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Everything posted by Hawkoon

  1. Lost a bit of my drive last month due to "life-stuff", but with the "Flowers and showers" competition coming up I think I'm ready to get back to some more painting. Meaning I probably won't have much to show for a while, though I hope I can squeeze in some time to finish some other models from my desk. We'll see 🤞
  2. I guess you could also take a Kaltgeist or 2, but is it a good idea?
  3. These are great! You don't think the overhang will be a problem if you intend to play games with them? Edit: didn't actually see the standard bases underneath the first time...
  4. I have only played them just to try them out with Titania, and they're actually playable now. But when it comes to serious play, I have difficulty finding a place for them. I do consider them now though, which is an improvement.
  5. You're on fire this holiday🔥 Keep up the good work👍
  6. Thank you. Quite happy with a few of those myself😁 The trees are "awakened wyldwood" from GW with added scratchbuilt bases
  7. The double IR matures with Lucius is indeed powerful, but it is very vulnerable. If just one of them dies too early it may cost you the game. Other than that I sadly agree that Lucius is on the weak side of our stable.
  8. Draw essence does require a TN12 df duel. Do you not count that as draining?
  9. Finally finished these guys, and with that I am actually done with my woes! (...for now) That puts me at 25SS, but I got some more nightmares down the pipeline that might just pop up here before the month is over. And what would a finished keyword be without a group photo?
  10. I almost finished these two last month, so will be added to this months pledge. I also still have 3 Lyssa that just need their bases painted. And after that there will be nightmares!
  11. Well... didn't get enough time to finish the models I'm currently working on, so I'll end the month on 15SS for the 3 sorrows posted earlier. Basing When it comes to basing, I moslty paint models for gaming, so I tend to keep it rather simple. I do not have one method I use for all my models, but I try to keep it coherent within each keyword/crew and try to find a style I find fitting for each keyword. In example for Tara's crew I've gone with a desert theme and just use Citadel Allegran earth more or less straight up and call it done. Killjoy while he still belonged to Tara For Pandora's crew I've used a texture roller to make cobbelstone from fimo clay and for Dreamer I've bought a nightmare-ish insert/topper. Alt. Poltergeist with a plain texture in fimo, painted to match the lighting from the model Alt. Blessed of december on a textured forest base, painted with varying colours like what you might find in the forest Plain insert, painted to match a nightmare-ish theme (although on a Mature nephilim) I do like working with inserts as they are quite easy to work with, but some of them does require a lot of time painting them up to match the standard of the model. Regardless of whether it's an insert or a built/textured base, if it feels a bit bland I can add some tufts, static grass or small objects, or I can modify the insert with hacking off parts and/or sculpting of my own with green stuff/milliput. Alt. Candy is such a small model, that the base needed something more. Here a pumpkin from GSW painted up to match the setting. The Carver being both Nightmare and Woe, made me modify the nightmare insert with elements of cobblestones, to fit the theme of both crews. (They're eyes in the ground, not red pineapples!) And sometimes when I feel a model is just too small for it's base size or requires something extra I go to town on the base. (like I did with the Silent Knight) The silent Knight is a small model for a 50mm base so I hacked up a hanging tree (yes i know...) and added all kinds of forest bits I found in my bits box. Now this isn't very play-friendly, so I guess I'll just bring my reguler Killjoy to tournaments Alt Mr. Graves needed a source of light for my first attempt at OSL, so I added some bits from my bits-box to make a fire. In conclusion, I think the most important thing to note when basing models is not which method you use, but for the model and the base to fit into the same theme and composition and (if it's game models) coherency of that theme within the crew. And of course a good bits-box (or access to a good 3D printer) along with basic basing materials like static grass, sand, texture paint, putty, water effects, pigment powder and such helps a lot.
  12. So many great projects going on now! (love that Calypso @Kogan Style) Is it just me or is there a significant upswing in the amount of people joining in on the challenge for 2022? 🤔 In regards to my own progress, I'm still working on a few more woes to "complete" the keyword (still missing Tyrant-torn and Dorian in the collection 😭) I hope to finish those in the next few days, and will probably post some finished photos along with my thoughts on basing soon™.
  13. His bonus isn't half bad, as it does give your opponent stunned and triggers misery, and can to some extent be considered "a third AP". He also gets a heal from feed on fears if you're already engaging the model.
  14. Even if you get the chance to cheat in a severe for 5 damage, in most situations I'd rather keep the severe on hand instead of cheating it in. (Unless it would kill an important model that is). But he is quite reliable min 4 with stat 7, and I think that has some value worth considering. Now if only he was a little faster...
  15. Might be obvious, but I'm not without bias when it comes to Carver. From what I've gathered Carver is neither considered a solid beater or very tanky for 10SS, compared to other options in the faction. And I tend to agree in some cases, but far from all of them. He does rely quite heavily on synergies with other models to really shine, but when he does I've found him to be quite solid. What he does bring is anti-focus tech, ping damage, attack giving out stunned, synergy with both nightmare and woe models (although I think he does better with woe than nightmare) but in my veiw the most imporant is stat 7 attack paired with ruthless. The reason he's not an auto-include in my lists is the sheer cost of 10SS, where there are a lot of other must-have models and I just can't fit him in.
  16. Well, they were WiP after all, and I was far from finished when I posted the image, but I felt I was going in the wrong direction, so I'm very happy with the feedback to get me "back on track". Thank you @Spitfire and @TimH 🎃
  17. Thanks to the comments on the wip, I'm now quite happy with these sorrows. So I'm calling them done. (With the exception of pumpkins on the bases...). Got a bit further on the Lyssas, so I'll probably finish them as well this month.
  18. Thank you! This confirms my thoughts about missing contrast, but I wasn't quite sure where I should begin to improve. I'll start with adding more warm-cold contrast and go from there. Even though the lighting in the photo is a bit flat, I'm guessing I'll also need to add a stronger light-dark contrast as well.
  19. @TimH Thanks for the input. The two on the sides are barely started, so don't mind those too much, they're a few steps behind the middle one. But, no, this isn't really the look I'm going for with this crew. They're supposed to fit together with my Carver from "Rotten harvest 2021". https://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/gallery/image/17020-rh21bump-30/ I think I need to work a lot more on getting the details to pop, and I think I'll need more colour to make that happen, as well as some sharper contrast with highlights and shadows. I'll try finishing the sickles and smaller details, and see if that changes anything first...
  20. Well... atleast I've started, here with a WiP. Doesn't really feel right though. They seem kinda flat so far, so think I will need to put in some more contrasts somewhere.🤔 Probably some more variance in colour may help?🤔
  21. Last time used it the room was actually at around 10°C, and I didn't notice any change in the behavior even though that's quite cold. I don't use any thinner, as they are ment for regular paints, and the primer has a different chemical composition and may indeed react in unpredictable ways. And thinners doesn't really do much in regards to tip-dry, you need flow improver for that. (I don't use that either as it changes the properties of the paint) (oh, and I usually up the PSI to 30-ish when priming)
  22. I use their black almost exclusively, and live in Norway, but I've never had any issues🤔 Could there be some pressure drop or leak anywhere?
  23. @TimH Now that's a proper sized titan for a 120mm base! Hulk Alpha Crawler smash puny Horomatangi!
  24. Could that be bridge 4? If so, I'm very curious what your favorite is🤔
  25. Thank you! Creepy is the only way to paint "kids" in Malifaux 😈
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