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Everything posted by Skitt_Happens

  1. As info starts to trickle through from Ripples of Fate, I wanted to check that I am reading Asami's 'Feigned Weakness' upgrade properly. Let's create a hypothetical: Asami has 'Feigned Weakness' attached. Turn 1 no one scores. Turn 2 opponent scores off the strat only, Asami doesn't score. Using Feigned Weakness she can summon a Tengu, slow and flicker +2. As scoring is the last thing to happen in the turn, conditions have already been reduced, and the Tengu keeps Flicker +2 until the end of turn 3. Slow carries over into turn 3, but as the Tengu was summoned at the end of turn 2, it is able to interact as normal on turn 3. Is there something I'm missing, or is that all correct?
  2. I've tried it for occupy their turf, and it went slightly wrong because I did it turn 1 and had to survive a Nekima/Lilith assault for a turn. Very successfully used it for public demonstration: my opponent did me a solid by charging the Joro turn 2. It's doable, but remember to wait till turn 2, use turn 1 to stack your hand.
  3. I think the dwarf is going to be too small - he's on a 25mm base, Yasunori will, I assume be on a 50mm base
  4. Really? 8wd, HtK, HtW + Eat Your Fill can't reliably keep it together? I can think of 2 times in which my Joro has gone down easily: the first was due to a lucky red jokered sniper shot on the first activation of the game; the second time she got a very angry Nekima to the face - there's not much in the game that will stand up to that. Commonly, my opponent throws more and more ap from bigger and bigger models into removing Spidey and more often than not she is still on the board at the end of the game. I've not used Izamu very much - when I have I have been generally happy with him - but if you've ever found him stood next to a Ronin he doesn't seem so tough anymore.
  5. The glaive is generally fine. There's plenty of available in 10T which make it in most cases as good as Ml6+ anyway. Crushing blow means a narrow hit can be a straight flip, and entrap is a great trigger: pull them in and let the Ml6 bite do the work. In general, Jorogumo is a minion hunter for me, so the average Ml star has rarely been an issue.
  6. I didn't appreciate it fully at first, but that (0) to make a minion attack, with a trigger to add up to +3 damage dependent on vp could be BRUTAL: So you get your 6 attacks (recalled training anyone) and then make your LFSJ (local, friendly, summoned Jorogumo) swing at a potential 6/7/9 damage! My initial thoughts were that the Oni Rider was not truly comparable to the other riders, partly because it doesn't have that once a game ultimate action. I now realise this is not the case: I'd rather have an excellent action I can take 2-3 times a game than an unbelievable one that I might get off once a game. I think Oni has a slight edge over the others in damage and threat range. How do we feel about +2 wounds and armour +1, plus draw a card once per turn when taking damage, as opposed to the riders turn dependent damage reduction?
  7. Nope. Trigger is once per activation.
  8. I don't think it's been mentioned here, so: Akaname: meaning "filth licker", in Japanese mythology they are "the personifiction of the fear of using a dark bathroom at night." Dual faction, Gremlin/10T minion, Tri-chi + Oni. Some interaction where they steal (lick off?) poison from a model and do something with it. You'll find them in the Gremlin preview. That's all I know, but guessing a good take with Brewy and a nice situational summon with Asami ("what's that, you are sending your flesh construct after Asami? Catch this").
  9. Doesn't need to keep up with them. Just any model with an upgrade. They have other uses too. It's not necessarily better than existing totems, bit it's a very workable option.
  10. This is exactly my point - if the Kamaitachi is near the target when TC swaps the upgrade, you can draw a card, heal 2 and push target 2". That's pretty useful in my book! You'll still take the Peasants and Soul Porter, but gives an interesting choice for Misaki, Mei, Brewy, Asami and McCabe (who it was alwaY's a legit image choice for anyway). Lynch will probably still take Huggy - although I do someone who thinks Wonder Weasel works with Lynch... I'm not sure I agree.
