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Products at Adepticon?

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Hey Nathan, 3 CMON reps were found in an alley bound and.... the report says "Gremlinized". Any comments?



After interviewing the Chicago Police it appears that the "victims" ranted about little green men and something called a "warpig". Police are confused about this information and have decided that it was all an elaborate cosplay, perpetrated to drum up interest. In other news, there was a report of a strange shimmering object near the Adepticon hotel however all who saw it were intoxicated so it was chalked up to mass delusion brought on from the alcohol. Sports and Weather next...

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Actually our product was supposed to be rep'ed there by CMON with product on hand for sale.


For whatever reason that apparently didn't happen and I've just now heard about it. Not happy to say the least.


That said, for the future Adepticon's it looks like we'll just have to show up and have a booth there ourselves along with some of the fellas in order to make certain that doesn't happen again. 


Yes please do everyone was wishing you had a presence there. I saw many people in the tournament playing with only first edition minis and they wish they could have bought M2E minis there.

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I certainly hope so nathan. I plan on being a henchman by that time next year, and access to discount/exclusive product would see a bounty of success for you, and happiness for us. I was saddned by the lack of wyrd product this year. I did get a blister of living impaired for half off though!

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I would have to heartily disagree about there being no M2E being sold this year at Adepticon, as by default all of the metal for Malifaux are also M2E and many people aren't afraid of metal/ aren't particularly impressed by the plastics/ don't care either way. There were tons of metal Malifaux figs to be bought at half price, I picked up serious crews for Dreamer, Kirai, Collodi, and Somer as well as a few Neverborn and Outcast odds and ends. Thing was you had to act fast as the models disappeared very quickly.

Then the bits trading hours hit, and I picked up a second Kirai crew(already on Asian Zen base inserts), a bunch of painted Nephilim, a pale rider, more Stitched plus a Teddy, a Lady J crew plus Executioner (all painted), Sue, a Convict Gunslinger, a Miss Step in the box, and a Nightmare Lord Chompy Bits (!) for fifty bucks. I am still wondering how I managed to get that lucky. My buddy nabbed a mint Miss Demeanor for five bucks. Woo-hoo!

It is worth noting that, with obvious exceptions, that most of what I bought isn't even available in plastic. If you are a new player looking to play Kirai, Collodi, or Dreamer you are either buying metal or waiting around hoping for the best. As I have no problems with metal models, and the Malifaux metals were/are mostly great figures, this year's Adepticon was an opportunity to make out like a bandit!

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I know that if there had been more Malifaux to buy (and easier to find), I certainly would have spent a lot less of my impulse dollars at the forgeworld booth. As it was, even though there was some product there (and I prefer the metals of many sculpts and am happy to buy them) it really was a hunt to find them. I managed to miss the Spikey Bits stuff thursday night during VIG vendor hours and even by 9 or so the Bits guy in the hall was pretty well picked over (I assume, I don't know how much was brought and gone when I got there).


So while there was some there to buy (and apparently a lucky few did make out quite well), it would have been MUCH nicer not to have to hunt quite so much to load up on some Malifaux at adepticon.


I'm as excited as everyone else in this thread to hear there is a real desire for Wyrd to have an official presence there next year :-D

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I'm so pleased to hear that Wyrd will be there in the future!


All weekend I couldn't help but keep thinking that Wyrd would be drawing in so many new players if they were there...


I also had money set aside that I was hoping on spending on Wyrd product, but was sadly disappointed.  :(  I ended up buying stuff for freeblades and deep wars instead.

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All good, and thank you all again for bringing it to our attention. Mack himself has been kicking me incessantly for .. oh two years now I think, and I'm sure he's got that smarmy smile on his face by now with an 'I told you so'. 




That said, honestly we let other folks show the product and do the sales not because we don't care to be there, but because we made agreements some time back and I figured if it wasn't broke, let it run. Sometimes I can be a bit stubborn like that. 


Anyhow, we'll get it figured out for next year. I'm sure Sean or Mack or any number of other folks will kick me till I manage to have a booth setup and presence there and we'll see what we can do about getting some volunteer help there as well. That said, we've got a bit of time on our hands till this time next year yet ...


Thanks again folks, and again, sorry for the snafu.

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