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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. They're out there, but a bit pricey. I wound up with 2 Santanas by accident...
  2. Well yeah, but that just adds layers to a good game. If you have an adventure that takes you into different locations, you'll have different characters that are out of place in different areas. That struggling accountant might be at home in the city under the watchful eye of the Guild Guard, but the rail worker with a limb made by Mei Feng might not be. When your group leaves the city, that rail worker is more comfortable but the accountant isn't happy about it. Have the fatemaster twist things a bit so the game reacts to such things and you get a richer game for it.
  3. There seems to be a fair few rules that are designed around 'Gotcha!' style surprise mechanics. For example, Candys Sweets and Sours or The Guiltys not being flipped for when randomising shooting into combat. One such occurrence was in a recent game when an opponents Judge had rampaged through a Teddy and wound up in combat with Candy. Next turn he activated the Judge first to kill Candy, only to be paralysed as he didn't know what Sweets and Sours did. It felt kind of like a dick move, but it also seems to be what these sort of abilities were designed for. Should I be reminding my opponent of such things before they do something to trigger one of these kinds of rules?
  4. There's more variety than just those two. Within the city walls you've got areas like underground sewers and the quarantine zone to fight in. Outside the walls, you've got green rolling hills, the dank swamps of the Bayou, forests, snowy tundra, rocky hills, etc. Malifaux is actually quite a diverse setting. I like playing in a variety of terrain. Keeps the game interesting when what you're fighting over changes.
  5. I like the package the Scion gives. A semi obey (friendly only), a decent gun, a decent melee attack with a trigger self heal (which can heal someone else within 3") and condition removal (with a hefty discard of two cards). It's a real jack of all trades model though - none of it is particularly great, but there's a lot on that one model. If I wasn't so against proxying I'd give it a try, but I haven't bought the starter yet.
  6. Nothing stops Nephilim from following that path, but they will be on the out with their mummy.
  7. Downside to all of one type on each base making the 3 bases more varied, the bases themselves look kind of boring. When I get mine I'll probably end up doing each base with one of each, but use base details to mix them up.
  8. Upgrades are already on there, but only even you buy the arsenal deck they're a part of.
  9. I go for masters I like rather than entire factions. Neverborn contain the most masters I like - Lilith, Pandora, Zoraida, the Dreamer and Jakob Lynch. So far I'm missing Lynch and Zoraida, but that's because I'm finishing up getting all the models I want for Pandora, Lilith and the Dreamer. Gremlins are a close second, with So'mer, Ophelia and the Brewmaster. I don't have Ophelia yet, but she's on the list. I'll likely end up with Mah, but that's just because I want Trixibelle and the Bushwhackers. Other factions I pretty much just like one or two masters. Arcanists I like Colette. I have the Dark Carnival and I'm strongly considering Colette as well, because I really like the models in both sets. That really just counts as one master though. Outcasts I love Jack Daw and Von Badass, but those are on the backburner while I paint more stuff. Ressers I really like Kirai, but that's it. Thunders, well, there's already two in the list. Guild I love Perdita, but that's it. I've got no intention of buying masters I don't like unless they've got a henchman or minions in the box I really want, like Trixibelle and the Bushwhackers.
  10. Fair enough. To be fair, once they're painted people won't tell the difference. No one can tell what they're meant to look like anyway.
  11. I doubt limited edition model cards will ever wind up there.
  12. Pretty sure Lilith, Nekima and Pandora would have been around when Titania was imprisoned. I wouldn't be shocked if some of them were directly involved - particularly Lilith, who has a massive distaste for the Necromantic, so unleashing the Grave Spirit would have particularly rubbed her the wrong way. It's definitely going to give the Neverborn fluff a nice shakeup.
  13. Going for the 'easy' master to learn is defeating the purpose of the game. Every master plays differently. The trick is to find one that plays the way you want and learn it. Very few masters are easy to learn. Lynch and Lilith are often touted as the easy to learn masters of Neverborn, but even they have tricks and weaknesses you need to learn. If Collidi plays the way you want, buy him and learn him.
  14. Yeah, not trying to argue they're an auto include. Certainly not much in any faction stacks up to Illuminated. But Ronin are often overlooked when they're a nice package of skills.
  15. Just a point. You can see a second set of legs coming from the side on the box art they've for on the Upcoming page. Although yes, they have 3 sets of spider legs not 4. Another point - the Insidious Madness is a box of 3 and the box art shows 1.
  16. No one thought a horse rider would be a Revenant that attacks through corpse markers. Everyone was adamant crazy hair was a Gorgon to tie in with Ressers and the Gorgons Tear. Everyone just knew kung fu guy was Ten Thunders because Ten Thunders do kung fu. I think it's worth thinking outside the box with these masters. Wyrd certainly are.
  17. Still leery on the Gunfighter being in Outcasts. Seems redundant with Von Badass. I'm still going with Arcanist for the Gunfighter, since they have Gunsmiths, and the martial arts looking guy as Outcast.
  18. You used way too much liquid green stuff. Get yourself some throwaway detail brushes, some skewers and some very fine sand paper. Use a bit of water with the liquid green stuff to thin it a little, almost to paint consistency, then paint it over the gaps. This will take multiple applications. Use the throwaway detail brushes. When it's built up and looks like there's a slight mound over the gap, wrap some fine sand paper over the end of the skewer and gently sand it away. In the end it should just look like like you have thin green lines running over the models. Mine don't seem to be too bad. Most look nicely hidden in areas where washes would settle and the lines will be hidden, and none of the gaps are more than maybe 1/4mm.
  19. Actually, if she doesn't have a way to heal up Oni she summons, she would be a good contrast to The Dreamer. One brings in models and heals them up a bit while they recover from Slow, the other brings in models like ammunition that immediately run off to hit things.
  20. I really want to see her back.
  21. I wonder if the vague comment "synergize with the oni she calls forth from the Beyond..." means she has summoning capacity? Dreamer vs an Oni summoner would be nightmare fuel.
  22. I'd be shocked if we didn't see a Ten Thunders book. There's so much potential there. It shouldn't just be 'the kung fu book'.
  23. Pretty sure this is what the Guild Reporters will be.
  24. I'm super excited for the Faerie coming with Titania. It's a huge section of folklore that has been very obviously missing. Forget the flytrap plants on the Mysterious Emmisary, I want those creepy little humanoids. I'm really, really hoping they're a type of Fae (they have a twisted Faerie look to them). I was really bummed when they weren't the Changelings (especially considering that the Emmisary spawns Changelings. Something else I've wanted to see from within Malifaux is regular Nephilim. We've got babys (Tots), adolescents/teenagers (Young) and fully grown adults (Mature, Lelu and Lilutu). I've always wanted to see the regular Nephilim between Young and Mature, which I assume would be about the size of Barbaros. Unfortunately I understand this will never happen since it would bugger up how Growth works, which specifically moves Tots to Young, and Young to Mature.
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