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Everything posted by Regelridderen

  1. Another thing would be that the Monk keyword, is basically just guys in pyjamas. Which doesn't stand up that well, when your opponent fields cowboys with burning skulls, giant man-eater teddy bears or techno-zombies. Misaki and Yan Lo has their pyjama boys as well, but they've got plenty of other stuff as well.
  2. Candy is a great way to bring Wp damage šŸ˜Š
  3. Welcome to a world of wallet-hurt. As Vessien says, play a handful of Henchman Hardcore at first. It teaches you to think in the ways of Malifaux, and itā€™s also very kill-focused like your dice games After that, choose a keyword, and play that and only those models for your first 10-20 games. Its easy to grab at shiny new OOK stuff, but only by playing your models will you learn how to use them. After this youā€™re tournament ready - nah Iā€™m kidding youā€™re tournament ready once your models are painted up, go kick some butt and have fun
  4. My problem is, Iā€™d really want to run him with the Asylum, but Iā€™m a neverborn player šŸ„ŗ
  5. What would really be amazing though, would be to see a Lucius made for Neverborn. Give him a skill like It is better to be feared... Allowing him to recruit all neverborn minions. Or something equally cool and ominous. Maybe allow him to manipulate fear, granting Terrifying or something. Make him a little more menacing, than just a scheming bureaucrat.
  6. So any particular models, you like to pair him with in either Guild or Neverborn?
  7. True. Although Lucius is professed to make an impact this time around.
  8. New GG and Iā€™m looking at my model collection and wonder what to go for. So considering my model collection, what would you go for? I wonā€™t be getting new models for a while (at least, thatā€™s what Iā€™m telling myself). Guild Marshalls, Family, Elite, Witch Hunter. Asylum. - Theyā€™re usually my loaners to teach people the game. I do like the idea of Luciusā€™ Asylum, but I only tried it once, and I got thoroughly stomped by Fuhatsu and his drunken rodents. Ressurectionists Experimental, Forgotten, Redchapel, Ancestors - I loved McMurder in M2E, Redchapel looks great with the changes to Sybelle and Distracted. And everyone seems to love Molly and Yan Lo. Neverborn Woe, Nightmare, Elite - Most of my games so far has been with my Neverborn, and theyā€™ve been a blast. I donā€™t think the nerfs to Dreamer has been out of line, annoying but he wonā€™t be less enjoyable, and Woe are such a headache for opponents - and Iā€™ve never had much success with Lucius, come fall he might get some nephilim boost. Ten Thunders Last Blossom, Ancestors (Wastrel on the way) - I only had a few games with Last Blossom, but they seem really fun and fast - and fast glasscannons is a great style for me. Arcanists Performers, M&SU. - Iā€™ve got two great looking crews. Performers seem to give me speed, but I donā€™t know if theyā€™ e got enough violence. M&SU seems to have a good balance of shooting/melee/scheming, but lacking speed. Crossroads 7
  9. I can only recommend Pandora. She is very rewarding to play - and a horror to your opponents. Dreamer is a blast as well. And he is finally being brought in line.
  10. Last part of M2E Pandora could summon Sorrows. I wouldnā€™t be surprised to see Collodi make a comeback. His crew was available in an M3 box during Black Friday...
  11. That was such a cool mechanic šŸ˜Ž - Iā€™m just hoping for a summoning version of Pandora, entitled ā€œThe Great Depressionā€ šŸ¤—
  12. Hush! @Maniacal_cackle people still want to appreciate their whine with a little salt. Show some respect šŸ˜œ - But I agree. Resilience is really a Nightmare thing. If the fight gets clumped up, opponents will struggle getting damage to stay between Alps basically providing Hard to Wound, Serena healing and the heals from botched Wp duels.
  13. Just slap some colours on it, and itā€™ll be good - maybe a lamp post once in a while šŸ˜Š - Found another example : the box actually come with built-in basing materials.
  14. I guess, you arenā€™t very experienced as a wargamer, since this is your reaction. Know that in miniature wargaming things constantly change, the perfect game will never be - and Guildball which came close, proved too perfect to continue. The thing is to ditch the illusion that you can buy yourself to victory. Dreamer will be less potent that is true, but he wonā€™t be less fun, in fact the games you play with him will only be more challenging/fun - and to your opponent as well. The one true way to winning anyway, will always be to deploy a crew that wows your opponent with its paint job.
  15. Absolutely. What I meant was that the difference in her two attacks are so minute, they could just as well have given her just the one.
  16. One of the things I always loved about Serena was her ability to charge and strike something 8ā€ away, now being able to heal at the same time, will make the maneuver even more fun. Itā€™s also nice to have a model that can make use of high rams. - That said, *Horrific Reality* is fairly redundant compared to *Twist Reality*. It Auto-heals all nightmares engaging the target with no trigger, and uses a tome over a mask for its displacement effect.
  17. Thatā€™s kosher salt šŸ˜ - And I like the elite list. Dreamer has such a great variety in weird enforcers/henchmen and they look great on the tabletop. And with both Dreamer and Weaver, youā€™ve ample opportunity to throw some minions in to suit your needs. In many ways it simply ignores the changes made to the crew. A girl, Iā€™ve always liked to sweeten the dreams is Candy.
  18. I was thinking the same thing. Not being able to summon Stitched frees up room for summoning Daydreams instead. And two of those with AP was 10 stones. - I was pondering using AP on Insidious though. They are tough and fast models.
  19. BE ADVISED : this thread has no room for tears, salt, whine or plain negativity in general - that's for the other one. - So now we've had our Dream team nerfed, it's time to move on and discuss, how we're going to use them. Instead I hope to get your insights on, how you will field Dreamer in the future, and in particular within the context of GG2. Because Dreamer will still be my special little guy in the coming year.
  20. It's easy for you bodysnatchers to take the high road, you've been playing on easy mode since M2e - the rest of us have to earn our wins
  21. The Alp is a pretty powerful model. When suddenly you're on a negative flip to damage Chompy (or anyone else), he becomes a lot better. The Alp might die easily, but if it takes the damage, it wastes your opponents AP and you aren't losing the models you've paid stones for. Kirai got a nerf herself. You won't be seeing her as a 2nd master in a loooooong time, and even if she didn't it wouldn't change the fact that Dreamer needed a hit with the nerf bat.
  22. I agree. Serena took a big hit, but it only took her from Auto-include to viable - although she did get squishy. Iā€™m gonna miss her focus-hit-severe6 into a melee 8ā€ away, that was nasty, but subbing that for a healing trigger gives her a more consistent use as a healer - not to mention a good use for rams in your hand. Iā€™m not a big fan of Vivid Nightmares, it simply gives the keyword an ineffectual ability. You thin your deck, but it keeps coming back - of course this only happens if the Dreamer is in play, but... The worst thing is, it doesnā€™t really address the main complaint of LD, which is still about the Stitched. The summoning nerf was probably for the best - thereā€™s already two options for summoning stitched - but it was a big hit to Dreamerā€™s role as a toolbox without anything to show for it compared to other summoners. It would have been nice if that loss had been shored up with a bonus to support his other crew - e.g. have Chompy heal 2, on Dreamers activation to show their bond (or be summonable like Ikiryo), or having a no-limit on summon upgrades, so you could ā€˜alwaysā€™ top up with an incidental Daydream etc. Playwise... He lost power, but I see less incentive to go minion (Lucid Dream) heavy, and more room to play around with your cool enforcers/henchmen. This was viable before, so I donā€™t see, why he shouldnā€™t be so now as well. His crew is still the coolest looking in the game, so heā€™ll still(always) be my go-to guy.
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