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Everything posted by feagaur

  1. Lilith and Zoraida were my first two masters and I've slowly built them up and played around with different. for a Lilith growth list (which I've played at several tournaments and its currently running at more wins than losses), depending on strat and schemes I would go with Lilith - Beckon Malifaux and possibly living blade, (3SS) Primordial Magic (2SS) Nekima with True Mother (15SS) Tuco or Graves with Rapid Growth (8 or 9SS) Black Blood Shaman (7SS) 3 Tots (12SS) For a Zoraida Swampfiend build, again depending on Strat and schemes, Id run Zoraida - Tarot Reading + Crystal Ball (4SS) Bad Juju - Eternal fiend (10SS) McTavish - Hexed Among you (11SS) Spanw Mother - Protect the young (10SS) Nurse - (6SS) 2 Gupps (8SS) Though this will change once the Will-o-the-Wisps come out. I find both masters can work well with almost anything in Neverborn. I regularly run Zoraida with Teddy and a mature with doppleganger and widow weaver just for beaty fun. Or run Lilith with Lelu, Lilitu, Tuco, Hannah, tots and doppleganger for pushes and lures with pounces. Or Zoraida with the same bunch. its all down to what you like and get on with. Theyre both very fun masters to get your head around.
  2. Jamie Varney round 1 again! Its a conspiracy I tell ya!
  3. I tried something of a 'lure-tastic' build once. took Zoraida, Lelu, lilitu, Doppleganger, Hannah the nurse a couple of tots and some upgrades. ran it twice. It tabled a Neverborn Lynch crew but lost to a Seamus crew. Was definitely fun to play though. Min damage 3 or 4 on pounces with all the lures going on (using the nurse) was great.
  4. I wouldn't say Tarot Reading is garbage, I would say its situational. I wouldn't take it with all my Zoraida builds, but almost all of my swampfiend ones I do. Being able to save a SS on McTavish is half of the cost of the upgrade but also allows you to bring in other swampfiends such as wild boars or gators in Neverborn. Until the Wisps come out the 1AP heal of the voodoo doll is saving an AP from having to re-summon the doll. And the scheme marker move can be devastating to an opponent. It will stop Convict Labour straight off. It can move the scheme markers out of 4" for setup. It could cripple detonate the charges. Again situational but all of Zoraidas upgrades are situational. If you think about it, Hex gab gives you attacks to use on the doll. But that means you're using Zoraida's AP to damage something through the doll when there are enough models out there that will do it better. Animal shape gives Zoraida lots of movement and means of escape, but I very rarely move her more than once or twice in an entire game. And anything that wants to get close will be having to go through the rest of my crew. Admittedly there are crews that will do that quite easily, but that just makes this upgrade useful against those crews. I would say Crystal ball is the only upgrade that's worth taking every time. In my opinion Crystal Ball also makes 'On Wings of Darkness' defunct. As I said, for me ( and other may be different) Zoraida rarely moves so has no real use for flight. And she has so much card draw potential that getting an extra card when using a SS is a little Meh. But like I said, this is my opinion. Others might prefer something different. I mean, I usually take a nurse rather than Iggy just so she can aid the rest of the crew too.
  5. are they melee enough to copy flurry? or the flurry cast thing. There are just so many options I'm salivating!!
  6. The cherub is great with the mysterious emissary too. Stick hazardous terrain on the Mysty then let him walk into engagement. He heals whilst others take damage!
  7. I would say it depends on the rest of your crew. If you have mostly Nephilim then you'd go with Tots. If you were running Juju or McTavish then it'd be Gupps. Tots are also good on boards where there are some nice open areas to run round. Gupps prefer lots of terrain to 'leap' over. As with Armond, I personally prefer the leap as its a 0 action and can get the Gupp out of melee if needs be and their 'grow' ability is a trigger on their melee rather than having to rely on an upgrade or ability on something close by. So they could become silurids in any crew. Whereas Tots you really need other nephilim around them.
  8. I'd recommend going with the silurid family. So Spawn Mother, Gupps and Silurid. The gupps and silurid both have leap as a 0 action which is awesome. The Spawn mother can make that better by giving everything in 6" +2 Cg. They all have silent and perfect camoflauge so put things on negative flips from Sh and Charge actions. And the spwan mother can make more gupps by laying eggs around the place. They're great scheme runners and work really well with McTavish too.
  9. Hi Could you change the Russ Shea +1 to Sean Wheeliker please.
  10. Hi there, any news on current numbers, rules pack etc? There's 10 days to go and my mind starts going into meltdown if I haven't done at least a little preparation.
