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Everything posted by Hawkoon

  1. Thank you for the support! This is all new to me so it's both fun and frustrating, all at once. I've worked with modelling minor things like conversions and bases before, but this is such a step-up in scale. I might have set my ambition a bit too high on this one, but we'll see. And yes I do get impatient, hence the required foul language, but I'm guessing the worst challange is yet before me in that department. I'll let you know how it works out
  2. Depends a lot on what it takes to make you proud I guess😅 What I can say is that I'm done with all the modelling required for a diorama/vignette. (And that required a fair bit of milliput/greenstuff and A LOT of patience and foul language!). I am also done with basic light and colouring to set the scene. All that remains is the long stretch of fleshing it all out with proper painting techniques (aka painting it all again...) Oh, and I've got Serena on the side, so I'll be multitasking a bit with painting her while I wait for the paint on the main task to dry.
  3. I am painting an entry for the Wyrd contest, and I assume I'm not the only one here. As the deadline is november 6'th, I won't be able to show off my work here for quite some time (but I will get it finished by the end of this month), so I hope that a late reveal of this months quota will be accepted?
  4. Thank you! For what it's worth, what I think the problem with the pose is that his shoulders and stance is far too wide and static. What I did was cut off his arms and shave off about 1mm on each before refitting them in a more relaxed pose. For his legs it was a bit harder because it's all one massive piece of metal. I made a couple of wide cuts on the backside of his hips and then forced the legs closer together all the way from the hip and down to his feet. This also made his feet stand in an angle (which also gives for a more natural relaxed pose). I love the artwork for this model, so I used that as a referance to get the pose I wanted. I still felt he was lacking something so I added quite a lot of bits to him (and I probably overdid it ) Looking forwards to see the next model Skrytnik puts up here 😍
  5. Yeah, it's mine. I should probably take some better photos of it, but while I think the mod went well enough the painting isn't that great (was aiming for something more like the artwork). Didn't mean to highjack Skrytniks thread here, though. His silent knight is just so incredible, so... lush? Love the colours and the perfect blending. And that sword is just... wow!
  6. The pose really didn't work for me either. Reposing is quite hard with the model being metal, but just some minor modding works wonders. (it's not even close to as well painted as @Skrytnik does though) https://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/gallery/image/16438-bg-18/
  7. Even though it is possible for a Titania player to place underbrush in and around the opponents deployment, it's not really a clever move. Most of the fae keyword have use for them in on way or another, and they won't be able to make much use of them that far up the board. I tend to place mine around the centerline where I expect the most action.
  8. Life kinda happened last month so I'll have to put in an extra effort this month to finish more of my nightmare crew. (Looks like I'll be finishing up Serena, Chompy and some insidious madnesses Nope! I'll be working on a piece for the competition ☠️🎃 ) When it comes to the masterclass topic, I have to say that during the gap-filling topic earlier I found a guide to making "sprue-goo". Though it isn't a "straight-out-of-the-bottle" product, it makes gapfilling so much easier! Best part about it is that you should all already have the ingredients needed to make it. https://youtu.be/cTfkwv30E_o
  9. This is quite a significant part of his package. Not being able to cheat against either his attacks means that you have a very much higher chance of getting off the trigger for terrorize or getting a straight flip on his 2/4/5 attack. The way I see it he's a very good schemerunner hunter, but can also be used as counter-tech against crews with many defensive triggers and/or heavy reliance on shielded.
  10. Thanks for the replies so far 😍 As it stands, there seems to be a tie between Serena, Chompy and Madness. So I started painting Serena yesterday, as she sees much play in a lot of my crews. Once she is done I still need to paint one more model this month! (I'll post a photo soon)
  11. Nearly halfway through the month already, and I haven't painted anything since first half of last month. Seems a bit ironic considering this months topic... 🤣 I'll have to do something about this... To get some motivation I'm going to ask YOU people what YOU would like to see me paint from the following options: Insidious madness Coppelius Bandersnatch Widow weaver Daydream Lord Chompy bits Insomniac Serena Bowman
