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Red Moon Head

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Everything posted by Red Moon Head

  1. There was an interview a long while back by AWP i believe and from what I can remember there was something like the following: 2 player starter box Small rules foldout (starter rules) around 4 models per side, henchmen led, 8 models in total. Guild vs. Neverborn Set in an insane asylum of sorts. Models in starter box part of main game and not avaialable seperately. I'd expect it around Gencon or Black Friday along with Wave 3
  2. Welcome! A little further north here at Lincoln. Plenty of players up and around here though. Our usual haunts are Sanctuary Gaming Centre in Mansfield and The Grid at Doncaster.
  3. The thing I'm most pleased about? That the Shinobi spinning the bottle on his finger isn't a seperate bottle in 2 seperate peices.
  4. LGS in UK got e-mail to say all April and May releases from Wyrd have no fixed date for release now. I'm guessing the strikes are a big cause of this? I just want brewy before June :/
  5. Guild Autopsies look like a great chouce for McM. My Lady J crew pitched up Spooney. So now I have 3 spare Death marshals. Could maybe convert them to Guidl autopsies pretty easy as the coffins are seperate.
  6. Spam lists are too easy. Go for wasted points! Zoraida - Hexed Among You, Guardian Stone, Liquid bravery Malifaux Child Lenny - Stilts Pigapult (No ammo) Rami lacroix - Show Off Hog Whisperer Hog Whisperer Convict Gunslinger
  7. Only Cojo so far has had that treatment it's been pointed out to me. Are there any others?
  8. So many choices! I remember being given The colour of Magic by a friend around 11-12 years old and reading every Discworld book I could. My favourite has to be Nightwatch though. Seeing all the characters I had grown up with as their younger selves was an uncanny reflection of putting myself in the story and recalling when I first entered Discworld as a kid. Favourite character? Far too many to choose from! Deaths outlook on humanity? Vimes, hell all the City Watch! Nanny Ogg and her songs? The list could go on and on. Gun to head and forced to choose?............. Nobby.