  11. I think wave 4 is going to take 10T to a whole new level, and while Asami is very exciting, I think the most exciting models are actually the Terracotta Warriors. 5ss model that can take (and subsequently ignore) damage on behalf of another model - suddenly Asami doesn't look to fragile. Most importantly is the action Justin mentioned that people seem to have glossed over a little: an action to swap upgrades! Firstly, that makes 10T incredibly versatile. Put smoke grenades on Ototo while he walks up the board, then at the last minute swap it to recalled training. That upgrade on Asami which let's you summon when you are losing - start with that, once you are winning swap to something else (I can't remember if it was non-leader). Secondly, you know how you look at Wonder Weasel and go: he'd be good with Shenlong, Yan Lo or McCabe, but I wouldn't want to lose my Peasants / Soul Porter / sometimes Luna... Now he is amazing with everyone! They are probably not going to be auto-take, but I think the Terracotta Warriors are going to be auto-include in your bag.
  12. Brain Scream [Drops mic, walks away, realises he's on a moving bus, sits back down]
  13. Absolutely - but if you can stop her reactivating at the same time, it's all the sweeter!
  14. Or activate shenlong after all opponent models have activated but before tara has reactivated. It's a small windows but it is there.
  15. Why are Obsidian Oni, Oni? Because it is in there name. If they are called Terracotta/Stone Oni, would it make a difference? I'm speculating. Just assuming that Asami will be able to summon them. And also, Obsidian Oni are not constructs.
  16. Just be thankful they didn't model it on a giraffe! It would have been a legitimate choice, but can you imagine!? I'm reserving my judgement on that artwork until we see a render, the legs look odd to me.
  17. Yup. Requires your opponent to be very obliging or some less than ideal use of Obey though.
  18. Here they are: http://www.wyrd-games.net/news/2016/7/31/the-ten-thunders-lineup Very excited. Terracotta Soldiers: amazing. I assume they will be Oni. Not necessarily, but would have thought so. The horse dragon at the back I'm informed is a Kirin (Qilin). Had to look that up, but hoping for some sort of rider equivalent, and suggests some big plot development in the 10T fluff. Pan Lo? A mage/sage of some sort, presumably Henchman/Enforcer.
  19. Yes - I am referring to unique units. New models in rules terms, not plastic. It's more similar in scope to Shifting Loyalties than Crossroads.
  20. You could paint them normally, but build runners into the edge of the base. Then make a cylinder that fits into the runners out of black card. Cut gaps into the cylinder. When model in question is summoned, place the cylinder over the model. Every time you or your opponent mention that model, you reach over and spin the "Flicker Cage" giving an old animation style flicker effect. Too much work? (I tried to find some sort of video to show what I mean, but failed.)
  21. With the new faction line-ups being revealed, I must say I'm surprised. As Ripples of Fate doesn't have a rules element I was expecting a Crossroads style book: lots of models, few story encounters. It seems that there are only going to be a few models for each faction, and I guess lots of story encounters and fluff. Probably the correct thing to do for the game as I don't want to see models created for the sake of creating new models. But I can now see Acolyte's PoV: So: consider Asami's available summons. We know Tengu (4), ObiOni (6) and Jorogumo (9). Yokai are in there and based on the description from the webpage: "Yokai are reliable melee models with good versatility, who are particularly strong summons for Asami." I'm expecting them to fit in at 5-6ss. I expect we will see one more Oni minion coming in at around 7ss (the Punk Zombie magic). Tengu have a trigger to drop schemes; ObiOni have a trigger to drop scrap; hoping that the 7ss I hypothesise (Jade Oni?) Lops of limbs to drop corpse markers. I'm also hoping for sumo wrestlers, because... well... Eddie Honda. Vintage Misaki reminds me of Chun Li...
  22. On the subject of condition removal: would you take condition removal of your own? I usually don't like to leave home without it, but it could potentially be used against you with obeys. The upgrade won't help you as it is friendly removal. Maybe LRM, as if they are not stood next to you it would take 2 obeys....? I was speaking to a very highly rated player locally recently, explaining Asami's card has he hadn't read it. He plays Dreamer to a very high level, and his reaction to Asami's summoning was: "that's really great! Summons only usually last a turn or two anyway." In the case of front line summons, I tend to agree. What makes Asami's summoning so interesting is the dilemma it forces on your opponent: there is a jorogumo on full wounds that is going to dissappear at the end of the turn, do I spend AP to kill it or just leave it to do its thing? Either answer is a win for Asami. If the summon is staying around longer, it becomes more likely the opponent will waste more and more AP on it, therefore in some situations keeping Flicker down may be advantageous: imagine you summon a Joro on f+1 and a tengu on f+3; your opponent is counter intuitively going to focus on the Tengu, allowing the Joro a single turn of kill-crazy-rampage!
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