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Everything posted by muraki

  1. Yep, as Adran says, I get mine from a local company as enough people make markers that I don't feel like paying shipping. If you're in the US I've had great luck with WidgetWizard on etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/WidgetWizards?ref=l2-shopheader-name). I know they have some big kits with various markers, but lately I've just been buying schemes / stones / special terrain and calling it there. I bought a lot of focus/burning/etc markers when I started and then realized I don't like pushing around that many markers and switched to App / writing on cards for conditions, but I have used dice to track some things (like blight / brilliance) so that's the way I'd go if I wanted it visible on the board.
  2. Yeah, abilities disappear when a model died. Which is why the lamplighter card specifically calls out the behavior of lit lamps 'even after this model leaves play'. If something like harsh winter were to stay until the end of the game, would need a similar call out as it's not covered in core rules.
  3. You're 100% right. I just usually want the move more than I want the heal . It is a seriously good free action tho.
  4. True, but needing a 7 means if you're low on cards it's a uncertain action. It's how I know how bad my opponent's hand is, aka if they kick up dust and reposition instead of ride with me, well time to lay down the hurt as they're holding a bunch of 1's!
  5. That's a good call out. I forgot how the beta tried to take a lot of 2 inch melees and kick em down to 1s where possible.
  6. Well Toss is a 1 inch magic attack, which I've seen so many people forget that it's not a melee and charge + toss (ha). Sword trick is also 3 inches and magic, but as a free action it's not as worrisome for the charge.
  7. Looking back at open beta cards (yeah I never got rid of em), it was not a melee attack. That said, I think people weren't as upset about it not being a melee as the switch from m2e to m3e and the changes to charge probably kept people from realizing how useful it would be as a melee rather than a close magic attack.
  8. Coming in a bit late due to busy work at the end of the month... which is sad, cause I totally finished these models like 5 days into March (didn't post cause I was hoping I'd actually finish more models...' Finishing up my apex keyword I got a crypsis corp guy And because it was sitting on my paint station 1/2 done, yet another Lady J So that 22 for March for me @Caedrus
  9. Looks at the m1e nekima still on a spure sitting in a box with a bunch of other forgotten metals in the basement 'yes you're not being played, but at least kharnage doesn't have you....'
  10. So what you're saying is... you'd trade it all for cheaper shipping
  11. Forget you international people, us us folks also want extra puppets
  12. I was thinking you'd have to wire em together, and was afraid you built them all from scratch (as they look too amazing for me to find them easily). Great work and thanks!
  13. LOVE the pig knocking over the box of apples. Where'd you get those props?
  14. You also get a little clue cause they usually close down the webshop beforehand so that'll give you a ballpark idea (tho it's usually closed for hours so not that close). I'll assume it'll go live sometime business hours for eastern usa, rather than midnight/etc cause the last few sales have had minor hiccups and (if it were me) I'd far prefer to troubleshoot that stuff while I / my tech team is at work...
  15. If there's anything I've learned from watching sculpts from shows, is that Wyrd doesn't toss many sculpts once they've been built, even if the purpose changes. Like for instance, you could see miss guided on some 2019 game show shots, same with tidecaller. I wouldn't be surprised if there's either a second expansion planned or if those modes may come in as alts / misses / etc (I want that crock rider as an alt McTavish for instance, it seems to be on a 50).
  16. There's also the Easter Viks, so not *all* of them There's definitely a lot of Easter Bayou models.... I'm hoping there's a 9th master for Bayou as the 'king rabbit'... cause clearly there's somewhere in they bayou ran by rabbits at this pt....
  17. Limited time to buy. There's usually stuff like this or the other alts/translucents/etc for sale. But all the stuff is msrp.
  18. Same. I assume they're not actually for sale? Guess I'm getting some dupes / prizes.
  19. So basically taggard is rough trade night winston.... That tracks
  20. Hehe I get it. Wargame vaults are a bit smaller and feel non laminated, so is prolly what you're dealing with. I sleeve so end of the day there's no difference to me but definitly feel 'cheaper' before I sleeve.
  21. I don't have the wild ones set (well I do, but pre-m3e so 2nd edition cards), but have you bought any cards from wargame vault and if so are they similar to the cards in that set? Since I've bought a bunch from there, the wargame vault ones are definitely different quality from the 'usual box cards' so that may be it (aka maybe since the limited were smaller runs, maybe they got the cards from wargame vault instead of from the usual (I assume over seas) vendor).
  22. Super pretty and a bit jealose. Thanks for the tip!
  23. Manos isn't in the special order program as he was a m2e model (as special orders is only for brand new models in m3e boxes, doesn't even work for new sculpts for m2e models). Best best would be to pick him up solo from somewhere like gadzooks games (which is in stock for 20).
  24. I like having keywords (in addition to versatile) as it lets them be a bit more future proofed. Like, for instance, if a NB keyword got shouting order (say savage) a versatile savage starter could take advantage of it when hired into that keyword. Keywords also open up keyword abilities as possible things on a card so like a woe versatile will probably have some form of opportunist / misery (and I doubt a non-woe keyword model would have those).
  25. And while it's not exactly the same thing, there were those m3e rules reference cards: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wicc6rs8kg46bt7/AABgIP9thVThtnr4w_KGVDw7a/Malifaux Third Edition/xEncounter Cards?dl=0&preview=M3E_ReferenceCard.pdf&subfolder_nav_tracking=1 that are in that dropbox and you could print those.
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