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Everything posted by Zebo

  1. Just realized that there's a new crew with the old Freikorps Suit and now I'm pissed.
  2. Player Viks vs Brew today. Wedge Plan Explosives Picked Search the Ruins and Power Ritual. Victoria Victoria Taelor Vanessa Big Jake Student 3x Ronin 6ss, no upgrades. The game lasted only 3 rounds, due to shop closing (and opponent giving up) Basically, spread the crew and run away. In the second turn I managed to kill 2 Moon Shinobis, while Taelor, Vanessa and Vik2 suffered some damage (Vik 2 run away through my deployment zone with 2 damage and Poison 4, and I planned to use her as counter-schemer). Between Taelor, Vanessa and the Student I manage to hold Brewy, Fingers, Apprentice and Golem in the center point, and Big Jake hold Gracie in my right flank to allow two Ronin to slide and reach the enemy table. While the other Ronin and Vik 1 run the left up to the enemy corner. In the third turn, both Vanessa and Student died, and Taelor was left at 1 wd to die, but my opponent hadn't chances of reaching my schemes, nor chasing my runners, and was only left with 2 bomb dropped and 1 token left, as I had stolen the other 2 when killing his Shinobis. We played knowing that the game was hardly going to last beyond the fourth turn, and at the beginning of the third we already knew that that was the last turn. The Mercenary crew proved to be fast, but really don't want to engage the enemy as they are quite fragile. Not sure if I liked the game.
  3. Not sure What means this. Bette reduces damage to bury herself, how could she be left at 1 wd, then bury and even heal herself?
  4. Zebo

    Tara & Hannah

    In fact, although I think that Hannah can't do it, it's specified that every non-atack action is a tactical action.
  5. Zebo

    Tara & Hannah

    Sorry, but that seems like a loophole for me, I really doubt they wanted Hannah to be capable of taking extra walks, charges, interacts etc...
  6. Zebo

    Tara & Hannah

    IT says "select one of the target's tactical actions", I would doubt that any action non printed is considered one of the target's ones.
  7. I disagree. While I can agree with giving some more test to models like Scout or Bishop, there are other models that fall into a very poor performances. The Desperate Mercenaries only can give a very weak long range support, in a crew so mobile that you really don't need it at all. A Ronin can walk + charge up to the same 14" that the Desperate Mercenary's gun ranges, and make two attacks with weak 2 + ignoring armor + better triggers. Johan nas become a too pricey too slow ok beater, with almost inexistent support, I don't remember having read any report in which he is hired. The Winged Plague does nothing worthing their cost. Yes, they are cheap, but they are not mobile, not tough, not strong enough for their cost. The only good thing that they do is to spread Blight when dying, and not enough for 4ss investment.
  8. HtK doesn't succeed in every game. In the games that I've lost Von Schill, HtK may have been useful about 50% of the games, and in the rest mostly my opponent has needed one more ap to kill him, so 2ss for one enemy ap each 3-5 games doesn't worth for me. And equal to Von Schill is the Viks, Taelor, Drachen Trooper or Ronin (the last has HtK themselves, and about half the time it doesn't matter at all). Not sure about you, but when I pay 2ss for an upgrade I expect to make use of it some times in every game, not once or twice each 2-4 games.
  9. Agree, but an upgrade that's only viable with one out of eight crews seems like quite bad for me. Protection Money is a very situational ability, and we only accept it because of Bandits having Drop It to force it, but still is very uncommon. Expert Thief is another very situational action, only can be used versus a small amount of targets, you must spend actions and renounce to damage enemy key models to do it, and even the stat for it is low for their targets. And the same with Hired Soldier. People seem happy paying 2ss for HtK, wheh I never would hire any actual outcast model for 2ss more if it only had HtK to compensate, and This Will Fetch a High Price is barely never come to play. The Bounty Hunter ability seems good, but a bit hard to achieve with minions (and the more dangerous minions cannot attach it).
  10. But he cannot climb on top of the house during his charge. Weird, but that's how rules works.
  11. I also think that Von Schill's gun could perfectly became weak 3 again, his trigger is quite bad, and reports in the beta (at least those I saw in my group) didn't said he was broken in any way.
  12. Which is its specialty? They're not good scheme runners, since them have good deployment, but not mobility, and since they cannot interact until turn 2, play isolated from their crew and are not are not tough, they are quite easily killed by turns 1-2 depending on the opposite crew. They also are not gunners, and I've seen many posts of players complaining about them.
  13. Agree with those. Not played Tara, cannot speak about Talos. I would add 6. Freikorps Scout - Most of the players seem to have problems figuring how to play and when to hire them. 7. Desperate Mercenaries - You need too many resources to make a 4ss model suck a bit less. Too situational and not needed nor specially helpful. 8. Outcast upgrades - Both Hired Soldier and Wanted Criminal are very weak, specially when compared to other faction's upgrades. 9. Grenade Belt - The worst Equipment upgrade, too situational and almost always worse than the actions already printed on the Freikorps. I don't think so. He's very strong at some schemes, and fulfils some holes in some crews, but really is not a must (I've still not used him in Freikorps, Mercenaries, Bandits nor Amalgam, although I can understand he can be better than some options, and helps crews like Plague and Tormented to be competitive in many games).
  14. How can be Lost Love your target for Vendetta with Hans when it's 5ss and Hans 8?
  15. Why? I mean, where is this state? I would say it depends on wording.
  16. In Fact, Guilty may be treated as enemy by friendly tormented models
  17. Hannah can only copy tactical actions, so she cannot copy Lazarus's Grenades.
  18. Freikorps have 3 sources of Shockwave Grenade Belt equipment, for wich you need a 7 (and is one use). Arik Aetheric Grenades, which needs also a 7. Lazarus's Grenade Launcher, wich needs a 6. A bit of luck is needed to succeed with those without cards in hand. Seems to me like a bad experience by your side and a lucky one for your opponent.
  19. Yes, their strongest trait is their flexibility. And their biggest weakness is hand control. Crews messing with your hand are the worst matchup for them.
  20. I also like a lot to give Freikorpsmann Rocket Boots and a Reinforced Assault Shield and use him as scheme runner. It's very hard to me, because I like to play Hannah, Arik, Drachen, Librarian, Engineer, Scout and Freikorpsmann And that's too many ss (52) so no way
  21. Great post. I agree with mainly everything. I would point that the Drachen Trooper is surprisingly disruptive. When shooting, he can drop Pyre Marker (messing with enemies movement) and push damaged models (messing with enemies positioning). He can also remove a lot of conditions in wich many tricky crews rely, remove destructive markers and make the area surrounding him hazardous. His damage is nice, but his utility goes far beyond. Also, disagree with Von Schill becoming a damage dealer. Y doubt anybody would mistake Parker Barrows with a Damage dealer, and his guns are quite more useful for Bandits than Von Schill's Rifle is for Freikorps.
  22. Unclean influence makes every rat to take an action. Entagle is an action that must be taken by a specific rat. In your example, if 4 rats are affected by Unclean Influence, and two of them have already activated, you must choose wich rat makes the Entagle action. If it's one of the activated rats, the new Rat King cannot activate. If it's one of the unactivated rats, the Rat King can activate. If you are smart, you will make the two activated rats to do other actions, along with one of the unactivated rats, and then the remaining unactivated rat Entagles and the new Rat King can be activated. I'm quite sure you cannot Entagle first and then make the new Rat King to take the remaining actions from the rats that were replaced and still had not used their Unclean Influence actions, but I'm not sure since I'm not an english speaker and it may be some strange loophole that would allow to do such a broken move.
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