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Everything posted by ShinChan

  1. I don't know what Akanames do in an Oni crew, but they're decent for their cost for Tri-Chi, so I wouldn't change much about them. Df 5 or 5 Wounds would be a nice add to them, specially if you compare them with Poison Gamins. Tri-Chi has a lot of TNs (either high number or suits) to meet in order to operate at standard level. Add that to the lack of card draw and how easy is to counter the "poison game" and suddenly is just better to bring a bunch of OOK models + Whiskey Golem and the list will be waaaay more competitive than any in-keyword list. First thing I would add is some sort of aura that prevents friendly Tri-Chi models from losing poison at the end of the turn. That would help the models that actually use poison on themselves to keep using it a little longer (and also it will help to keep track of it). The other adjustment I would make is that Fingers should be able to reduce poison in friendly models to draw extra cards. That would help the crew to compete and it will give a purpose to stack poison in friendly models that don't have a use for it.
  2. I already "complained" many times about Wizz-Bang, after all it's my most played keyword (and I've played more than 100 game in the past 11 months). There is a really nice "core for the crew" that are Alphonse, Sammy and Bokors. The others go from garbage to situational. There are some nasty combos like Pigapult + Sparks + Stuffed Piglets/Lightning Bugs, but that's all. I played a bunch of Lightning Bugs in GG0 just because I have them painted and love the models. Also they were a decent pick for some schemes, but that's all. For 1ss more you have a Bokor that is better at almost everything. Wong's glowy needs to be reworked a bit, adding more synergy with the TNs (since Injured does not apply anymore to simple duels) and helping his crew to gain glowy without damaging them (for example one of those abilities that only works when he's the leader). Lightning Bugs need to be better at healing than a Bokor. Healing energy should be stat 6. Elemental Bolt should lose the or at least ignore friendly fire. Maybe a trigger like Wild Shoot or Ricochet (the magic flush just going crazy randomly around) Olivia needs manipulative/disguised and Df5. Burt sucks. First of all, the needs HtK. Second, I really appreciate someone trying to get him some synergy with Gracie, but if that trigger in the gun is the only thing that they could come up with, I'm sorry, but that's awful and seems like someone wasn't in the mood of working that day. A decent trigger in the gun should be there (or at least one that is usable). That "Clockwork Grenade" is another lazy way of adapting the Cracker-Jack timing. I'm okay with having that grenade instead of the previous ability that he had in M2E, but not even a trigger to make it more interesting? No interaction with enemy glowy? He is an example of how to ruin a model, from a reference and gameplay perspective. I'm not a fan of Taxidermist, but apparently some people seem to like them, so I'm not going to complain about them. IMHO they're too expensive for what they bring to the table and being 8ss just to justify putting an upgrade (Inferiority Complex) bumping their price to 10ss seems ridiculous to me. Swine Cursed are totally fine. They're missiles and they fulfill that role perfectly. Their issue is actually Wong being lackluster. Pigapult is fine, although it was better before that Errata ruined its shockwave. Bokors need to change that Deja Vu for Surge or getting +1Wd and +1 Cost.
  3. 4 wins out of 9 game in the past 3 vassal tournaments, (and @Kharnage just won 8-2 with her in his last game this weekend, vs English Ivan). He said that Nekima has lost some power since the FAQ and errata came into play, both from losing IR (which was abusive) and from the "Enraged by insolence" (and all the "other model" clauses). However, she's still doing her thing. After playing against Kharnage a couple of times, a well played Nekima is a master that is going to punish you even for the smallest positioning mistake, while she's going to dictate when and where the fights are going to take place. Is she as good as before? Definitely no, but she's still in a decent spot. Now, if that's not what you want to play with Nephilim, maybe you have to try to find an equally productive playstyle or maybe they're not the keyword for you (seems like Peacekeeper Hoffman could be, lots of movement tricks, bunch of positives and people hitting 3-4 times each activation).
  4. Blocking means that it actually generates a Shadow and gives cover (relative to the position both models are). Doesn't have the climbable trait, so you can't go up or down (other than falling). Maybe it's not superclear, but I think is properly defined.
  5. With a forest (dense) just in front of it... Maybe not the best idea
  6. Just want to point that you can let yourself fall from the stone part (suffering 1 damage). You cannot climb up or down.
  7. Or a leap! Put a leap on Arik and suddenly he can hit you twice from 13" away, doesn't matter the terrain. Actually that Leap is going to allow you to hit the Cerberus twice, even if it has butterfly jump or disguised. If it has both, just concentrate and hit him for 6 damages. Cats are good? Definitely, but not that good vs a crew that has a bunch of armor and healing.
