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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. Ebay is nice if you keep watch. I've gotten some fantastic finds on there. Got Miss Terious for less than I'd have paid buying it from Wyrd during Black Friday. Got the alt Performer and Bayou Gremlin cheap (compared to echange rates and shipping at the time direct from Wyrd) as well. Nabbed an entire TtB Gamers Edition pledge for less than what I'd have been able to buy just the LE miniatures for on ebay (which got me a second Santana which I still don't know what to do with). The only models I've been watching for that have continually eluded me are the alt Francisco and Barbaros.
  2. Just got a message from my fiancee, my package has arrived. Woohoo!
  3. Neverborn also have the Scion of Black Blood which IIRC has a pretty decent heal.
  4. Yep. First thing Flight says is the model is Immune to Falling damage, unless Asami has something that override that.
  5. Mines still in Newark NJ and has been since the 18th. Starting to get worried.
  6. Any game with more than 2 players will involve a lot of backstabbing and dog piling. It's just how it works.
  7. If you buy the schemes and strategies deck, there's a couple of 3 and 4 player scenarios in it.
  8. For other upgrades, get the Generalist Upgrade deck. That will give you the wave 1 and 2 general Neverborn upgrades. The only other upgrade you'll be missing is Rapid Growth, which is in the Nephilim set, and the stuff from Ripples of Fate, which will be in the Generalist upgrade deck 2. They put Rapid Growth there since you can't really run a Growth list without those models. There's a few upgrades in there that help, like Wings of Darkness which gives her Flight and Rush of Magic for an additional card draw. Flight goes with her ability to declare actions without line of sight - she can charge through/over a building and get her bonus. Really though it's all about playing her and figuring out how her actions work for you. She's got an upgrade for a Lure, though you can also get one with Lilutu which is a great model. She can root people which hampers movement and damages them if they're pushed out of it. Tangle Shadows is great with her ability that ignores LoS for actions. Try putting a beater in the opponents face that hasn't yet activated. Wings of Darkness is pretty important though. Lilith is a guerrilla fighter, not a brawler. So having her ignore terrain with her Wk 6 and 3 actions is pretty big.
  9. On closer inspection, mines been sitting in Newark for a week and listed as 'in transit'.
  10. The 40k fluff has a massive breadth of coverage which it gained over the years, but it is overall not particularly well curated. Since it's had so many writers write and rewrite various portions acorss the armies and core rulebooks, you've got contradictory fluff across and even within editions. Those writers like to say the confusing morass means people can pick and choose what is canon to them, but it's really just lazy writing.
  11. Bear in mind this is for art, not models. Models might come later.
  12. I very much dislike shuffling sleeved cards. So I think I'll just stick to using other fate decks.
  13. I find the Arcane decks fantastic to shuffle, but the slipperyness makes them a bit awkward on the table. I've seen them go tumbling from a slight bump more than once.
  14. I... said that? I said there's no Titania conflux, but she can take the Emmisary with the base conflux which is still nice. Just as his opponentl likely did using the Carrior Emmisary with Reva.
  15. The Emmisary seems like it would have been a nice addition to that crew in that matchup. Its ranged ability that eats corpse markers around the target would stop Reva attacking through them. Doesn't have Titania conflux yet, but the base conflux is still nice.
  16. Well, he's also older now as of Ripples of Fate. So a darker take on an older, maybe teenage Dreamer could be interesting.
  17. Rechecked and I actually deleted it. Package is currently in New Jersey. Quite a ways away.
  18. Mine was only listed as fulfilled last week, and I didn't even get a shipping confirmation email. Guess I've got a bit of a wait.
  19. Young Lacroix are popular. You're unlikely to use more than 4 Bayou Gremlins in an Ophelia crew, and they can't be used for anything in a So'mer crew. That gives you an additional 3 unique sculpts.
  20. Yeah, Neverborn generally oppose the Tyrants. Some work with them either unknowingly (speculation is Pandoras Box is the prison for Despair) or cautiously (the Neverborn work with Nytmare whom some suspect as being a Tyrant). Actively working to help them gain power seems at odds with the games fiction though. Remember, a powerful being doesn't need to be a Neverborn or a Tyrant. For example, there's the Hungering Darkness, who is not a Tyrant or Neverborn, but has been around for as long and is working with some Neverborn to spread its influence. Legacy could simply be like this, a powerful, non-Tyrant entity.
  21. I voted Pandora, mostly because the current art don't quite get across how sinister she is. But I'd be happy with the Dreamer as the votes are going as well.
  22. Umm, it was just a funny comment on the different things different age groups daydream about...
  23. Well, there's the speculation the Gremlins were guardians of a Tyrant that didn't do their job properly. If it was Fortune, that would explain their rules.
  24. Kind of hoping you're working on the official app, because some of the features you've mentioned, like adding upgrades inline to models and the encounter companion would make an official app an insta buy for me. I use Mayanet for Infinity for the same reasons.
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