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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. Is Franciscos alternate cards on there?
  2. I was really looking forward to the Neverborn book, because my preferred character origin to play is Neverborn>Gremlin>.... nothing. However, I can let it go since, well, we've got Gremlins now and reading the rules tells me they do need a good bit of revision.
  3. Yarp. Emmisarys were the answer to the Avatar problem.
  4. @Mason However you exported Into the Bayou fixed every single iOS issue I have raised in here. All backgrounds and images load properly, there's no loading between pages. It is simply fantastic. Now what are the chances to go back and re-export Into the Steam and Under Quarantine? (The Core books are getting replaced soon, so I'd assume they would be the same export settings)
  5. Since it seemed to get lost on the last page: Will the change be drastic enough that converting characters over will be prohibitive? I just got the books and am interested in giving it a go, but if it catches on and my group likes it, I like the idea of cleaner rules and rebalanced mechanics, so I'd likely grab 2.0 unless the changes are enough to make that not so great an idea.
  6. While it's irritating because I only just got the Core books, it's obvious that there's a design gap between the Core books and Expansion books, particularly the Pursuits. Question - is the change going to be so drastic that, if we have a campaign running and decide to shift over, it's going to be difficult? I was hoping to start a campaign soon, but the changes in second edition sound nice.
  7. It would shift to another tab in Safari like usual, downloading the PDF. Server would either time out or it would finish downloading then say the file was bad and restart. All other PDFs download fine, but Under Quarantine and Inti the Steam always did that. All of the PDFs, including Chronicles, always have issues with layers for me on my iPhone or iPad. Backgrounds only half loading, box out backgrounds not showing up or only partly, images flat out not loading. The only way I can get them to display is in Acrobat Reader for iOS, but like I said earlier pages take upwards of 10-15 seconds to load which just isn't worth it. Pretty sure it's simply a memory thing. They export these PDFs at really high quality which is fine on PC but seems iOS devices don't like that high quality.
  8. Turns out it was just DriveThruRPG not liking me downloading them directly to my iPad. Once synced via my PC they work fine. So problem solved. There is another issue. If I view them in Acrobat, pages take upwards of 10 seconds to load. This makes flipping through pages very time consuming. If I use any other reader, the pages load much faster but some images don't work, like backgrounds for box outs, which makes some text incredibly hard to read. Does anyone know a PDF reader for iDevices that solve the issue with images not loading properly but also doesn't take ages to load each page like Acrobat?
  9. I recently got the PDFs via bundle of holding. I was curious - is there any chance Into the Steam and Under Quarantine might be updated using iOS friendly colours? At the moment they don't and simply crash my iPad, which I purposely got the PDFs to read on.
  10. I think Thraces rule indicates we will be getting Syndicate specific units. She has an ability that makes a Fireteam perform an attack, and if it's a Syndicate (Earth) unit, it gets a bonus. Plus they said this: Considering she's the only Guild model, and Unique, I'd say we're going to see Syndicate units. Can't wait to see what they cook up for the Court of Two. Kirai style ghost warriors would be an awesome addition to fish monsters and twisted magical mutants.
  11. I'm hoping the squads are added later and are entirely new. If I want to take cross faction units there's the dual faction commanders. The idea of Earthside Guild or an army of ghosts is too interesting to leave at just a single champion.
  12. My must haves are one of everything for Gubbering Hordes, and two Eels in case they replicate.
  13. The main problem seems to be the game is based around one commander and their full allotment of scrip spent being the minumum to have a balanced game. It's easier for Malifaux because Henchman led 20ss lists are a game type, which makes it easy to do 4 model henchman led crews in a small starter. Doing one commander and one squad each for two players might be cheap, but it's not representative at all of the gameplay, potentially to the detriment of the game to turn people away. What they needed in the kickstarter, and potentially at retail, was a dual Champion level. Two Allegiance boxes and a rulebook for $150, leaving out the Titans and second rulebook from the Dual Commander level and with no stretch goals. It's still high, but low enough to be on the upper end of what two people might spend to split the contents.
  14. To be fair he said pushing around 100 individual models. WHFB you had nice, convenient movement trays.
  15. Bit of a clarification - they are a general release. The availability at Black Friday was just a pre release. They release in January, so your store should have them late January/early February.