  8. Both are good choices, no matter which one you pick, it would be more a matter of playstyle
  9. Links to the pairings added in the first post too! For the lazy people that doesn't want to go back to the top of the page 1 (I would be one of them): Group A: https://www.bag-o-tools.com/live/#/live/1656 Group B: https://www.bag-o-tools.com/live/#/live/1655
  10. It has its upsides and downsides. For a 3 round tournament the point difference and the points scored make a huge difference, so we wanted to minimize the chances of a top player facing a more newish player and getting a 8-0 out of, which would make it very difficult to prevent him to become the winner (or reach podium) after a single game. Also notice that the same spot in both pods will grant some extra points in the first pod, since there are more players in that one (difference is not huge, but every point matters). Finally, we think that making the groups balance like this will result in a better player experience overall. People will be usually playing against others with a similar level and we believe there are good and strong players in both groups. Let's remember that a single big win isn't going to be enough to get anyone in the top 16 that will participate in the final Masters Championship, specially if we're talking about a podium in a 3 rounds event
  11. Super large door, so still no leaps. Be aware that there is a small portion that counts as severe terrain.
  12. Hi all! After some deliberation, it was decided to make some changes, mainly for the last map of the event. The new player pack can be found HERE (it also has been updated in the original post). Things that have changed: Definition of the rocky part of the hill in R1 Definition of the staircase in R1 ht of the forest is unlimited now, to avoid confusions about seeing over them and/or ignoring concealment. R3 map has changed Clarification about placing the Symbols of Authority on top of scenery elements (to prevent weird interactions when a Symbol can't be picked because a model's base can't fit in base contact with it) Please, pay attention to the cactus in R3 map. They follow the special rules defined in the player pack, so no Injured. We considered that this new map is going to offer a better overall player experience and will avoid some "tricky plays" about where Symbols can be placed. I apologize for this last minute changes, but I think it's for the best. If anyone wants to change faction after this, please, reach out to me ASAP and I'll make it happen Friendly reminder: the inscriptions will be close tomorrow and the pairings will be up. If all the games are played before the due date, the schedule will be adjusted to get extra time for the next tournament. And thank you all for participating!!!!!!!!!! We love to see so many people invested! Go flip some card, enjoy your games and remember that Bad Things happen! (Sometimes to you, sometimes to your opponent )
  13. The only change I see reasonable to Colette is reducing the Presto-Chango to 6" instead of the current 8" or increase the TN by 1-2. I 120% agree with @Vangerdahast here, the real problem when facing Arcanist is that Rider (specially with SS cache). Being able to reactivate a model in turn 2, 3, 4 and 5, while being in a corner of a map, without LoS or range is nuts. Even as a last activation can easily score 2 points from schemes pretty easy, dropping 4 scheme markers with 0 counterplay. It should require targeting/LoS or/and a model in range. Duet is fine, after all it costs 12ss and can't have upgrades. Colette has been doing pretty good in the Vassal tournaments, but not much better than others. She also has been played by really good players, which means she will do good. My main concern about her is how similar are all her list: Colette Rider (usually with ss cache) 1-2 SS miners (1 with Magical training) 2 Coryphee to become the Duet. 1 beater/tech pick or Silent One to add some healing/creating pillars to annoy more the enemy with presto chango or protect symbols of authority / Leylines
  14. Who's going to carry the Lodestone there? Also, with that list you'll have 2 possible schemes: LyM, C&R and another 2 that can be hard but doable: Runic Binding and Claim Jump.
  15. Even Sue is very situational. I have to say that Marcus is always going to be a big problem for Parker due to Disguised+ Stealth and all the mobility the crew has. But I agree with you. Convict Gunslingers are 1ss to expensive for what they bring to the table. Wokou riders are between situational and useless. The Bandidos are just "meh", usually you'll be saving your stones to bring something else. Although I used to bring 1 almost every game, since it was a cheap activation, but right now their best use is to die for Hidden Martyrs. If at least they had the defensive trigger printed + some real utility related to scheme markers. That could make them a bit better. Bayou Smugglers are only good to build a Parker list with a card generation-engine with Benny, so you'll have 29 stones sit drawing you cards and doing mostly nothing else.
  16. Run & Gun with a flamethrower deserves a Darwin Award. Although, ignoring Cover or Concealment would definitely fit for them, and the "Burn It All" trigger should definitively be in their card. Since Outcasts do not have any marker removal (like any type or marker, not only destructible) they could even see some play OOK.
