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Everything posted by maca1066

  1. a few of us in UK are using this Wrath of Kings Fulung Devourer
  2. This an interesting discussion and I'd like to join in. This game is awesome and I have really enjoyed it and will be playing again next year and I'm not sure if I am changing faction. I started in January and have played all master except brewie and got at least 3 tournament games in with all of them. I concur that McCabe is extremely powerful and on par with Asami who I have circa 10 tournament games in with now, they both can be dropped in most scheme pools and will likely get full 10 points. I hear what your saying about the Shenlong sniper list but it is by far the most boring way to play malifaux and not fun for you opponent so I don't ever do it. Lynch is the 3rd most powerful in my opinion and I have played him a lot. the ace in the hole is broken with TT brothers, played a game once with 5 TT brothers and it was horribly for my opponent as he had nothing that attacked Wp (I know he should have had some). the 52 card pickup is also borderline broken. I also use him for the turf/guard the stash games. I have had a hard year with Shenlong as I have run him around 10 times and 4 of those games are against UK number one mark which have ended in my defeat. He is good and can really catch your opponent out as he is so flexible but just doesn't quite hit hard enough to be amazing. Yan lo is an awesome master in Headhunter style games and has carved a nice niche in my list building. the new minions have definitely bumped him up by giving him more viable options as they are able to operate independently. Mei feng is also decent and I have carved a nice death ball summoning list that starts with 6 models and pops out 2 komaniu a turn while allowing mei to vent 3 times a turn (4 if yu gives he fast) and between Yu and the kaminachi she never has to walk, ever. she is my auto drop against Guild and against Ressers. Misaki is surprising as I have won all my games with her but she still feels underwhelming, a good bomb but nothing more. Can't comment on brewmaster and I will likely never play him, just doesn't appeal.... Wong should have been the dual faction master The faction has a great toolbox and can literally do anything. Our minions are our strengths (best in the game). We have decent but very specific enforcers such as emissary, lone swordsman, samurai and Yin. Our henchmen are also very niche but we have some fantastic pieces, Yu, Betty, Toshiro, and huggy (kinda cheating). We have some of the best support pieces in Yu and Emissary, but agree we don't have henchmen like Crutchcisco Ortega and Joss but I think they would be too good in TT and is likely why we don't have a opposite number in our faction. The main issues with our faction is the steep learning curve and limited synergy/cross master model use (excluding yu and emissary) making the cost entry point higher. However we do have the widest toolbox. I think our toolbox is epitomized in how few mercs you see TT players using, I have only used or though of using Anna Lovelace (min dmg 3 cast at range).
  3. crews wont need to be painted, built and based on the appropriate bases. There may be and added incentive such as raffle tickets for using fully painted though or entering the painting competition (TBC). speaking to chip on Tuesday about getting the tickets on sale on the website sooner rather than later.
  4. Buying ticket for James Hanley too.
  5. Just buying a ticket now, me and James Hanley are up for this.
  6. gotta get in early with this calendar, seems to fill up quick. plus more planning time is good planning time.
  7. keith, I'm currently working this through with the owner. details by COP next week.
