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Everything posted by Domin

  1. IMHO there are no "general" solution of this problem. The ways to counter depends exactly on what summoner you face. For example, against Nicodem, who uses corps markers, all kinds of corps-eating stuff is usefull - like Emmy with Titania's Conflux or Grootslang. Also Hannah with her dumpering field and Grootslang-stolen teleports can make his summon much harder. So the perspective combo is a Hannah+Grootslang+Emmy leading by Titania. While against Kirai, for example, this list can face lot of troubles - in form of near-anyone ignoring armor. But I used Lynch crew against her - and manage with her spirits-rush.
  2. Thoughts about Bat-Dreamer led me to such kind of list: 50 SS Neverborn Crew Dreamer + 3 Pool - Growing Up (1) - Sleep Cycles (2) - Pact (1) Mysterious Emissary (10) - Conflux of Nightmare (0) Serena Bowman (7) - A Thousand Faces (1) Doppleganger (7) - Useless Duplications (1) The Illuminated (7) - Warped Reality (1) Beckoner (6) - Warped Reality (1) Bloodwretch (5) The main thing is placing Beckoner and Illuminated by From the Shadows. Then, with first activation (which is granted by Dopel) we do double Lure on Dreamer, moving him up to 14". While doing it, we push poor girl within 2" of both Dreamer and Illuminated and LoS of Dopel. So - shooting attacks against her will have high chance to go to Illuminated. Who is hard enough to tank one or two hits - with possibly healing from Dreamer's aura. So, on a second activation we have nearly guaranteed charge of Dreamer, with his Cg7 and 2" engagement. On the other side, we have Serena Bowman and two guys to knock the cards out of her. Furthermore, if some of our teenager bat strikes miss - we can still get some Waking from killing Serena and summoning a Daydream, for example. Upd: Made one of my silly mistakes - took On Wings of Darkness (1) in place of On Dreaming Wings (2). The one SS that ruined all my plan like a cardhouse) So the lure-path is downed to 14" max. So i thought it'll be better to change it at all for Pact - since the black joker can make all the plan ruined.
  3. Warped Reality upgrade can only be attached to Neverborn Minion of Neverborn Enforcer - so the mercenaries are out.
  4. I've thought about a similar list, but with another main theme. With your ideas, it's gonna be like: 50 SS Neverborn Crew Dreamer + 4 Pool - Dreams of Pain (5) - Otherworldly (2) - Pact (1) Malifaux Child (3) Mysterious Emissary (10) - Warped Reality (1) Doppleganger (7) Serena Bowman (7) - A Thousand Faces (1) Mr. Tannen (6) - Useless Duplications (1) Bloodwretch (5) With Child copying Playtime and using it on Dopel, you could draw 3 cards and discard one each time you harm Serena. It means you could boost your hand up to 12 cards (6+4+1+1) against 11with two wreches. The main negative is that you will lack summoning daydreams. But I think it's worth it.
  5. Suffering damage is the bad side. But there are some ways to deal with it - like passive healing from Cheating Bastard and/or Malifaux Provides. And flipping damage give you a huge load of card-cycling, looking for aces.
  6. Neverborn Lynch can have another source of card-farming - a Doppleganger+Bloodwretch combo. Not only wretch can strike for 2 cards with a returning ace discard, but also Dopel can copy her 1 Ap tactical, use it for free on tomes trigger, and take 2 attacks on someone friendly and tough enough, even combined with move by charging. Her tiny fists will get 2 damage even with tactical's boost - and can't hurt much someone like Illuminated - with armor, regen and in-built healing. Speaking about Lust and her trigger-based farming, it's better to use Oiran to hit her. Even with a merc-pay, it's 5 attacks in a round from a 6SS model. The most useful thing I see in Neverborn for Lynch is Emissary summoning Changelings. They can copy his attacks - Final Debt, for example - and turn into a killing machines.
  7. Against Arcanists I personally prefer using a Titania's spaming list with Spawn Mother+Wisp and Emissary as summoners and Bad Juju as an immortal beater. With Titania's pushes, we can give him the mobility he lacks to quickly get into melee. Then the opponent has a bad choice - not killing BJ allows him to do carnage, and killing him doesn't kill him. because we have gupps-spamming factory as options to restore him and even give him a +2 damage boost. The January errata was a blessing for this list, giving him a 2SS discount. Which allowed me to add a bloodwretch as a card-farming mechanic.
  8. The RB says another thing: Models that are summoned gain the Slow Condition, and may not take Interact Actions during the Turn they are summoned.
