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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. Pretty sure this reminds me of a game I once had. Good stuff!
  2. Great concept. A lot of interesting stuff in this one.
  3. Good concept - I see a widow weaver centaur conversion in the future!
  4. Yes yes yes!!! Glad you went with a summoning motif - it really adds a lot to the original idea you showed me. You easily brought your theme from a 3/5 to a 4 or 5/5! Great stuff!
  5. Great presentation, as always - I feel that that is a distinguishing characteristic of your entries. Bully the competition! I can get behind that.
  6. A very solid entry overall, much like your round 1 entry, the judges should like it - theyre suckers for OSL. Good Job.
  7. I don't like infinity at all. I dislike most (read: all) spacey super sci fi stuff. On the other hand, I am getting in DEEP with the WWX stuff - those models are amazing! And resin! And 1-3 pieces at most!
  8. I just realized that I will probably have to model a penis and scrotum for this guy to eh? :/ Makes the positioning of Snow... a bit... awkward? >8) Also, I kind of wonder what a yeti penis looks like anyway. Hmmmm...
  9. Holy shite - once again such a solid offering you present to us on this most glorious of mondays. It's previews like these (and the last few too) that blow me away so much that it makes me even sadder that my man JD and his crew looks like such crap. Regardless, these are amazing - and much like dgraz, I though the thing meets the neverborn. I just wish they had boobs... somewhere... somehow... I'm getting really tired of modeling scrotums and other forms of missing gentalia on all of the neccesary models. :/
  10. I really need to make a lightbox for taking pics. Next year I won't bother entering unless I have a proper setup me thinks. Maybe I just need to L2Pics. You should be able to make out more detail in the Photobuckets pics.
  11. Judges and Viewers - If you would like to see better/more pics, please go to my Photobucket website: Direct Link: http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/SpectreEliteGaming/library/Iron%20Painter%202015/Round%203%20-%20Something%20Wicked%20This%20Way%20Comes?sort=3&page=1 ------------------------------------------------------ "Little Nathan should have heed the warning on the sign, now a yummy morsel for Strippy Butternuts to dine." This one is pretty self explanatory, I'd say. For those who don't know, there is a silly rumor running around the forums that the reason you can't type Klown in its proper spelling is because Nathan Caroland has an unhealthy fear of performers of the red nose/big feet variety - or something like that - this, as far as I know, has neither been confirmed, nor denied. Perhaps this is a test? Perhaps I shall be banned after this round ends? We shall see. Silly and substanceless as the gossip may be, I decided to have some fun with this rumor in order to really sell the theme of the round. Okay, fine... mostly because Nathan rated my Round 2 submission theme as a 3/5 - hopefully this one strikes true. >8) *NotLD reference* "There coming to get you Nathan... Look! Here comes one of them now!"" /*NotLD reference* Enjoy! Let me know what you think in the comments section. Oh... and don't worry Nathan, I think he has a crush on you anyway. WIP Thread: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/107716-segs-ip2015-wip-thread-update-only-a-face-nathan-caroland-could-love/
  12. A lot of the talk of balance comes from heavy meta influence and a low amount of playtesting. Every game can be broken - it just takes a little time to figure it out. If you think that every master or model in this game is truly balanced with the other models then you are certainly mistaken. There are always better/worse masters or better/worse models for their cost point (and there's nothing wrong with that). No game is perfect and there are always exploits waiting to be abused. >8) Pretty sure that pound for pound/in general/overall (whatever you want to call it) mech rider is the best model in the game - regardless of whether its cheese or not - its still not what I woild consider a balanced model (but it shouldn't have to be, neccesarly). The more players a game has the more everything gets narrowed down into more concise power lists (ie. net-decking/net-listing). Given the different strategies your lists will change but you will start seeing crew schematics that are standardized (ie. frank and deuce austringer list). Hence the idea of having 3 fixed lists - just wondering where everyone's head is at. I definently expected Lilith to be a popular choice.
  13. I heard a little talk about this format being played by the brits over the pond in britland and it immediately appealed to me in a big way. I am not a player who thinks in terms of factions - I just kind of have an interest in playing only very specific masters and don't have an interest in branching out too far mostly because I try to play only the more powerful masters and because I spend most of my time hobbying if I can. Lets break down this silly notion of "factions." If you could take three masters regardless of faction, to a tourney (with a fixed list per master) - what would your lists look like? It doesn't have to be a full breakdown - just a general idea. I'm wondering where everyone's head is at in this regard. In other words, top three overall! (but, you know - ones that compliment each other well, or what have you). I would take a heavy summoning levy (mech rider, a&d, ryle) list, a generic austriger/frank perdita list, and a super schemey oriented colette list (mech and cassandra blah blah blah) likely. I would tailor it more specifically if I knew what the flop was beforehand, but that is the generic framework that I would build off of likely. Basically, I'd fill all my gaps using filth. Has anyone been in a tournament like this before or has any suggestions or baller lists they've concocted? I would love to play in a tournament with a format like this in the future. Also, if you give no shits about suggesting lists - how fo you feel about a format like this, personally? Like I said before - screw factions, I wish I could take whatever I want (no wonder levy is my main :/ ). Thanks for your input.