  12. Had my first game with Old One Eye yesterday against Yan Lo 2. Was a really swingy game, but managed to squeeze out a 3-2 after turn 3 (Wedge/Cursed Objects). Lists were: - Euripides, Primordial, 2x Geryon (AP), 2x Kaltgeist, Serena, The Damned - Yan Lo, Porter, Toshiro, Manos, Sun Qiang, Gokudo, 2x Komainu (GST) Even though I brought Serena, both my Geryon died at the start of turn 2 before I could heal them up. (they ended turn 1 with 1 health each., and i BJ'ed the initiative...) Any advice for keeping them alive? (besides not having bad luck) Other than that Euripides himself was godlike. Between Hepatomancy, Old ways, Drink blood trigger and Serena healing him, he never really was in any danger and did most of the killing this game (killed Manos in a single activation !). Oh, and the Damned did damned things scoring sabotage and not much else.
  13. Sounds like Twotania might actually be quite good against Damian 🤔 Of course you don't know that your opponent is going to play Damian, but I guess between Titania 1 and 2 you got some options against arcanists in general. Edit: I thought I was in the neverborn section Oh, well...
  14. As I added it to my SS count for august I should probably show my contest entry here as well😉
  15. Yay! More angles! You really should make a collage next time. I got an even better impression of it now.
  16. When it comes to this months topic, I find both options relates to eachother so closely in my case, that I can't actually answer one without the other. To work past burn-out I need inspiration and a project I WANT to paint. I find that keeping a sort of journal to track progression and get responses from my peers as well as seeing what others do is essential to get this inspiration. (I use THIS THREAD, Instagram and FB for this). When I get into a slouch I set aside whatever I was working on to find that ONE project I WANT to paint. Once I got that model painted and hopefully get some positive responses I've "got the engine running", and it's far easier to do other projects that I might not be that eager to paint, but need for playing. (I don't necessarily need positive responses from others if I manage to impress myself, but I find that much harder) After a while I'll be back into a slouch and once again I need to look for inspiration to find the ONE project I WANT to paint. And so the wheel turns... I usually use the "downtime" to actually play games, and I try to play painted (not quite there yet, but I'm getting closer). Having a grey plastic model among my painted ones do tend to give some motivation to painting it, even if I might cosider that particular model a chore to paint, but as long as it gets the engine running it doesn't matter. (Jeez, I feel like an old teperamental car now...) And lastly, I'm a competitive person, so competitions really get me going, even though I'm doomed for a Slouch after)
  17. But Outcasts/Ressers already have Jack Daw
  18. September you say.... I guess I'll have to paint.... MOAR NIGHTMARES!
  19. For glue i like Tamiya extra thin, and I usually prime my models with badger stynyl rez black through an airbrush. If I for some reason don't have an airbrush at hand I prefer GW/Citadel chaos black rattlecan primer. Priming black often requires a bit more time painting over if you want bright colours, but once you get used to it, there's no going back.
  20. Hawkoon

    NIGHTS 25

    You are completely right, and it is intentional. My idea here was to emphasize the native duality of this creature. So I decided to try to make her upper half in a classic beauty style with a more natural lighting, while the bottom half i tried to give the impression of "stuff of nightmares" with both colouring and light coming from underneath. Then I had to work out how to bind those two aspects together with painting, and is probably why I ended up with a rather weak light from the base. In hindsight I could probably increase the intensity a bit more. Lastly, thank you all for the incredible feedback I got on this, and of course, thank you for the votes🥰 I really love this community!
  21. I can taste and smell the pressure... Better get to painting some more of my own NIGHTMARES. 🙀
  22. Hawkoon

    NIGHTS 8

    The colours work very well together and the waves on the base are really good. (Adding a light source to the scene would help with the theme of the contest though)
  23. Hawkoon

    CITY 1

    Poor guy... I think the lighting is spot on with some interesting coices of colours. The scene is rather depressing and empty, which might be intentional?
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