  9. Mentioning it in FAQ would be the best way to answer this question)
  10. As well as there are no any after in Fate Woven ability of Doll. Both effects come in play, when the model is summoned, not while the model is in process of summoning. So why do you're so confident that one thing goes before another?
  11. Is there a FAQ or another rule that says that? Cause I think that the words "models that are summoned gain Slow" means that it gains Slow after resolving the summon as well, not in process or when the model is not physically exists on the table.
  12. One more question in this topic. Rules for Summon tell us that: Models that are summoned gain the Slow Condition, and may not take Interact Actions during the Turn they are summoned. And Zoraida's Voodoo doll has a Fate Woven ability - when this model is summoned, it may immidiately take the Hem action. Both of those effects are triggered when the model is(are) summoned. So can, I summon the Doll, take Hem action and then gain Slow, sharing it with a hemmed model?
  13. So the point is: word "immidiately" means nothing, and all such collisions are ruled by the acting model's controller, right?
  14. Ok, here's an example. Collodi gives an enemy model "The New Thread" condition. It says - when this model activates, the opposing player immidiately performs a (1) Action with this model. Then the model activates within 3 of Candy an become a target of her Sweets Ability, which says - when an enemy model within 3 activates, it gains the Paralyzed Condition. So both effects come at the same time, but one has the word "immidiately".
  15. Hy everyone. I have a question: when to effects are come in play at the same time - when the model is killed, activates and so on - but one effect says that it's resolved "immidiately" and other doesn't say so - does the first effect should be resolved before the second or not?
  16. Sorry, but my question was about another stuff. I asked about a situation without any "ramparts" - only the ledge himself. From this topic I learned that ledge doesn't block LoS for model on top of it, but grants him cover from incoming fire, which I consider weird, according the cover rules.
  17. Hello everyone. My question is about Aeslin, the Titania's Henchman and her 0 AP action "Bound and Rooted". Wording says that if it is taken, until the end of the turn, friendly models within 6 cannot be moved, pushed or placed by the Actions, Abilities or Triggers of enemy models. As the RB says: So the question is - if my model under the effect of Bound and Rooted is targeted by the enemy Obey action - can it be forced to make, for example, the Walk action? The Walk action will be done by my model, but as a result of an enemy action - which is not considered resolved until the walk is done.
  18. Can I point it - if the model is standing on top of a vantage point terrain with a soft cover feature, within it's Ht in inches from the ledge, he can ignore the ledge for LoS-drawing, but still has the cover from it?
  19. I've asked about the wording of Paralyzed condition - not about the Horror duel wording. The quote you brought has a note that you didn't mention - (see pg. 52). Where the actual timing is described without the word "immidiately" From that point I can agree. Even if that makes Misery much less usefull.
  20. Can you quote the wording of Paralyzed condition with the word "immediately" in it, please? Cause I don't see it. "Effectively" is not "immidiately", if you are thinking of it.
  21. Clearly isn't. Rules say: So: Firstly the model take all it's Actions Seconly it moves to the End Activation phase. When model finish all it's Actions - it's not automatically jump to End Activation step.
  22. Nope. "Resolving Action" is a termin that has clear wording and clear borders. And so - moving to End Activation step definitely can't be the part of Resolving Action. Moreover - wording of Paralyzed says that you firstly end your current action and can't take other (even if you have unspent AP or (0) Actions). That's what is called "effectively" moving to End Activation step. But before you move to it - you end your current Action - and so on you are resolving it. Resolving an action causes a damage from Misery, your Wounds drop to 0 and you immidiatly is killed - before you have reached the End Activation Step.
  23. How can it be, if End Activation is separated from Taking Actions? And it's separated twice: 1. Due to General Timing sequence. 2. Due to Paralyzed wording: Firstly it ends the current Action with no effect, the it's activation moves to "End Actiavtion" step. Moreover, it's said that no further Action taken by the model - so how it can take the blowing action?
  24. I gonna explain the course of my thoughts with rulebook quotes: 1. Piglet took the Walk action, which was ended within engagement range. This cause her to take Horror duel and fail it, which immidiately gave her Paralyzed condition 2. Because Piglet gain the Paralyzed Condition during its Activation, it ends its current Action and effectively moves to the "End Activation" step, with no further Actions taken by the model. 3. The Paralyzed condition is removed during the "End Activation" step. And where does the damage from Mysery takes place? Wording says, that the damage is suffered after resolving the current Action. General Timing order, according to RB, is: 1. Resolve “Activation" Effects 2. Generate AP 3. Take Actions 4. End Activation So that's why I think that Mysery inflicts damage after the Walk action ends, but before the Piglet get to the End Activation step and removes it's Paralyzed.
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