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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. I'm not a fan of DIY solutions in foam trays which is why I've decided to just wait and see how the Emmisarys turn out, which should be the biggest models we see. If not there's a local manufacturer who makes these who does custom cut stuff as my backup option.
  2. I've been eyeing one of those for a while. Love their products. I've got a 1520XL I use to cart around a huge collection of Tyranids, and the small Infinity Beta bag. The Malifaux case Certainly holds enough. My biggest concern is Wyrd have been going with a 'go big or go home' approach with larger models. Lord Chompy Bits and the Nightmare Whiskey Golem barely fit in the 2.5" tray laying down, so I'm just waiting for the Emmisaries to see their dimensions. If they will fit, I'll likely pull the trigger and get one of the cases. Though I'd probably get a custom setup, drop the tray with 32 slots since they're 25mm wide (doesn't play nice with 30mm wide Malifaux bases) and get 2 of the other tray with 29 larger spots.
  3. Agreed. I face them a lot since my brother plays Viktorias. Their stat line is fairly average for a 6ss minion, but Hard to Kill, Disguise and Stand Ground make them fairly durable. Add an MI weapon with a good damage track that ignores Armour and triggers for either a 4" push out of combat or a + on damage flips. Also a pistol because why not? Then they can flurry if you really want them to fight. Then, a 0 Sacrifice to draw 2 cards or add 2 soulstones if you just know they will die before their next activation. They're a really nice package.
  4. See, I don't find it frustrating or a tough build when it's just time consuming. It's when you need three hands to hold it together or parts are as smaller than you are physically capable of holding. Time consuming is just that - time consuming.
  5. I'm working my way through the Insidious Madnesses. Waiting on a missing part from Wyrd for the third model, but the first two haven't been really been difficult. Nothing about them so far has actually been hard to put together, it's just that there's a lot of parts, and some parts aren't obvious where they go or even fit at all until you've constructed their own little part. The first one is bascially a series of parts that slowly wrap around each other, so it's just putting the next bit on and dry fitting others until you find the next one that fits. The second which has the most parts is, again, about building the separate parts (body, tentacles that are in multiple parts, mouth) and then attaching the complete parts together. It's just about taking it slow and systematically.
  6. Now that I finally picked the book up and had a peruse, I mostly want the Mysterious and Lucky Emmisarys. And Corrupted Hounds.
  7. Alrighty. We haven't done an RPG since high school, and I never DM'd one. But the world of Malifaux is too interesting to not give TTB a shot. Is it worth starting with just the base game, or dive in with the faction specific expansions for more options? Not really concerned about complexity. Are the longer Penny Dreadfuls okay to leap into with new, or almost new, characters? I'm not up to crafting my own adventure yet, but the ready made Penny Dreadfuls and One Shots make this nice and convenient. How many players is preferable for a group?
  8. I'm still hoping they've got something to do with Titania. They have a real 'warped Undead Tinkerbell' look to them, which fits the Undead Fae that Titania represents.
  9. Can't beleive I missed this thread. I've got one from playmats.eu using their double sided option. One side is their 'dark island' mat which has a nice swampy type look, the other size is their 'victorian pavement' mat. Both sides have the M2E objectives and deployment lines marked. They don't do what mats by mars does, where they overlay white lines over the mat. Playmats blends them in. In the Dark Island, you can see dark lines. Basically it's a very thin, dark line with a slight shadow around it. On the pavement mat, they actually used different patterned pavers to distinguish the different areas. Makes it less jarring when playing, but still noticeable when you want to make sure you're within a border.
  10. It's also driven by local preferences. The person running a league in my area was complaining that everyone in the area played Neverborn or Guild. Unfortunately that was after I declared Neverborn for the league, otherwise I'd have declared Gremlins.
  11. I think a contributing factor is that all but one master is dual faction. So people in your area might simply be playing those masters in their 'native' faction. For example, a lot of people play Jakob Lynch as Neverborn to get access to Depleted, Beckoners, a Doppleganger and Terror Tots.
  12. I'd be willing to swap Arcanist and Outcast around. They can fit both. Just leery of throwing a gunfighter into a faction that already has Von Badass. There's no way crazy hair isn't an Oni though.
  13. Still sticking with martial arts guy being Outcasts (inspired by Captain Nemo from the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), gunslinger being Arcanists (to go with the gunsmith idea) and crazy hair being a spooky lady Oni.
  14. No, their pre-printed range is here. The way you tell the difference is the pre-printed range have the 'ColourED' tag. They're not pre-painted, they texture and print onto the foamed PVC before cutting it. Has the downside that exposed edges are plain white, but you can find a good neutral colour to cover it up. Looks great on the table.
  15. I will add that I suggested Wicked Dolls because I totally forgot Collidis box had them.
  16. I'm more concerned about things like doors and windows. 4grounds stuff looks a touch out of place when people have models stand beside the building, and the average human models head is higher than the door frame. That's why I like plastcrafts Malifaux terrain, it's made with Wyrds (somewhat inconsistent) scale in mind.
  17. Fair enough. I wasn't around before 2E. In those books, how did they fill out the page count? Just lots of fluff and art?
  18. Wave 3 was small because it had the hefty campaign rules in them. Crossroads didn't have any additional rules so it had a lot of units. The core rulebook had less units than Crossroads as well, because it contained the core rules. Unless they're going for a thinner book overall, or a huge amount of fluff, they need something to fill those pages. We haven't heard anything about new rules, so Ripples of Fate is likely going to have a fair whack of units.
  19. No I saw the art. Just wondering if we've seen the miniature before,
  20. The June promotion says it's for an alternate Bayou Gator. I haven't been able to find pictures of an alt Gator anyhwere. Is this a new, unseen Gator, or am I just terrible at google searching?
  21. I've been curious as well, mostly for the glorious St Mere Eglise. Having a huge church with playable interior dominate the table would be rally fun. Downside is they're 28mm and Malifaux is 32mm, so they'd be slightly off scale. But, people fill tables with 4grounds stuff and it's got the same scale issue. Personally, I don't have the hobby money available right now to make the gamble.
  22. I don't mind either way. Less is better on the wallet, more makes for more fun experimentation. I'm not saying that I'd be unhappy with just a starter and two other boxes (like an enforcer and a box of different minions) as you also have the rest of the faction to pick units from. But I'm also really enjoy playing to the masters theme rather than just trying to pick the best units, so I would enjoy having a few choices with Fae units. Not saying I instantly want Nephilim quantity of choices, but room to experiment in-theme would be nice.
  23. Still need Titanias Totem in that. Plus I was under the impression this Bol would be more like Crossroads, with a fair whack of new models (mostly for the new masters) but no new game rules. the reason there was only a handful of units per faction in Shiftimg Loyalties is the book had the fairly extensive campaign system. Without something like that to fill the book Ripples of Fate will need a larger amount of new models to fill it out. Plus I'd be pretty disappointed if we got a whole new Neverborn sub faction and only got rules for what's in the starter plus an enforcer.
  24. No faction can have enough redheads.
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