  10. ugh i forgot Sammy too........ Sammy I've only used with Zoraida. Summon doll, Hem. Get sammy to stop them doing walk or charge actions via the doll. if they have purely combat focussed models she can lock it down with zoraida. Stab em and get zoraida to move them places if needed. Also she gives gremlins access to a neverborn only upgrade.
  11. Ach I just reread Lenny's Card and saw it was "adds to duel total" not just "adds ." Well that's that filthy scheme foiled. NEXT!
  12. Lucky Effigy has a (0) Luck o' the Draw: Target friendly leader within 8" gains following condition until the end of the turn: "Lucky Draw: Whenever this model flips a in a duel, it may immediately heal 1 damage." What if Lenny was stood next to said Master? He adds to every duel. Does that mean every duel, both defensive and offensive that the master takes will now heal it for 1 damage?
  13. yeah the little lacroix have Dumb Luck too iirc and next to Lenny they just fall short of killing themselves with it so keep a slop hauler handy to heal em up again maybe? Still a lousy sh4 but the focus can counteract that. Yeah Jug Rocket Pere, Jug Rocket rami (onto a snipers nest) or Jug Rocket francois into peoples face. It's a great tool to use. Pigapult gives you more range however it paralyzes you so it has it's drawbacks.
  14. I've tried him once with a shock and awe tactic on Reckoning with Assasinate and Murder protege I think.. McM Evidence Tampering, On the Clock, Plastic Surgery Sebastian Death marshal 2x Nurses 2x Executioners Witchling stalker. Can't remeber the exact ins and outs but the idea was to have a nurse give McM poison + 1 executioner the +walk then get carried by the death marshal. Then have the witchling stalker remove the + walk when needed on executioner. It ended up meaning McM and an executioner were in the enemies face (possibly in combat by end of turn one with movement shennanigans) with at least 1 scheme marker on the centre line (for bluffing purposes) and a nurse ready to drop out and heal/paralyze anyone who got in trouble. Seb and other nurse generally went around doing their business, stalker removed conditions nurse was dishing out to friendlies and 2 executioners and McM did all the heavy lifting. Death marshal ran up the field, dropped off nurse behind those guys and buried anything dangerous. That was the idea anyway...... Didn't work so well having no tomes in hand for 2 turns for the nurses.....
  15. Rami is a good tool if vendetta is in the pool I usually find. Late turn 1, reckless, double focus, 36" shot at his victim hopefully with rams from Lenny or a card held back to get the max damage. You can either kill a wounded target or hurt it enough to get it next turn and finish it off. Pere used to be my go to guy for frame for murder, until everyone I ever played cottoned on and just went "Here take some conditions!". Now I rarely use him as his best effect is usually him dying. Although he can work nicely with Jug Rocket or the pigapult to add a speedbump in a bunched up crew. Young Lacroix I used to use all the time. Howeve now I use Old Cranky usually as i have enough firepower. When I first used YL I was obsessed with their "Gets into everything" until last night where I saw a new gremlin player having them focus shoot their normal guns with rams from lenny...... It was a volley of fire at just the right moment and with sever 6 damage (3 damage backlash reduced to 2 by lenny) isnt enough to kill themselves in one hit. Raphael Again I used to do exactly what you said in OP, dirty cheat + hard to kill (+slop hauler if you really want to) meant he was great for going off on his own (or with a slop hauler) and holding down a turf war marker. Dunno why I stopped using him really.... He's a lot of fun! Edit: I forgot Merris! And I use her ALL the time! Merris I use all the time. Only 6ss? Reckless, Flight and the ability to drop a scheme marker 15" away? All good for me. She's kinda one of my scheme runners/suicide bomber. Plant Explosive is great fun when she dives 15" across the table and drops a scheme marker at peoples feet. I've even landed her in the middle of guys and had Ophellia try and shoot her to make her explode for all the burning goodness. Her fire bottle aint half bad either with 3 hits (it ignores cover) that's 9 burning on someone. 6ss of love for that little fat rocket powered gremlin.
  16. That really depends on how much you're willing to stock tbh. Generally I've always seen the Book 1 crew boxes as being 3 per faction ranging from easy, medium and hard. A crew box plus 1 box generally gets you 50ss. Some combos are usually: Rasputina box + decemebr Acolytes Mei Feng box + Rail Golem Yan Lo + Izamu the armour Zoraida + Waldgeist Lillth + Waldgeist/Nephalim box Somer + bayou gremlins/piglets box Any resser + Hanged They pretty much offer a 2 box 50ss playable crew that fit thematically for beginners and usually what I suggest to new guys around here is taht they pick a faction they like the look of aesthetically and add a little expansion box to top it off. Anyone playing gremlins will buy slop haulers. Anyone playing Criid will likely want another box of Witchlings.
  17. Feed him more pies! Like 10 stone of pies :D
  18. Someone on AWP pointed out that trixie was a play on this: https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11025817_776299059085205_2342901568719569614_n.jpg?oh=bd95a3e6721b26ec798afbed124dc8c2&oe=55868EC7
  19. Actually the Lenny distracting as Ophellia ducks away in throng of melee works in my mind I guess. A disengaging strike is only taken if you can actually SEE the opponent leaving your melee range. It's perfectly realistic that you wouldn't try and stop someone leaving combat if you can't see them leaving I guess. As a Lenny fan, I'm happy!
  20. So now say Johan(na) is fighting Ophellia. Ophellia could drag Lenny over, walk around Lenny staying within 3" of Johan(na) to break engagement but no trigger a disengaging strike? Thus leaving Johan(na) engaged with Lenny, Ophellia disengaged and free to shoot and no disengaging strikes trigger?! It seems counterintuative but hey as a Gremlin play i'll play along
  21. She is a cruel mistress....... Eagerly awaiting Lady J and Viks restock at FLGS..... debated getting Levi lately and well I'll always be a gremlin player first and foremost so yeah.....Brewie.
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