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Everything posted by Inefficiency_Expert

  1. I'd love to help out on the Sunday early shift 10:00 - 15:00 for TOS but I no longer have the final playtest rules. Will we get a chance to look at the finalized rules in advance of having to run the game?
  2. I'm really hoping that a Guild book means we'll be getting a Reporter pursuit. I need to torment my group with Skip Gingerly, cub reporter, wide eyed and red haired crusader for "truth".
  3. Good to know, thanks. I think I'm leaning towards Heart of Darkness. My group has a giant spider mini that we've managed to shoehorn into just about every game we've done so far. (Shudder... Mouse Guard) so that bandersnatch on the cover makes it most appealing.
  4. They've looked into it but all the agents file the same report, "Nothing to worry about. This place is awesome." Well that and it's kind of 10 Thunders turf and the Guild does't seem particularly good at policing the Little Kingdom, most likely due a mix of bribes, disinterest and ninja attacks.
  5. Hey there, I'm looking to sway my play group into some TTB. So this Halloween I'm going to hit them with a one shot. I have enjoyed most of the Penny Dreadfuls I've seen so far as good intros. In fact I have run the Free RPG Day adventures at my LGS for the last 3 years. However, I also really want to show off the character creation system. Are there any PDs that aoore better or worse for including custom characters rather then the usual pre-gens? I'm sticking to basic book only, so no non-humans to complicate things. Thoughts?
  6. That's a shame. I always used my FM's screen as my critical effects table so that I didn't have to keep looking it up in the book. With the change in crit tables, that's a bit of a pain. Any chance we could get those in a printable form on the resources page? For the record, the other section that I find that I have to look up almost constantly is the master skill list, just to remember which skills are available, which stats they go with, etc. I eventually broke down and just typed all that into an Excel spreadsheet. I'd rather not have to do that with the crit tables.
  7. It's true. Last time I tried to Whoom I had to go to physical therapy for 3 months. So yeah, respect!
  8. Ah, grootslang, perfect for a Through the Breach Buckaroo/Alchemist build I want to try sometime. Speaking of Through the Breach, that was 60 dollars... to the promo page!
  9. Oh very nice. That should be perfect. Now I just have to convince everyone that she's 'Too Pretty For The Bayou'.
  10. So which Gremlin masters do we think he's going to be good for? Also as much as I love this I do wish it were female to match my TTB bokor character.
  11. Yeah same here. I want to add some fish to my order but starting my own company has proven to be a giant cash hemorrhage. Hopefully I'll get a decent client before the backer kit closes.
  12. So, funny story, I just got back from my local game store where I was checking to see if my copy of Through the Breach 2e was in only to be told that their distributor had sent the wrong books. That's when he pulled out two copies of The Other Side. Somewhere along the line a couple of books that must have been planned for Gencon ended up here. Obviously they are getting sent back but I got a few minutes to look through one. They look gorgeous. Just getting bigger pictures of my body horror burning brethren made me so happy, as did the little "coming soon" teaser in the back. I'm not sure if I can mention what it was. Waiting just got so much harder. Also I'm grumpy that I need to keep waiting for TTB2e.
  13. I think my favorite part is that they're apparently just psychically screaming their inner monologue at everyone nearby. Although, I'd guess that at least 70% of that is just "Seal!?! Seal! Swimswimswim. Seal?"
  14. Well, we'll see when TOS comes out. I may need to get a second faction just for teaching purposes.
  15. Our entire local meta dropped minis some years back when our game of choice, Confrontation, shot itself in the face. I've been trying to use Through the Breach to bring them into the clutches of Wyrd in the name of our beloved Burning Man. Its been slow going.
  16. Of course as we get closer to the release date, if there is a further chance to alter our backer levels I may find my resistance... floundering. I'm sorry... I'll see myself out.
  17. Oh I am well aware of Horomatangi. As a New Zealander I have a special place in my heart for taniwha of all kinds. I'll actually be celebrating Christmas this year none to far from Lake Taupo, where the big guy's namesake is supposed to make his lair. I'm just not sure that my wallet can withstand going dual faction, even as logical as the pairing is, especially if I need a giant dragon as the 'bridge' unit,
  18. This almost makes me regret my allegiance to the burning man. It was a hard decision to begin with. She looks amazing.
  19. I actually have the same issue. I was unaware that the playtest stuff was up and running already. I was going to send a follow up email regarding my info some time next week, but if this works as well, so be it.
  20. Nids? Amateur. Come back when you've played Skaven. 100 models was just my slave allowance. And with the remaining 1800 points of my 2000 point army....
  21. My Vietnamese myth-history is a little rusty but I don't recall any foxes of note. There was the 1000 year white spirit chicken. That's not actually relevant, I just wanted to mention it because it's awesome.
  22. Just worth a note, in the legend, Horomatangi had a pet human who served him. So clearly it was more than some crude beast. I would be shocked to see a titan commander this early in the game's life. But perhaps the "pet" could be a commander with Horo as a required troop and the real power in the relationship. Basically something like what they have with Dreamer and Chompy.
  23. Also don't forget Its Beginning to "Look a Lot Like Fishmen" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tTHn2tHhcI and "If I Were a Deep One" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFzdIaBnckg
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