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Everything posted by KID55

  1. I hoped convict gunslingers get BANDIT keyword, because they definitely bandits. Or may be some TN reduction for Parker's "obey" actions
  2. Step into poop, attacked by a loving dog, tore his valise, broke his booze meds, and dropped his hidden gun... Is Parker near? Bad day huh?
  3. Hi all. In our local malifaux chat born idea for new gremlin model: Gremlin Grenadiers. Minion, Gremlin, without Rare, 5 SS Df 3, Wp 5, Wd 4, Wk 5, Ch 5, Ht 1 Ablities Unplaned detonation - At the start of this model activation this model make a flip which may not be cheated. If flipped 0-1 all model in 5" suffer 5 damage, then sacrifice this model. FOR THE BAYOOOO!!! - When this model killed, not sacrificed, all model in 2" suffer 3 damage. Attack actions Big Burta Sh 5/Rst: Df/Rg: 8" - Target suffer 2/3/3 damage. This attack ignore cover. Before flipping damage, but after declaring a trigger this model make a flip which may not be cheated. If flipped 0-6 this model becomes the target for this attack action instead of original target. If flipped 7-14 resume attack as normal. Dumb luck - Instead normal damage, target suffer 4/6/6 damage, but this model suffer half of damage. -----------------------------OR-------------------------------- Big Burta (1) Sh 5/Rst: Df/Rg: 8" - Target suffer 2/3/3 damage. This attack ignore cover. This attack must declare a trigger if able: Something in trunk, need to glance - After resolving this model suffer damage instead of original target. This damage flip receive Strabismus and concussion - After succeeding make a randomization flip between models in 4" of original target to define new target for this attack action. Dumb luck - After succeeding instead normal damage, target suffer 4/6/6 damage, but this model suffer half of damage. Shrapnell - After succeeding target suffer 2/3/3 damage instead of normal damage. After target suffer addtioinal 1/2/2 damage, this damage flip receive Busket with ammo (1) Ml5/Rst: Df/Rg: 1" - target suffer 1/2/3 damage. This attack must declare trigger if able. Ooops, I droped it! - After resolving all model in 2" include this model suffer 3 damage. Tactical actions (0) Stashed bacon - this model may discart two card, to heal 2 damage. Thoughts?
  4. It needs. Frequently she's in engagement (in my meta many aggressive players) and can't use furious casting because 1" range.
  5. THE CUTEST THING EVER! Want abomination in the same style)
  6. From the album: Aionus by KID55

    Three features of Stranger Things: Telekinesis - check Nasty portals - check Bright-red sharps - check)
  7. Sue can: Hit hard. Min 3 (or 4 if lucky) damage, and on attack. He can eliminate danger totem/peon (Hi, Hungered Darkness). He can hold area with burning. He can give to casters. He is Hard to Kill and Relentless. He may draw a card. He can remove corpse and scrap markers (Hi, summoners). With Return fire he becomes monster. And all of this - only for 8 SS. Sue is one of the best and universal Outcast models. Sue - why it is worth playing Outcasts.
  8. If Leveticus hire madam Sybelle into his crew, can Sybelle attach Bleeding tongue and Not too banged up upgrades?
  9. Yes, but even if you can't summon another Deso, first Deso deal huge damage to enemy crew, and if you win initiative on 2 turn damage will be unacceptable
  10. And very effective if you can outactivate your opponent.
  11. Desolation-bomb Leveticus - Iron Pariah - Untimely Demise Rusty Desolation Engine - Oathkeeper Ashes & Dust 2x Hollow Waif Abomination Mobile toolkit Key: You need 10+ in hand Activation flow on first turn: Waifs do his stuff Abom ping A&D for card Toolkit buff Desolation for to Ml or DMG A&D move forward, but need to be in 10" from Leveticus Leveticus (if 10+ in hand) use Channel, jump to A&D, and try to do killy stuff OR (if you have not 10+ in hand) sac A&D for 2 cards and walk forward, summon wife Storm move to Core and make (0) Core give Fast to Deso Alyce reactivate Deso and move forward In that moment your opponent must be outactivated AND FUN BEGIN: Deso activates 1 time with fast, move 1 time, if able charge someone, healing, make (0) for DF duels, drain opponent cards, use Melee expert, if lucky - summon abomination or more healing and one more pulse at the and of activation. If you not lucky, 1 activation just move forward. 2 activation, drop Oathkeeper, and guarantee to charge some important target in enemy deployment. After charge (and healing or maybe summon aboms), make (0) for Df duels, drain opponent cards (if he still have it =) ), make 2 more attacks, healing/summon, another pulse in the end. Shocked opponent guaranteed) If you lucky and win initiative on 2 turn, you have almost full or full Deso in opponent deployment) This combo work not in all cases, but in many. After successfully Desolation-bomb opponent can't do a lot of stuff, and you easily earn your VP. You can take another abomination for one more card instead of toolkit, but toolkit give insane buff to Desolation.
  12. And all of that - without using his trigger which gives to damage flip) With that trigger Leveticus become terrible.
  13. I've played Leveticus 1 year. I really like him in Turf war-like strategies. For schemes: Frame for Murder my favorite with Desolation Engine. Accusation or Mark for Death too with A&D. I struggle in Quarter strategies against Gremlins. But that because of our local gremlin-players very strong. For scheme running he has Nekropunks (one punk can make claim jump by itself). For Dig their Graves he has A&D. Leveticus pretty strong, combo-oriented master too me. And with his new Untimely Demise upgrade, he again went into close combat, and he can be terrible on it. For example: A&D activates, move into position for close combat. Leveticus activates, use Channel, use Rebirth and jump to A&D in close combat with enemy model, hit first time with free focus, take one more focus, hit a second time with focus. If after that he would kill - great, enemies get 2 additional damage. Or if not use A&D: Leveticus activates, use Channel, move if necessary (or take one more focus), charge enemy, one hit with focus (or double), another hit "test your luck", then use Sanguine Evocation and deal 2 additional damage. In total: one hit 8 dmg (or 9 on RJ), another 1 dmg (negative scenario) and 2 dmg from pulse = 11 dmg, not so bad? Yes, you may not kill some masters or hard henchmens, if it has full wounds, but other models - you are welcome.
  14. This is just Tara. And what about other masters?
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