  17. Just wanting to share my experiences playing Bayou during the Vassal tournament "New Year's Retribution". For those who don't know it, the tournament follow a specific set of rules called "Iron Scorpius", which forced the players to pick 5 different Masters beforehand and to play 4 of them, one of each round. More information about the event, here: Round 1: Deployment: Standard Strategy: Corrupted Leylines Scheme Pool Vendetta Take Prisoner Claim jump Breakthrough Sabotage My Crew: Mah Tucket + Little Lass Sparks Lucky Effigy + Effigy of Fate Mechanized Porkchop Test Subject Bushwhacker Big Brain Brin Gluttony 4ss Opponent's crew: Nexus + 2 Shambling Nest Dr. Meredith Stanley Archivist Nightsilk Creeper Spelleater Spelleater Botanist 4ss Final Score: 7 (4 Corrupted Leylines, 1 Vendetta, 2 Breakthrough)- 6 (4 Corrupted Leylines, 2 Breakthrough, 0 Vendetta) Comments: I went with Mah mainly because she has enough movement shenanigans and the map didn't have any concealment, so if needed I could bring a bunch of Bushwackers and try to play the gunline while Mah was going for a walk. Once I saw Nexus, I knew I was going to need something that attacks Wp and ideally something that can push models around, so that was Gluttony, one of my usual OOK picks with Mah as a counter for marker-based crews. It actually worked like a charm. I played quite defensively during turn 1, blocking the path for the Shambling Nests to get parasite tokens on my models with traps, even if that meant activating Mah as one of my first models. When I saw the opportunity, I used Maddening Drums from Gluttony to send a Shambling Nest back to his deployment zone and remove 2 Web Markers in the process, which gave me enough room to breathe and be able to leave my deployment zone, while messing with my opponent's summing turn (which btw, it's obscene how good it is...). On the bottom part of the table, the Nightsilk Creeper did all he wanted to score Breakthrough while a Bushwacker spent 4 turns running away from the other Shambling Nest. Turn 2-3 I managed to send the Porkchop packed with explosives to the middle of his crew and kept them busy for a while, while I was trying to score my points. It was impossible to stop the Botanist after he got a couple of grow tokens, so I knew that was going to be a close game. I had Little Lass and BBB trying to stop the Nightsilk Creeper, but the guy does just whatever he wants with all that movement tricks. I also underestimate the survivality of the Spelleaters, that survived 2 full rounds of Mah Tucket trying to smack them with her spoon, ending with Mah and one of them dead. It truly was a tough game, and if my opponent hadn't misplayed that positioning that allow Gluttony to his thing, game could had easily gone waaaaay worse for me.
  18. I'm happy that you're liking the series! You're right, in a case like that, Teddy wouldn't count for that limit
  19. You can attack your own models for 1 damage, bring the Emissary and they will heal just by activating. Tri-Chi's TNs: Tanukis: 7 ,7 ,7 Fingers needs 3 Brewie need a 3 Wesley needs a 7 Akaname 5+ Monks/Moon Shinobi 5+ Cooper Jones 8+ and 5+ Popcorn Turner 5+ And they're definitely more suit hungry than Freikorps. Anyway it was a comparison, to probe that Freikorps don't need to be able to do everything every turn. I though this thread was supposed to talk about the worst models in Outcasts, and Freikorps as a keyword are not in the bottom in the power-scale. I do agree however that Drachen trooper is too niche for his cost and they will almost never see the table as a regular pick, but not much because they're bad, but because Freikorps has better option in and outside keyword. Lazarus is another model that could use some love, but the crazy comparison with Merris is just nuts. Merris' shockwave is garbage compared with Lazarus (any of them) and being able to remove scheme markers from 13" away without requiring LoS is great, and the same goes for his trigger in melee.
  20. At least you have 7 cards in hand and many ways to cycle cards. Tri-Chi is way worse at reaching and only has 6 cards in hand. Maybe because you actually have to choose which of those things you need to prioritize instead of trying to do everything. You have Prospectors and Librarians with "printed" Surge trigger. I've played against list without Arik and Hannah, and either lose or had a terrible time against them. Engineers are an amazing 6ss model.
  21. There are still 12 days until the beginning Take it easy, you have plenty of time to rest and come back to have some international fun!
  22. If anyone hasn't receive the email (after checking in Spam folder of your email account), send me a private message and I'll verify it
  23. Some ability that is powerful, but minion only could be nice.
  24. Df/Wp 4 are not a problem when you have more Wounds than a master, Terrifying 12 and HtW. He is a beast (well, literally xD) and way better beater than Killjoy/Silent Knight. The free crow is nice if you get it, but I wouldn't invest too much on making it work. Having a 3/4/5 damage track is great paired with Predatory Instincts. The only thing that I find bad about this model is that is way too big to play it comfortably on a table 😢
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