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Everything posted by SunTsu

  1. I guess it's referring to both parts. Although it could be written better, I think that in case it would reference just one clause the writing would was much more specific. Now we're splitting the hair. But reading it in plain English I think it's obvious you understand it referring to both the statements.
  2. The problem here is that Wyrd forgot to define something in the ruleset. We have Immunity rules, saying that a condition is dropped if a model gains immunity. Rune Ward gives a model Immunity to conditions caused by enemies. It's not written that the model don't gain a conditions, it's written that it gets "immunity", with all that is ralate in immunity rules. Wyrd never explicitly defined condition as having no memory. More. Wyrd wrote some rules with conditions that pretend explicitly players to track which model applied it. Saying that, when a condition states it's removed when the model applied it goes out of play, it is just a timing clause, it's just a sophistic trick. I mean, it is obviously a timing clause. But that timing clause explicitly prescribe to track to source of the condition. Example: you have two crews fighting. Both have an Amina Naidu in game, and both these models gave around conditions that make models peon. At a certain point, one of the two model is killed. Do you remove all the conditions in play, or just those applied by the killed model? And, to do this, you don't need to record and track back which was the model that applied each conditions? This can like or dislike, but it's a case of a black hole. About conditions, some ruling let's say that these don't keep memory (killed models by a condition don't count as killed by any crew). Some other ruling says you absolutely need to track it (see my example just before). So, at the moment isn't really clear how to handle all the possible situations about these. But for sure, reading the RAW, Warding Runes wording it's enough to justify keeping track of conditions that usually players don't need to track. Because it's effectively a game rule. The problem is just about stackable conditions...
  3. I didn't see any reference to support landscape mode... I think it's important to support tablets. It's not there because it's implicit or you don't want to implement it? Just to know,... :-)
  4. Il gruppo cresce anche grazie alla lega! Se vi interessa partecipare o provare Malifaux, contattatemi.
  5. Hello everyone, From now on, I will organize a Christmas league here LEGIO PLACENTIA 3D - Via Stradone Farnese n.16, PIACENZA (PC) It will last from november 26th until the last day of Jenuary at least. The structure will be a league with a first "freeform" phase and then a play-off phase. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any question or if you want to register to the league.
  6. I would add a point: 4. No one counts as causing it. That is more coherent with the rule saying a model killed by poison/burning is killed by no one. And for this reason my preference goes for it.
  7. Sorry, but "I think" it's not enough... When at first I read the OP's question, I thought immediately "Ok, easy answer: you cannot drop the condition". But after further reading and thinking about the various exemples around, I changed my mind. It's not an easy answer, it's an impossible one. The problem here is that we can think all that we want, but we have some bad written rules in this particular case. First the "immunity" is a precisely defined rule in the rulebook, that include dropping conditions already on the models. About tracking conditions, we had some exemples of conditions that would fall after being applied (another exemple I can make is Amina Naidu that can make a model peon and insignificant until Amina itself is killed). On the other hand we have that conditions like burning/poison/etc are not referrable to a particular model, so giving the feel that conditions have no memory (but this isn't formalized in any part of the rules). So now we have a problem... I don't know exactly which was the intention here. I can guess that using the term "immunity" and not something like "gain", effectively the writer of this rule would mean that it works even after the condition had been applied. Remain the problem about stackable conditions. For me, the way more near to RAW to handle this should be, at the moment, let dropping conditions after these had been applied, exept for stackable conditions where the ownership is theorically impossible to track down. Obviously, it absolutely requires a faq/errata. But I guess it would be not a so easy task. Remain the black hole of some conditions having memory, while others have not... that's a hole in the base rules that makes things a little incoherent...
  8. Di seguito i link alla campagna di Malifaux. Premi ufficiali Wyrd per i partecipanti... Per gli interessati, la lega si svolgerà dal 26/11/2017. Le partite si svolgeranno nella sede della Legio Placentia 3D, allo Stradone Farnese n.16 Piacenza (PC) solitamente venerdì, sabato e domenica sera dalle 21.00. Nessun problema ad iscriversi in corsa, nel caso interessi... gruppo campagna Placentia Breach 2017 - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1952460691633369/?ref=linked_groups_hscroll LEGIO PLACENTIA 3D sul forum Wyrd - ___________________________________ - ALTRI LINK LEGIO PLACENTIA 3D - Sezione Malifaux del forum - http://legioplacentia.forumfree.it/?f=64851887 pagina campagna Placentia Breach 2017 - https://www.facebook.com/CampagnaMalifauxPiacenza/?ref=br_rs -------------------- Forum della Legio - http://legioplacentia.forumfree.it/ pagina FB Legio - https://www.facebook.com/PiacenzaLegio3D/ gruppo FB Legio - https://www.facebook.com/groups/LegioPlacentia3D/?ref=bookmarks
  9. Partirà la seconda campagna di Malifaux, qui a Piacenza! Se volete unirvi, provare il gioco o anche solo curiosare, contattatemi senza nessun problema! Qualche link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LegioPlacentia3D/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1952460691633369/members/ https://www.facebook.com/CampagnaMalifauxPiacenza/?section=PUBLISHED_POSTS&sort[0]=published_time_descending
  10. I like very very very much to have an official app with cards inside and some support to the game. Obviously it just came out, so it's far from to be perfect. But to be usable, particularly in tournaments, I think it will need some fundamental changes: 1- the app absolutely need to support tablets-like devices. I think these are the real target device where using the app. Ok, smatphones are portable and easy to handle and use. But apart from card surfing I think it would be difficult to find a player that prefer a phone to real cards. It is simple unconvenient to use it in playtime. On the other hand, tablets offers a wider screen, it is easier to place it on the table and easier to use as an in-game support to track things and see opponent's crew cards. 2- Speaking about cards, I think it's troublesome to have a screen where you need to tap in order to read every action/ability the model have. Much better having all on the screen at the same time, even if you have to scroll it (but on tablets I think it would not be an issue). Possibly, having a card view very similar to real Malifaux cards, even in the graphics, so to let easier consulting both the app and hard cards. 3- the app need t be much more interactive. I mean, just for example: - when you choose a model that can summon, you could be able to look at the summoning list, and tapping on each entry you should see the relative cards; -with each card you should be able to look for and watch the possible upgrades; -adding to the crew a model summoned during game; - filter models using many criteria and a search engine (ss cost, ablities, stats, tags, even seaching a string on the entire card text).
