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Everything posted by MightyGodzilla

  1. Yeah but it's also dumb to have a brand new book out without model support. I totally agree with what you said above btw. That and they have to get all the Through the Breach kickstarter orders handled too. I think it would be very bad business to not have those kickstarters out the door and be selling the RPGs books at GenCon. Wyrd's got a busy two weeks ahead of them for sure. BTW which wave 1 plastic masters are still undone?
  2. I would assume if they updated the boxes to include the M2E logo on it that the cards are inside and are 2nd ed. At least I hope that's the case. I've been meaning to buy a couple of TT crews and I'm glads they updated them. Just waiting till GenCon to buy now. And maybe they'll randomly insert a Johana in them too. That'd be nice.
  3. You might try asking in the trade forum. From what I understand the overscale production of the ronins was a mistake and Wyrd briefly was taking them back and replacing them for whoever wanted the correct scaling. So you might luck into an overscale ronin were you to buy an old box, asking around the trade forum may yield better results.
  4. Very cool base for both poltergeists and sorrows. It would also be cool if you could do the same thing over a cobblestone street.
  5. Miss Stick Some caster type with a wand. Or some unassuming Guild Guard with a cudgel. Or some cross dressing Beckoner/Dead Doxxy/Rotten Belle.
  6. A search on eBay for "40k Flying Base" will yield plenty of different hits such as. http://www.ebay.com/itm/WARHAMMER-40K-BITS-TAU-RIPTIDE-BATTLESUIT-FLYING-BASE-2x-/131213558481?pt=Games_US&hash=item1e8cf002d1 Also recently I was looking for clear rods for a terrain project. Plastruct (makers of my favorite plastic cement) makes clear rods in a variety of widths. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0006O6QYO/ref=s9_simh_gw_p328_d5_i2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0JD7HA937TNK5KJJBDAP&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1688200382&pf_rd_i=507846 Besides Amazon and eBay craft stores/online shops are good places to find stuff like this. I've actually got a model train shop somewhat close and they've got all kinds of terrain types of ideas - from bases to buildings. So you may want to investigate tangent places like that too.
  7. Very awesome paintjob. Great work all around and especially on the cloak.
  8. I'm on the central coast of California. I play mainly out of San Luis Obispo
  9. Any reports of her coming in a box other than the Somer Teeth Jones box?
  10. You might be able to build up to everything except one spiderleg for painting, and put a rod in the last socket so you can hold him to paint. You can also drill a small hole in the bottom of the model and insert a paperclip to hold him with so you can paint - they all sit so low, it's not like anyone could see. The steam arachnid is the small spider that came 3 to a box, 1 should fit on a 30mm base easily.
  11. I'm hoping the Ten Thunder, The Thunders M2E repack will have a copy of Johanna in it. That particular box I want to buy when it comes out with the new cards. That aside. Crap like eBay resells because of limited availability just makes me wish they'd also make these models available to purchase on Wyrd's online store in addition to randomly packing Johanna's into new box sets. Inflated secondary markets suck.
  12. Wayland Games has a preorder ship date of July 31, 2014 for the "The Thunder Box Set". Maybe that's when the M2E edition of it comes out. Don't know for sure tho. This forum has a couple of guys going to GenCon. Maybe we should start a questions for GenCon thread and task one (some) of them to get us answers.
  13. I use Plastruct Plastic Weld. I swear by it actually. https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=plastruct%20plastic%20weld
  14. Thanks! I'm going to see if I can get some of those old rulebooks on the cheap at eBay or something. Also I just thought, Through the Breach and their RPG line is going to have huge amounts of story too. I don't know that I'll play it, but I'd definitely buy it to read.
  15. Hey I'm new to Malifaux. The stories I've read so far in the 2E Rulebook are pretty good. From talking with the players in my area, Malifaux has got some rich fiction. Where do you find it?? I'm looking through the Chronicle downloads, but past that where should I go?
  16. Maybe check your local FLGS for the different CCG's and TCG's game days. Back when YuGiOh first started up, my FLGS had a Tuesday night thing for it. The age range started pretty young.
  17. I've been using accelerant with CA glue on plastics for years without problem. There are plenty of brands out there, I happen to use Testor's. When I can find it I just buy a bunch of it to last me a year or so. The CA glue I use is Gorilla CA glue from your local hardware store. They work well together, although not as well as a good plastic cement on a kit like Hired Swords with minimal surface areas to work with. Now you want to talk about bad things (to any kit) toss a pinch of baking soda on CA glue. Baking soda will accelerate....but it's messy. So so messy!
  18. I'm good with proxying and all that, and as a matter of fact I found some extra ronin on my desk in the form of some Anima Tactics ladies I had sitting half painted and I've got a Steampunk Dorothy that I'm sure I can use for somethng. Past that I'm usually find myself drawn to certain sculpts and in the Tara box it's that (particular) big monstery guy. I want to assemble and paint it. I guess limited edition stuff just annoys me. Maybe they'll do another run on the Tara box sometime before the standard one comes out. Waiting a year sucks. I guess now that I'm in the Malifaux when new instances of Nightmare stuff comes out if I like it I'll be in the position to buy it.
  19. I'll also offer up that you shouldn't use CA (super) on slender kits like the Hired Swords. CA glue for plastics doesn't work as well when there's not as much surface area to work with. Use a good plastic cement. A good plastic cement (not the cheap Testor's crap) will just melt both sides together for a very strong bond. I'm doing the Hired Swords kit right now and Viktoria of Ashes wrist joint wasn't a problem at all. Neither Taelor's brastrap. And if you must use CA glue, use an accelerant along with it. Save yourself some sanity, accelerant makes everything so much easier.
  20. I'm not saying to hell with you. I just don't find the models hard to assemble...at all. Your army consists of 7 figs, time to assemble....4 hours. Having a rad army built in less than a day, not many games go there. If you don't care about how your models look why not use the metals?
  21. I'm a brand new player to the game. So as a new player to the Malifaux game I have to ask what exactly is the deal with limited edition boxes like the Tara box. I she her in the 2nd ed ruleset. My FLGS can't get that box, and when I check for it on eBay it's like a $200 box. *** shakes head *** what?!?! So I ask one of the other players and they say that box has only been release a couple of times and I'll have to wait for it to release again. I'm not used to my tabletop games having rarity like baseball cards. I really don't get it. The metal molds to make the plastics cost a pretty penny. Why don't they release the models that are in the rulebook on a regular basis?
  22. So Just what are the May / June releases?
  23. I put this info in another post and I meant to put it here, so forgive the antics Anyways I use this glue called Plastruct Plastiweld. It works great, it can even meld plastics of different types (ABS, polystyrene, etc) together. It's turns plastic into butter (so be careful) and you can generally use it to brush away small mold lines (that really saved me when I had to do Vanessa's hand...smallest, daintiest piece I think I've ever seen - but she's got all her fingers!!). http://www.amazon.co...0?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Another trick I use is to reinforce my Plastiwelded joints by brushing on CA glue (with a needle or exacto blade or a really cheap) and hitting it with accelerant. Works great!!
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