  11. Sounds good. @Red? could you change Russ Shea over to Dave Hill please. I'll sort the ticket handover on the day if that's alright.
  12. Folks, This came up in a game last night where Tuco shot the voodoo doll to get a double blast onto Sybelle (who was also hemmed by the doll). The questions arose with the hanged who was on a walkway almost directly above Sybelle. The hanged was approximately 1.5" away from the edge and the doll was approximately 1" from the edge at the bottom. The height of the walkway was 2" (so within the 3" for the rule book). Would the hanged have taken all, one or none of the blast damage too? (image attached hopefully gives you an idea) For information the walkway was considered blocking terrain. Any help would be gratefully accepted. blast question.pdf
  13. Unfortunately Russell Shea can't make this one so I have a spare ticket if anybody would like it?
  14. If, by some remote chance, a voodoo doll managed to get Hem on Lelu and Lilitu and then got burning +3 on the doll, would that mean that each of the twins would be taking 9 damage at the end of the turn? (3 from their own burning, 3 for the burning they'd receive from the other twin (without dropping cards) and 3 from the voodoo doll taking damage). If so, remind me never, ever, to take the twins if there's a remote chance of going up against Zoraida. And vice versa, take Zoraida if possibly going up against Dreamer.
  15. If you're not doing so well with Hex bag have you thought of replacing it with Tarot Reading. It would mean you save a SS on McTavish and would give you the option to move scheme markers. To be honest its usually the only upgrade I take on Zoraida. I usually put upgrades on my other models.
  16. Hi there, if you're still looking for a regular opponent I've put a Facebook group together for playing on a Thursday night. Links below. https://m.facebook.com/groups/637935226371375?ref=bookmarks its fairly new so may take a week or so to take off properly but will hopefully work out.
  17. Folks, if anybody is interested I started a group on facebook for regular games on a Thrusday night. It started out as a friend and I play practically every Thursday but we wanted to get better spread of opponents. We generally play around 8pm GMT but I'm sure the time can be changed. I was also looking at having a set list of Strat and Schemes so that everyones playing a similar game so we can chat about it afterwards or look to see what goes well. Anyway if you're interested the links below https://www.facebook.com/groups/637935226371375/ Give us a shout if you're after a game.
  18. One thing to remember is that the doll can be a con in certain strats and schemes. Killing off things is good but as it kills things with a condition it doesn't count as having killed it. Also, I find that whatever its trying to kill is generally away from the doll so you may not be able to pick up any heads. In strats and schemes like that I'd take Old Cranky. I think he works well with Zoraida and MacTavish.
  19. Going back to your original post which was about ranged damage in Neverborn. Have you thought of taking Tuco or one of the two models from the started set? It sounds like The Scion might go quite well with Zoraida.
  20. Tickets bought for me (Sean Wheeliker) and Strangely Brown (Russ Shea).
  21. I've been trying out the following list. Works really well in some strats, schemes. But falls down in strats like Reconnoiter. Zoraida + Tarot Reading Nurse Doppleganger Lilitu Lelu then either Barbaros for his pushes or Hannah to copy the lure then fill out with a couple of Tots. Zoraida goes first and obeys Liitu to giver her and Lelu positive flips to all duels. Then either moves them forward or pulls out the Doll to Hem something. Lelu then goes and does his 0 action to push and give him and Lilitu pounce. Then the nurse gives them +2 damage on Melee and you use the doppleganger to lure things into the pounce bubble. If you lure things close in you can get a minimum damage of 7 off as free attacks. Or lure things once within 4" for Lilitu's pounce then lure again for both their pounces. (that is if they're stood close together). I managed to take out Graves and Izamu in a single turn doing this.
  22. I'd say if you're running a Doll dependant list then Tarot Reading is worth it for 2 points. Also the 2 AP action to move scheme markers can be really devastating, especially if someone's trying to do setup on Zoraida.
  23. I bought the Marcus crew box recently and figured to get used to it I'd play in a local Shifting Loyalties Campaign with it. But, looking into it, most of the Beasts I normally take aren't Arcanists, and with only starting with Myranda I won't be able to bring them along. Would Arcanist beasts would people recommend I use? At the moment I'm thinking Rattlers and maybe Cojo for a bit of longevity. I'd take the sabretooth as Myranda's 'change into ' model rather than hiring it in, (especially as I only have 1). Unless I go really aggressive with it and kill a few things in the thick of the enemy crew before its taken down then I warp Myranda into it bringing out the threat again. But this would mean it would get 'injured' for the campaign. Any thoughts?
  24. Thanks for a great day folks! Really enjoyed it. I noticed there were lots of photos being taken, will they be posted anywhere in particular? Ta
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