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Everything posted by lusciousmccabe

  1. ^^ Think I'll have to try that one at some stage. Patriotism aside green, white and orange look pretty heinous together so it'd be a real challenge to make them work on a figure. 🙂
  2. @Burnin' Coal love the look of your minis this month and more than happy to supply my paint recipe... if I can remember it! Undercoat: Black-grey-white zenithal, then hit the left side with Prussian Dark Blue and the right with Transparent Red (all my paints are vallejo). Red side: Purple ink, Violet Red and Black Red for shading. Red (70.926) and Flat Red for highlights. If I were to do it again I would have gone for more a brown undertone here as the red-on-purple didn't gel as well as I would have liked it to. Blue side: Mix of Ultramarine (Game Colour) and Imperial Blue for the main areas. More imperial blue for shadows. Highlights of Ultramarine and then Light Turquoise. The sort of Indigo-Blue-Turquoise progression here worked pretty well I think. I was trying to match it on the red side with warm colours but couldn't really pull off the contrast or blending as well. Teeth/eyes/mask: Ivory, Ice Yellow and I think Green Ochre, possibly with a wash of Agrax Earthshade (GW) thrown in there. Hope that's useful and good look in February, you've set yourself a high bar to jump over!
  3. My January pledge is some combination of these fellas totalling over 6SS. Kind of a bit annoying that they all cost 5 iirc. Bonus model is Sonnia if I'm feeling super motivated. Also, I'm making a subpledge of something that's been sitting around my painting table every month that I'll have to finish up before the Malifaux stuff. Last month it was Fiametta from Relic Knights and some Super Dungeon Explore Hero. Was very happy to get them polished off in addition to my pledge, so this month I'll try my hand with 10 GW goblins!
  4. I'm fine with the static pose given that he's Hitman, a character best known for walking inappropriately casually and dressing inappropriately formally. There is something weird about the arms though. I can think of any reason he'd be holding then that way, except maybe if you convert the blades to pints and pretend he's waiting for his mate to come back from taking a piss. One up, one down would be a better look imo, or even both of them down or in their sheathes while he considers his next move. Also dislike the cloak, but that's a given since the switch to plastic. Those Malifaux tailors care not for physics and that's just how it is.
  5. My understanding is that getting models finished is what counts, so half Finished models on your shelf are fair game. You'll eventually run out of them and it's super variable how many hours people out into each stage of their models anyway. Posting your unpainted models is to help motivate you. If they're still unfinished at the end of the month then shame on you. I don't think there's any problem listing model in your that aren't picture as you'll still be accountable for completing them. You can't change your pledge level but if you paint more than you pledge that's great. Basically you state your minimum pledge. There is no way to get a mulligans back. @Caedrus - correct me if I'm wrong. And welcome to the challenge!
  6. I think they look pretty good, especially the lights on the helmets and the shading on the metal. Washing can take a bit it of practice to get down. You want to put on enough wash that it settles in the recesses but doesn't flood them or run everywhere. I tend to wash on the heavy side but keep an eye on the mini as the paint settles and soak up any excess pools with a clean brush. Takes a few more minutes, but definitely improves the look. Another approach is to apply less wash and/or thin it out and build up the contrast in more layers if necessary. It's safer and tidier, but you might paint or glaze on the shadows in the time it takes multiple coats of wash to dry. It's also really important to be aware of what washes work best for. You want something pretty textured and preferably with lots if small, fairly deep recesses. For that reason I find washing isn't that great a technique on the Wyrd plastics as they're full of shallow, broad details which end up looking more dirty than shaded after washes. You can of course still use them, but it's often better on areas like hair and faces than across the whole mini or large areas of cloth. Oh, and a really heavy wash after undercoating can be a really good way to pick out details so they're easier to paint, even if you cover over most of that work later.
  7. I got 7, 3and 11on my January entry to the painting contest (Insidious Madness). Feel like it's Chronenbergy enough for the 8, but it doesn't have the biomecha aspect.
  8. Water effect was still setting on the base when I took these, but I'm calling this guy done for January. Much happier with how he looks after varnishing. Think the matte finish helps some of the whackier colours sit together a bit better.
  9. The detailing looks amazing on the vest and the effigy's books. Gold embroidery on the bunraku is also a lovely little touch.
  10. @Purple Mist And they're off! Seems like a great place to start. It'll be interesting to see how you incorporate other colors. All I can see in my head right now is a robot unicorn 😆
  11. Looks good! Bit monochrome from the front as you've mentioned, but the fur and hair break the back view up nicely. I'd be very happy with him for a speed paint.
  12. @Purple Mist Juju looks ready for the table already. Looking forward to seeing the finished fig. @Athiko Love the scheme on the necromancy, you've done a great job of defining the various pieces while keeping a unified look. Mind if I asked how you achieved the purply/dead skin-tone? I was actually planning to do something similar in one round of iron painter this year but chickened out as I didn't know where to start. @Caedrus That dress looks off to a great start, but I don't envy the task ahead of you! Don't know whether the plates and rivets are going to help with the NMM illusion or make it more annoying, but either way I'll be thinking patient thoughts for you. 😉
  13. I think he looks great! He's a beastman, you could tell from 9 yards away, in a dark room, underwater. Also brings funny memories of how painting bases that alarming shade of green was once normal for people who weren't like 10 at the time. Loving the cowpats on the base by the way, thinks it's a class little detail.
  14. Finished my pledge model. Looks... pretty much the same as when I started. So I tried to got started on this guy as well. Colours aren't sitting together like how I imagined, probably shouldn't have gone for full saturation on everything, but it'll be fun to see how it turns out.
  15. Desperately scrawling pleas for help with a size 00 brush that no one can read.
  16. Not a fan of the new chompy but at least it gives an alternative for those who want more of a spooky/digusting look rather than leashed menace of the previous ones. Alps are definitely the standout model, even if they're more generic demon types now. Don't particularly like new Coppelius, although again he's not actually a bad model. Similar to chompy he's much more static than the previous versions. Looks more like he's standing on the sidelines munching eyes from his bucket than sprinting about, tearing them out of people. New dreamer seems to fit his new theme, although I do prefer the old one. What's the deal with the cricket bat though? The edges look bizarrely thick and it's wrapped in bandages or something?
  17. You want to post them as a link from another site, or the gallery here. Forum only gives you very limited attachment space. The picture you have up looks quite good.
  18. I don't think it'd be fair to call this a challenge if there wasn't some risk of failure. With unlimited mulligans it'd just be a thread where you post whatever you happened to paint in a given month. One or two is a good number to allow for real-world problems while still keeping the pressure on to paint what you pledge.
  19. All you people with finished models are making me feel nervous. Just had to check the date to make sure it wasn't near the end of the month already. Keep up the good work!😀
  20. Good luck Mason. and thanks.
  21. My pledge for the month is going to be an easy one (I hope) as I have a couple of other projects to finish off as well. Pledging Lelu (6SS) With a bonus Insidious Madness if I get him done.
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