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Everything posted by SoylentRobot

  1. I hope we get to see the models next to some Malifaux ones, im having trouble picturing just how big they are.
  2. Jack is my favourite Outcast master out of all the ones i've tried (havent played Tara, Viktoria or Misaki yet), definitely give him a go if you havent already
  3. I just really like painting you're only seeing the Malifaux i get done too! @Rathnard is that a Hooded Rider conversion? Whose riding it now? looks cool!
  4. insidious madnesses. they dont look like anything so its really difficult to tell where each bit is supposed to go. The ropes on the Hanged and Jack Daw were pretty mean too
  5. the models look really neat. ill be picking up a few just for Pathfinder enemies
  6. Or something similar to Doc Mitchell, Alyce taking pot-shots at the Child if Levi can't see them. Probably too wordy for such a fluffy ability though.
  7. I dont think enemy models need to be Blighted to get a rat out of them when they die near Hamelin? IIRC, the wording is "when an enemy model or a model with the Blighted condition" so only friendly models need to be Blighted to get a rat.
  8. How about a bunch of orphans on a giant rat?
  9. In November I've painted Kirai's and Titania's crew boxes plus some other Neverborn stuff. Busy month. Points! Kirai (15), Lost Love (4), Datsue Ba (8), Ikiryo (0), 2x Onryo (5, 5), Jaakuna Ubume (6), 5x Seishin (0) Titania (15), The Gorar (3), Aeslin (9), The Tooth, The Claw, The Thorn (7, 7, 7) 3x Waldgeist (6, 6, 6), Lelu & Lilitu (7, 7), 2x Black Blood Shamans (7, 7) For a total of 137SS For December I've got the Brutal Emissary and Miss Fire to do
  10. I'll second this for Jack, that half life with no healing is brutal, especially if you can shut down any condition removal with Jack's curses
  11. If a Master or Henchman copies an action (say with Jack Daw using Feel Their Torment) can I spend Soulstones for flips and triggers on the copied action?
  12. I'm hoping she'll be useful for other Outcast masters rather than being "new model for Levi" Maybe she'll have some kind of Puppet summoning ability.
  13. This month I've painted Kirai's and Titania's crew boxes Plus a handful of other stuff. I'll sort the points out in December's thread.
  14. Yet more Neverborn commissions! This crew was a lot of fun to paint.
  15. im almost always sticking Shirt Comes Off and Survivalist on Von Schill, makes him very difficult to take down with all the healing his crew can put out
  16. i sort of expected the Ripples of Fate Outcast master to be a mercenary summoner, 'summoning' mercs aka hiring them for a short time, then they run away once the money dries up. but then Asami and Oni flickering came out
  17. Just in time for Halloween, its them ghosts!
  18. In October I painted the Hodgepodge Emissary (10), Anna Lovelace (9), Big Jake (5), and Johan (6), for a total of 30ss In November I'll be painting Kirai's crew box, Jaakuna Ubume, and Datsue Ba, JUST IN TIME FOR HALLOWEEN
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