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Everything posted by Skitt_Happens

  1. With Salute this weekend, Dark Sphere have been really busy so I didn't want to hassle them further - will look to get first list as soon as possible. So far, looks like 4 tickets sold.
  2. Just a place holder at the moment. But will be running a story encounter tournament on this day. It will be 3 or 4 rounds depending on what I end up doing. Thanks Tom
  3. Tinker, Taelor, Soldier, Spy returns with Tinker, Taelor 2: this is a beginner friendly tournament at Dark Sphere in the heart of London. This will be a sixteen player, three round, fixed faction event. Strategies and Schemes are pre-determined and are revealed below. If there is sufficient demand, we may be able to expand beyond 16 players. Tournament Pack can be found here Dark Sphere is located close to Lambeth North underground station, or a short walk from Waterloo station. To make the event as accessible as possible for new players I have built in an extra fifteen minutes to the round time – if you are an experienced player that feels this unnecessary, I recommend using the extra time to practise trash talking your opponent... There will also be an award for the best placed “new” player to keep things interesting. To remove as much pressure on new players as possible, the strategies and schemes we will be using for the event are included below. Tournament Schedule Each game will last two hours and fifteen minutes including set-up. 10:30-11:00 Registration 11:00-13:15 Game 1: Ours // Flank Deployment Guarded Treasure / Set Up / Hold Up Their Forces / Inescapable Trap / Vendetta 13:15-14:00 Lunch & Painting Competition 14:00-16:15 Game 2: Public Executions // Corner Deployment Eliminate the Leadership / Dig Their Graves / Undercover Entourage / Search the Ruins / Take Prisoner 16:25-18:40 Game 3: Guard the Stash // Standard Deployment Guarded Treasure / Dig Their Graves / Show of Force / Take One for the Team / Recover Evidence 18:40-19:00 Clear-up and prizes In the event of odd numbers of participants, a ringer will be available who will not score tournament points. Tickets are available from the Dark Sphere website, priced at £10 each. Go to: www.darksphere.co.uk Hoping you can make it down and join us for a fun day of flipping cards! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on the Wyrd Forums (@Skitt_Happens) or on the Dark Sphere Malifaux Facebook group. Many thanks Tom 1. AJ Barr 2. Luke Grundy 3. John Burgess 4. Luke Athiko 5. Tobias Dracup 6. Rob Jones 7. Troy Ashdown 8. Andy Bradshaw 9. Reice Chaudhry 10. Leo Rautonen 11. James Henley 12. Samuel Thompson 13. Nick Featherstone 14. James Trevallion 15. 16.
  4. Hello Due to a lack of demand, I have changed this event to a three round event, to make it a lighter, less intense day for all. This event is now definitely going ahead - thank you for your support. Dark Sphere is located close to Lambeth North underground station (or a short walk from Waterloo station) and makes for a great Malifaux venue in the heart of London. Clash of The Titanias will be a three round, 32 player event: fixed faction. Full event details here: Tounament Pack Tickets are £10 and available here: Tickets Tournament Schedule 11:00 – 11:30 Registration 11:30 – 13:30 Game 1 13:30 – 14:15 Lunch & Painting Competition 14:15 – 16:15 Game 2 16:15 – 16:30 Break 16:30 – 18:30 Game 3 18:30 – 19:00 Clear-up and prizes Attendees: 1. John Burgess 2. Richard Walters 3. Tim Porter 4. Charlie Collins 5. Luke Athiko 6. Rick Horton 7. Lukasz Rozanski 8. Conor Rooney 9. Sam Thompson 10. Reice Chaudhry 11. Ben Sime Thanks Tom
  5. Have we had any confirmation that the models in these story encounters are useable outside of said story encounters?
  6. With regards to including food: perhaps an optional "food ticket". Take orders and get a delivery at a suitable time - if it's compulsory in the ticket too many people have dietary requirements that is going to cause a lot of unrest.
  7. May I please have: Stuffed Vine leaves Meat Moussaka Thanks Tom Skitt
  8. Ah - only just seen this! Yes, can I be put down for the meal as well, please? Tom Skitt
  9. Premium 2.75" x 4.75" Tarot Card(s)
  10. You can't gain the shed blood condition on turn 1. Only if you kill something "on any turn after the first". Hmm. Is a Strategy Marker with Terrain traits a Terrain Marker? I don't think it is, but could be. Actually like the idea for cinematic value if it is. Might not be the best for competitive structure.. .
  11. Hello All Just to let you know we are having a day of Malifaux fun next Wednesday at Dark Sphere, London next Wednesday (20th December). Not a tournament by any stretch of the imagination, just a few tables booked in for the whole day. I'm going to write a couple of Christmas themed story encounters for people to have a go at if they desire - just turn up when you are free, play who ever is around and leave when you want/have to. On previous occasions I don't think anyone has had to wait around too long to get a game, and it's just a fun way to get a game or two in and meet our group. I'm planning to get there for opening at 11am and will probably head to the pub at some point in the evening... If you are new to Malifaux, I will be happy to run you through a demo game. Regardless, if you are free and in the area come and say hi! We're a friendly bunch, promise! Details for Dark Sphere: http://www.darksphere.co.uk/shop.php Come join us on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/darkspheremalifaux/ One of the story encounters I have in mind is a variation on an Enforcer Brawl, so make sure you bring along an Enforcer. Hope to see many old and new faces there! Tom
  12. He's immense! I've had a handful of games with him now and by turn 3 he is able to grab the game by the scruff of the neck and do everything himself. I considered Lilith to be the best all-around master in the game and Yan Lo is now in the same bracket: they have similar tricks, and although Lilith's abilities are better, with Ca8 and no suit dependence, Yan Lo is more reliable. Crew building has to change - previously I would take a crew to do the work (largely Ancestors) and Yan Lo would support. Now I find expendable crews to be more beneficial. The only Ancestor I take is Chiaki, and I've never needed to pass off chi, it's just because she is generally very good. Because Yan Lo plays much more aggressively for me now, this idea of him as a tank is less secure. Even fully powered up, your opponent will happily nickle and dime him: I've got very close to losing him on several occasions. For this reason, I think Fortify the Spirit is essential to provide a little further deterrent or just ensure you can avoid that killing blow. Misdirection might work, but it works in less situations. Another reason why I don't take Ancestors - I'm not taking Reliquary. My current favoured list is: Yan Lo w/ Awakening, Follow Their Footsteps and Fortify the Spirit Soul Porter Chiaki w/ Peaceful Waters Goryo Goryo Onryo Pathfinder Trap Monk of Low 10T Brother
  13. It's certainly my hope to run regular events at Dark Sphere. Not sure if there will be another tournament of this scale this year, but certainly next year.
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