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Everything posted by admiralvorkraft

  1. 7 stones. And my apologies, I have been misreading his card. I have some apologizing to do. Though in my defense even casting twice a turn looks pretty reasonable against a Hamelin crew
  2. When I've seen it (once or twice) there was a building in a corner of the board they could park behind. Limited their range to only 2/3s of the board instead of virtually all of it, but I think most boards I play on have that possibility.
  3. Not sure if this is news or not, but the War Bunny has an official paint-job...
  4. I agree with high-level balancing as well, because we're all more-or-less trying to get there. I was just trying to explain why this seems like a no-brainer to so many people (myself included) even though I'm pretty sure it's not as good as it looks. Sonnia certainly doesn't have any problem nuking things without Papa around, he just streamlines the process. I think that if I were playing at a level that rewarded long term planning over trading models for three turns before scattering to score points - a habit that I am getting away from - it would be more clear that those 7 stones are better (or at least competitively) spent elsewhere.
  5. That is a lot of Tomes. I don't like to gamble on my opening hand like that, but zFiend knows his stuff so I wouldn't write it off. I think there are generally three first turn sequences. There's the one that zFiend outlined. Then there's a slightly more reliable version of the same premise where you hire the EC instead of summoning it, but again you move it twice, magnetize to kill it, summon off the scrap. The one variation to that opening has you killing it with Joss, but then he'll take damage from the explosion or you'll have gamble on the arc welder - neither of which I'm a huge fan of. My preferred opening is the toolkit opening; Double move the toolkit, charge it with Joss, activate Ramos and summon up to 6 spiders depending on your hand, take at least one action that moves you forward - consider magnetizing one of your newly summoned spiders to kill it for next turn and get Ramos where he needs to be to bring up Arcing Screen. As I don't like to gamble I usually run Ramos with a full cache, Arcane Reservoir, Under Pressure, and Field Generator.
  6. Obligatory plug for Pull My Finger. It really is the best resource for the sort of big-picture stuff you're looking for. For what it's worth, the only one of those three that has a current box is Rasputina (the others are coming, we've seen the renders...) so if you are interested in a flexible blaster-caster with some tight crew synergy and more than a few tricks up her sleeves I would suggest you pick up the Blessed of December box. A basic 50SS list might look something like this (an experienced Raspy player might tell you otherwise) Rasputina - Cold Nights, Armor of December, +4 stones Wendigo Blessed of December - Imbued Energies December Acolyte 2x Ice Gamin Ice Golem Silent One And then there's the standard caveat that fixed lists aren't a thing in this game and that you'll always want to build for the specific strategy, schemes, and terrain.
  7. Unfortunately he's immune to Horror Duels, so Commanding Presence is a no-go.
  8. It's definitely one of the models in this game that you introduce to your opponent ahead of time...
  9. Dgraz, based on the extensive tactics posts you've made I can say with confidence that you're on a whole different level from me when it comes to your positioning game. Even at my best my Malifaux game is a long, suicidal slide into the strategy and schemes. No matter who I'm playing or what the final score looks like, I almost never have a substantial board presence by the end of turn 5. Malifaux is a little like chess in that, when you're good, you can play the game and hardly kill anything. When you're new to the game however the board has so much going on that it's just easier to trade away pieces until you can see a way towards your objectives. When you're playing the game on that level Papa-in-a-Box makes a lot of sense. And again, the model that I feel is a problem to run with Sonnia is the Malifaux Child. Extra pillars is sick and the Eternal Flame isn't good enough to make it much of a choice (in my opinion, ymmv).
  10. Seconding what others have said - Ten Thunderers is the faction with the least model crossover in-faction, but every 10T master has crossover with masters in their "other" faction. I would say the biggest exception is Misaki, but that's because she couldn't care less who she runs with really...
  11. I liked your post because it was helpful to OP. I dislike it because that's how the Scion has been used against me and it leaves me flopping around like a dead fish on an impossible to kill hook...
  12. With Df 4? Anything that survives long enough to get a good look at her can take her down once I'm out of stones. I almost never try to keep her alive, just set up Inferno so that I make them pay for her one last time...
  13. Does someone take a pigapult and not keep it out of sight behind blocking terrain the entire time?
  14. ...I see what you did there. Now I will say that having played Sonnia both with and without Papa-in-the-Box it's less that running with him feels broken and more that running without him feels really annoying. Now that's definitely insider bias, and coming from a player in a meta full of fast engagement. With Papa-in-the-Box Sonnia can start a turn engaged, (0) for Df 6, get away, and still have an impact on the board that turn to a degree that's impossible without him. Is that broken? Maybe, maybe not. Does it seem dumb to run without it? Kind of. A fix I would support (for both of them) is a clause ending the buff when they leave play just to stop Box abuse. I will say that I think the Malifaux Child is a bigger problem with any master that can place terrain since that can absolutely shut a game down.
  15. Sorry, 11 then - remember you're paying for the privilege with Surprisingly Loyal.
  16. It is odd, extremely frustrating to face. Basically put it in positions where you're daring your opponent to attack it, get the bury off, come out wherever you need to be to score your schemes.
  17. If you're willing to invest ~12 points into her, sure. I would rather spend those points elsewhere.
  18. Why am I not running Candy? Because Lucius makes any model a scheme runner so I don't need her for that, because she doesn't kill things any better than my other options, because while she can be tanky, it's expensive to the point that I may as well drop Sidir/Ryle/a Peacekeeper on the table instead - all of whom kill things better and tank just as well as she can. So that leaves activation control, and that is something that Guild absolutely doesn't have natively, but I've never found myself missing it. But that's just why I don't run with her. Of course your mileage may very.
  19. I would recommend a proxy mobile toolkit instead of the EC. It's a stone cheaper and doesn't explode when Joss kills it turn 1. Joss needs to be the one to kill your first construct so that it drops two scrap markers, and you have too many useful things to do with Ramos to make it worth spending his first turn AP killing your own models. I would also recommend picking up a box of Metal Gamin, because they are awesome in any Arcanist crew and their Magnetism action becomes a much better mobility trick when you've got a ton of disposable constructs running around.
  20. Fortunately Lucius comes with (total crew wounds)/3 extra soulstones...
  21. I'm glad you guys liked it! I had a lot of fun with the writing.
  22. I guess I never pull more than about four stones with Devils Deal in a given game. I also do love models with on-death effects in Lucius lists because he can basically decide when and where his minions die.
  23. Agreed, and I ran them a lot when I first started playing Lucius. Show Ya' the Door is one of the best mobility tools in the game for my money, and Tannen is an incredible debuffer. I've found, however, that Lucius has no problem whatsoever getting his crew in place all by himself and the points I would have spent on Tannen can go to a Hunter/second Lawyer/extra Rifleman/Queeg and I get more mileage out of it. In killing strategies Graves is replaced by Daschel and in less kill focused pools I bring Ryle.
  24. I think she's great. I do like her better in Arcanists because you get access to better constructs but there are people who swear by her with Toshiro. I think she's just not particularly tricky or controversial. She does her thing in her way better than anybody else, but she really only has the one thing in a couple of different flavors.
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