  11. Stiamo preparando qualche evento nel prossimo futuro.... stay tuned! Come al solito, info via PM.
  12. Settembre 2017! Sono a Salerno quasi tutto il mese! Se volete fare una demo contattatemi che ci organizziamo. Vi segnalo in particolare che dall'8 al 10 settembre ci sarà il Fantaexpò 2017 (http://fantaexpo.it/ oppure https://m.facebook.com/FantaExpo/ ). L'ALS "Il Guiscardo" (https://m.facebook.com/groups/34181793748) mette a disposizione un tavolo per giocare a Malifaux e far demo! Se siete interessati o anche soltanto curiosi, dovete provare! ;-) 😁
  13. Settembre sono quasi tutto il mese in ferie a Salerno. Ma... Se volete comunque giocare contattatemi che qualche giocatore lo rimediamo sempre...!!! ;-) Comunque, a Salerno cerchiamo di non stare troppo fermi.... Per info andate su 👍 :-D
  14. Agosto è un mese un po' morto. Ed è un po' difficile ritagliarsi degli orari in questo periodo, in particolare per me. MA... se siete interessati a fare una demo contattatemi e cerchiamo di metterci d'accordo...
  15. Hello! A quick question just to check... If 2 Bad Juju are against each other, both buried, and a swampfiend model is killed, what happens? I mean, which one is placed before the other? Thanks from now.
  16. In un mese abbiamo acquisito più di 4 nuovi player! Un ottimo risultato, ma speriamo di fare ancora meglio e di continuare a crescere! Come al solito, se volete fare qualche demo o venire a fare una partita, contattateci senza problemi!
  17. Hello. How it works in the scenario below? Colette fail a WP duel while inside 3 misery auras. She got the for the "Now You See Me..." trigger. If she is placed 6" away as the trigger rule allow, she can put herself out of the 3 auras. Now, what's happens? 1- Colette takes 3 damages and don't get to use her trigger. 2- Colette takes 3 damages but then get to use her trigger placing herself within 6". 3- Colette get to use her trigger, suffering no damage and placing herself outside the Misery auras. Thanks for your time guys.
  18. Questo mese a Piacenza ci sarà un evento: GiocaCON. Il 20 e 21 Maggio saremo lì a fare demo di Malifaux. Chi vuol partecipare è il benvenuto!
  19. Di nuovo a Piacenza dopo la Play di Modena ed qualche giorno a Salerno. Sempre a disposizione per demo, inviatemi un MP.
  20. Really, could be a great difference... Let's say we have a building HT3 4" wide. If the rules for flight would take the HT into account (and is NOT the case at the moment), a flying model would pay just a bit more of 8" (considering a small base) to pass the other side. With unimpeded you get no bonus at all respect a standard model, and passing the other side would cost more then 13" (4" wide, plus 2x3" climbing up, plus 2x1" climbing down), or just 11" but suffering 4 damages. So, in the endy, if the game designers would make a version of flight more andherent to the "realty" and the description, and more newbie friendly (because at the moment the rule in counterintuite, I can we can agree on this...), they could. Probably for simplicity they choosed to write the faqs/rules this way. We have no way to know which was the original RAI of the ruleset for flight. We know that, for the moment, without any new faq/errata about it, it could works in a strange and counterintuite way on the table... My two cents.
  21. Yeah, I thought the same, but just to ask. Thanks for your answers.
  22. Hello. We're speaking about Ice Path from Ice Dancer model. If a model end an action touching one of these marker, the opponent can push the model up to 3" in any direction. Relevant quote: How it works in a charge? If the charging model end the charge movement touching an ice path marker, the opponent can push it away immediately or only after the first charge attack? Thanks for your thoughts.
  23. News per Marzo e Aprile 2017 Se volete provare Malifaux, venite a trovarci nella sede. Per appuntamenti chiedete a me. L'1 aprile ci sarà la Play di Modena (https://www.play-modena.it/) durante la quale farò delle demo di Malifaux a chi è interessato. Ci sarà anche un torneo! https://www.play-modena.it/2017/programma/malifaux-the-play-tournament-ii-edizione-46/ Dal 3 aprile per 7-10 gg sarò in campania a Salerno, dove per gli interessati potrò tenere delle demo. Per info contattatemi.
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