  8. On the 4th March 2017 http://www.incomgaming.co.uk/ will be holding it's first Malifaux tournament, 40 players, 4 rounds, 50SS and Gaining ground 2017. link to Facebook event (WIP): https://www.facebook.com/events/1204493869625900/?ti=ia Ticket sales https://www.incomgaming.co.uk/collections/events/products/malifaux-tournament-cheltenham £12.50. This will be my first Malifaux event and I am very excited to give back to the awesome community. Incom wargaming is actually in a PUB!!!, the Two Pigs in Cheltenham. There will be trophies and a raffle. Extra raffle tickets will be given for using painted crews and for bringing 1 tables worth of terrain (max 1 per player). However rough outline of the event will be a 0900 registration for 0930 start, 2 hour rounds, 45 mins for lunch, chip the manager will have a lunch deal to save time. Finish 1830-1930. I hope to see some old and new faces there and I promise to give it my all. Player pack : https://www.dropbox.com/s/axxmo3d40p8l6xr/Infaux Overload player pack.docx?dl=0 List of attendees (paid) 1. Kieth Robinson (paid) 2. George Hollingdale (paid) 3. John Burgess (paid) 4. Andy Bradshaw (paid) 5. Grant Dickenson (paid) 6. Jay walters (paid) 7. Johnathan Mccarthy (paid) 8. Liam Coupland (paid) 9. Michael Rees (paid) 10. Dominic Westerland (paid) 11. Niel Harrison (paid) 12. Jeroen van Riel (paid) 13. Johnny Hill (ticket available) 14. Will Malcolm (paid) 15. Matt McConnell(paid) 16. Shaunie Paxton (paid) 17. Matt Lewin (paid) 18. Ben Leslie (paid) 19. Tom Thorpe (paid) 20. Rich Vincent (paid) 21. Nick Featherstone (paid) 22. Richard Walters (paid) 23. Will Finn-Lewis (ticket available) 24. Huw Jenkins (paid) 25. Marcus Rose (paid) 26. Ross Barker (paid) 27. Ben Sime (paid) 28. Tim Brown (paid) 29. Mark Elmwood (paid) 30. Craig Colley (paid) 31. Troy Ashdown (Paid) 32. Alex Williams(paid) 33. Paul Butkler (paid) 34. James Doxy (paid) 35. James Hanley (pay on day) 36. Keron Campbell Tucker (paid) 37. Jamie Armstrong (ticket avaliable) 38. Tim Britton (paid) 39. Graham Bursnell (pay on day) 40. Rob Tozer (paid) Reserves 1. Lee Walstow 2. 3.
  9. Hi all, I am the new Wyrd Henchman at the Cheltenham Wargaming Store Incom Wargaming https://www.incomgaming.co.uk/. I am available for Demos most Tuesdays (hit me up a week in advance either here, on Facebook Conor McNama or @WargamerConor on Twitter) and will be running a special Demo day on 17th Dec. On the Demo day there will be an additional discount on all Wyrd product ordered on the day and following this I will be organising a 4 week escalation campaign in January 2017 leading to a GG 2016 (GG 2017 if released) ranked 4 round 50ss tournament on March 4th. 2 Tuesday evenings will be dedicated to Malifaux Demos aswell, 15th Nov and 10th January. Find the demo events on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/porkchopgaming/ shameless link to tournament:
  10. bought a ticket the other day in the shop. will the event be submitted to rankings? just makes a difference as to which faction I bring with me on the day.
  11. I'm interested, just need to do some deconfliction.
  12. The Yu point is good, I've replaced him with Emissary in most lists.
  13. model I hate that everyone raves about are illuminated. They never get the work out of them I hope or expect. Don't get me wrong on paper amazing, on my table lackluster. I love torakage, not sure how much heat they actually get but I seem to be playing one more and more. I have one in my McCabe crew, Lynch Crew and Shenlong 90% of the time these days.
  14. having played circa 60 tournament games in GG 2016 I have had very little issues with belles. I generally wont my models up in my opponents face, I just activate my 'chaff' first which means they either lure chaff or my beaters. belle's only need on one of their suits removed like Oiran I feel just for fairness. Nurse's are a pain but I mainly see my opponents use them on their own models unless they keep up the high cards, if they are running a nurse against Shenlong and Yu I keep high river up to increase my duel total. other than that I would send black betty (new henchman) after a nurse to guarantee they kill it (no def triggers and built in flay). in a nutshell rush belles and kill nurses as number one priority.
  15. if you need another vassal opponent i am available. john can put you in contact.
  16. just got my summer holiday dates from work and this weekend is smack in the middle, I have a pass from the wife are there still tickets available? Also could I get added to the meal list if I get a ticket? Driving up from Swindon anyone wants to car share/picking up on the way up the west coast.
  17. looking forward to this weekend
  18. guys I am after lucius, the scribe and 2 guild lawyers. based in UK
  19. Noticed you wanted people to bring a tables worth of terrain. I can bring a tables worth, still building some of it but it will be ready well before the event. let me know if you are still after a board.
  20. wish I could come but I have the in-laws over at the new house. Would be jack to just leave the missus.
  21. getting mine now in case they run out...again
  22. Interested now I have moved to Swindon but need a weekend pass from the Wife. Fingers crossed.
  23. Ticket bought. Looking forward to this. Had a break to move house now back on with the faux!
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