  16. While I never made any claims about their durability, Df 7, Manipulative 11 and a decently high wound count is pretty durable for Neverborn. Df 7 alone is pretty reliable. Add to that his mobility - Wk 5 and a pretty absurd Cg 8, and you should be able to pick and choose his engagements. I know his speed and lethality surprised my opponent when he double teamed The Judge in one turn.
  17. I've got five so far. Two Arcane decks, two TTB decks and the 1.5e deck. I plan on getting the Retro, Bad Ink, Twisted and Iconic decks as well. The one I use is the 1.5e deck. I liken them to pretty dice. While I usually don't use my pretty dice, they're fun to collect.
  18. I'm willing to wait on egg clutches and morphlings if we don't get them. They're cheap enough that I can grab them one at a time with other purchases while I play some games and decide how many I want.
  19. Horomatangi, Devouring Eel and one or two squads. One will be Yarazi and I was fairly set on Barbed Crawlers but I like the reinforcement idea behind the Speckled Crawlers. Might just save a bit more and throw both of those squads in since I'm so close to going all in anyway.
  20. I think the thing with including Teddy or Kade is that people see Kades "Where's Teddy?" and want to build around that. Kade and Teddy perform the same thing in a Pandora crew - they give you a beater. While Pandora herself is built around WP duels, and she likes things that can drop WP or triger off it, sometimes you just want beater to go hit something. Including Kade or a Teddy will give you a good beater with different synergies with the crew. Teddy can get into the thick of it and trigger Small Fear off failed WP duels, and Kade can double team models you've moved a Sorrow into contact with. They also have the benefit of not being Incorporeal like Sorrows or Insidious Madness's, so if you know there's someone with a Ca action you can send someone a bit less fragile. Neither are necessary, but sometimes they are just what you want. Both together is a pretty big point sink, so you need to make sure you can spare those points.
  21. They never sold it as being like Kings of War or mass battle. They sold it as a company sized battle game (which is how it's described on the kickstarter page), which it is. How any large scale battle game chooses to represent units is going to be different. And to be fair, in Kings of War models are essentially wound counters and morale tracking as well, and you consider it to be mass battle. On the note of Games Workshops games, I find that in their mass battle games each model being able to perform independently is far too cumbersome. When you've got upwards ot 100 models on a table for some armies, moving each individually, rolling their to hit, to wounds and saves for each of them (even though you can mostly pool these) is just too cumbersome in a game of its size. They've got skirmish level details (individual model interactions), battalion level details (squadrons of tanks) and mass battle level details (supersonic aircraft, Titans) wrapped up in a single ruleset. It's just an absolute mess, and depending on how much of that someone brings to the table, games can last half a day. What they seem to have done with The Other Side is take that same concept - we've got infantry, cavalry, huge monsters and mechs, mixed infantry and mech groups, morale to track, different unit states to track, off board support, etc - and streamlined the game to a point where it appears to take about as long to play as a game of Malifaux. In that, you're going to lose some of the gritty details, like individual model interactions, for the sake of speeding up the gameplay.
  22. The usual advice for Lilith is to play 10 games without using her sword. Look at her other upgrades and abilities. After those 10 games, you'll probably not end up using her sword unless it's absolutely needed, and that's how she should play. You should be moving models around with Tangle Shadows, Rooting enemies, placing Illusionary Forests and, well, using her for what she excels at. Her sword has a nice damage track, but to use her as a beater is missing the point. Her sword should be a scalpel. If she's in a good position where a charge will finish something off in one hit, do it. It generally means you won't be picking a fight with anything too tough, but you should have other models for that. In any other situation, she's simply got better things to spend her AP on.
  23. There are actually also units that are 2 5 model Fireteam bases (Gibbering Hordes Barbed Crawlers come to mind). Probably just came down to simplicity, which seems to be the aim of the game. It's very streamlined. To speed up model movement, they decided on Fireteam bases to group models. To do this in a simple way, you need to stick to a uniform number of models per Fireteam base. So we've got 2 types of Squads, 3 Fireteams of 3 and 2 Fireteams of 5. To get exactly 10 models, you can only go with Fireteams of 2 (which defeats the purpose) or 5 (which we have for some units). From reading the available cards, the squads with 2 Fireteams of 5 tend to be cheaper horde units, as more models per Fireteam makes a Fireteam harder to wipe out and more likely to reinforce, while 3 Fireteams of 3 are the rest of the squads.
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