belles. It wasn't limited by them requiring to be minions. That change was instituted very late in the process. Because of that, I personally believe, is a major reason why she never got the trait.

She couldn't have before, because then Seamus could have summoned her, which clearly would have been nuts. And by the time the change was done, my personal, in no way official, belief is that there just wasn't enough testing time left to see if such a change would have major ramifications, and it doesn't break the game for her not to have it, so they left it off.

I still wish there was a way to make her a belle, but she's actually a decent model in this edition, both mechanically and the sculpt, so I'm happy.

I still wish she had access to nimble though. :)

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Reducing her Wk by 1 would have taken account of the aura effect as she would get the +1 Wk back anyway. Giving her belle would mean that she would get the black blood from Molly within 6".


The Seamus summoning is an easy fix to.



On another note... can Molly use Nix? Is there any synergy? Nix is a great model and "evil spirit doggie" would be great for her non-mechanical pet.

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Don't forget Izamu, he's a spirit. Take him with spirit Molly, and give him unnerving aura or test the new upgrade. Unnerving aura and cause dmg if they can't get away, put the new upgrade on him and potentially do 2 dmg per hit the enemy does to him.

I find it hard to give up sybelle though. I really wish sybelle was a belle so black blood splashes wouldn't hurt her, but the ability to move Molly around without spending Molly's own ap, or needing to trade a belles ap for it is very very good.

Molly + Sybelle + Yin is my favorite. Also if you want to give Sybelle black blood you can also use necrotic machine and his trigger.

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Totally elitist but was interesting to play.


Molly [6ss]

  • Avatar
  • Tear of the Gorgon
  • Forgotten Life (Horror one...)


Killjoy [12ss]


Datsue-Ba [9ss]

  • Spirit Whispers (for summoning Sheishin for healing and activations)


Bete Noit [10ss]

  • Decaying Aura


Necrotic Machine (got to be there really....) [3ss]



ss costs might be slightly out...


Only deployed 3 models (guess which...).


Strategy was Reckoning. But having Bete AND Killjoy appear was evil (for my opponent at least)


Maybe giving Killjoy the new upgrade would be more evil.... they hit him with a melee attack and they suffer 2 damage. I heal myself.... mwahahaha.

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