  14. Very interesting, glad to see the different opinions. Rudy - Yeah, honestly the only master I see myself playing a lot of in guild is perdita - I really don't care for much else, however, all I have to do is paint up hoffman and I could run him since I did his whole box (minus guardian) for Levy. I'll give him a try, because - why not? Guild just doesn't float my boat - i've had a hard time narrowing it down to top 3 (my original list was perdita, perdita, and perdita) though perdita would probably be one of my top 5 masters overall - more on that later. I'm big on bullying people with artillery in wargames so I can see how we would play differentially, anyway. It's al about the artillery, baby.
  15. Wait. So what you're saying is that you don't like the original metal McMourning? That is literally the first model I think of when I try to decide what my favorite model, of any game, of all time is. Not sure we can be friends. >8) Also, no news on release date post gencon or what we can wven expect to see at gencon - you'll have to wait to see - keep checking the monday previews.
  16. Haha! I got called out for this thread on MWM podcast... now that I feel like a scrub, allow me to expalin myself. Like I said before, I'm really just looking for a "top 2/3" of a faction I'm interested in much like how you (Rudy) declared Colette, Ramos, and Kaeris to be your top 3 of arcanists. I'm not trying to say which (between McM and Justice) is definitively better - just trying to see if I'm missing something. I hear a lot of Justice talk but not much Guild McM in comparison even though McM clearly can cover a great deal of things. Honestly though, I'm not especially thrilled about guild and aside from Perdita and McM I really don't care for any others. I'm on your Colette/Ramos boat though for sure. But I would probably try to do Marcus for a third (non-construct and can jump between aggro/disruption pretty well). From what I've seen you really only need two masters from your chosen faction - one as a main and a backup to do what your main cannot do... ex. ramos/colette, "lilith"(though i like zoraida)/dreamer, nico/seamus, perdita/McM(McCabe, actually, but i dun like him), levy/daw, somer/ophelia, and who cares about 10T - is pretty much how I'm feeling about my future master prospects.
  17. Also, I don't feel that having poor social skills or a lack of confidence is a legitimate excuse to act in a stereotypically geeky fashion in order to ultimately appease the in-group. I also resent things that reinforce the geek-stereotype (ugh - big bang theory) into some lame subculture in an equally lame attempt to promote the lifestyle in a "popular" light. You don't need to act like a geek just because you like geek shit. This is the rant thread, right? EDIT: Stuffs.
  18. ... and internet trolls everywhere rejoice at the rage. I had to look at a string of my old posts and make sure this wasn't about me ... only to realize I've never met Nathan before. I do enjoy myself a little schadenfreude here and there, not going to lie, but I reserve that for people who are also dickheads. I don't like being a jerk to people who are nice but I'll enjoy being a jerk to people who are jerks and a ragequit really makes for a great day depending on the person. I'm pretty sure there are probably 3 types of trolls - ones who are bored and like to create conflict in their lives to make things more interesting, ones who use anonymity to gain an ego boost (as Nathan focuses on in his post - most unimpressive people irl) and then there are those who are stuck as a product of their culture, genuinely resentful towards or disappointed in pretty much most people or modt things or the state of society in general, really, and do it purely for the schadenfreude (Hi). I don't like the ego-boosting type trolls either but on the flipside, however, my counter-rant would be that I don't like people who are too touchy either though and I get annoyed by people who are easy to offend more than I get annoyed by annoying "mouthbreathers" - who I would rather just troll instead. If I am forced to check everything I say and somehow still upset you, I'll get pissed off and dismissive pretty quickly. I can be a pretty offensive person sometimes because of my opinionated nature, so I'm usually at least 50% at fault for any argument I get into. I am awfully surprised by your open honesty on your own company forums, though. Sounds like you had a bad day, wanna talk about it? I charge 1 LE model per hour. I can't think of anything witty to say that I would repeat in person at gencon... get back to you on that. EDIT: [Reserved for something witty and possibly a little offensive?]
  19. Mother of God. That will be a solid model. Not sure if I like it better than the old one though... I really hope that they aren't molded to be in exactly that pose only kind of thing. I'm sold anyway.
  20. Thanks for the great replies. I pretty much was thinking exactly what Kadeton said. I also think papa smurf's argument for the dmg actually is in favor of McM in a funny way - since he has comparable dmg (honestly, I usually just see Justice as overkill and an experienced player isn't going to feel overly threatened by her - set a trap and alphastrike or tarpit) but McM has 10x the extra utility. I narrowed my interest in Guild down to Perdita (main) and McM for backup - I was interested in McCabe but really I just don't like the models and also the gameplay isn't overly exciting. I pretty much figured McM would be an overall better choice than Justice but am interested to see how people feel anyway. Justice just isn't tricksy enough. Really though, when I was looking at McM I was sold on the "austringers and nurses in same list" thought. lol
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