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Everything posted by spectrehorseman

  1. Looks really amazing. I saw a post on Beasts of War about this and came back to comment here. Can't wait, keep us posted, cause I'm full in for everything once you get the Kickstarter up; as long as the world doesn't end this September. here is that post for anyone that is interested http://www.beastsofwar.com/mythos/paranoid-miniatures-give-exclusive-lovecraftian-sea-queen/
  2. Nice, I see that you strategically placed purple and yellow opposite each other and green and red. That really balanced out the whole piece, I think. The only thing I might do different is tilt the cash only sign down towards the center so it draws the eye towards the action even more.
  3. cool man, I like that color for the coat. I was thinking about getting this crew soon too.
  4. Graveyard is really good. They are a Retro Stoner Rock Band. I saw them live at the House of Blues in chicago, awesome show. just search 'graveyard full album' on youtube to fnd the rest if you like it.
  5. I like that back drop, where did you get it? The one I'm using right now is a piece of fabric from hobby lobby.
  6. @spectreelitegaming - mars volta is awesome. If you want to experience something really trippy, que up de-loused in the coma-torium on pause at the very beginning, and then, play the movie, the Cell with Jennifer Lopez where she goes into the serial killers mind. There is a part where they put a cloth on her face. It is the first time she goes into his mind. As soon as it switches to a bunch of thread and yarn like looking circles, press play on the album set to repeat. This shit will blow your mind. The synchronicities are just crazy.
  7. spectrehorseman

    fools gold Wip 2

    part of a 3 man operation, plus diorama to come
  8. I really love your bright colors. Zoraida is next on my list to purchase but I probably won't get around to painting her for awhile since I'm in the contest. Well, maybe some theme relevant to her will pop up. Anyway, how did you do those bases with the faces in the floor? Is that free hand. Nice
  9. I really like what you did there. I have found that near black is tough to paint and haven't actually figured out a good approach for me yet in doing that. The eyes look nice but I wonder if you'd get more contrast by using some orange glow, since you have blue on the backs. Orange / Blue being opposite colors will give high contrast.
  10. I can never remember if I have put the finishing varnish on a figure or not. And I needed a place to store all my painting notes anyway, so I devised this Tracker Spreadsheet so I know what I have done. I'm planning on painting the entire collection so this comes in really handy. There are Variables for amount owned, whether the model is assembled, primed, painted, varnished and based as well as an overview of building a crew options (all taken from the pull my finger wiki). I also hyperlink all of the models to their respective strategy guides on that wiki. Here are some sample images, I'm currently trying to sign up for drop box so I can provide the document. Is this a resource that anyone might want to use? Here is a link to the Guild Tracker. I'll probably work on Neverborn next. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yfuqoe9cxleth77/Model%20Tracker%20-%20Guild.xlsx?dl=0
  11. I have a shit load to trade or sell but I wanted to see if there is interest for this first before going to all the trouble posting pictures. I have mostly Warriors of Choas, Skaven, Orcs and Goblins
  12. lol, love the heart tatoo on sybelle. And I really like the way you colored the cobblestone streets. I need to step up my basing process and focus on it more than just dry brushing it. I'm gonna have a look around your thread dude, call me subscribed.
  13. Hey guys, I wonder if I might take a moment to share another creative venture I'm currently developing. I opened an Etsy shop, please stop over and check it out. I'd appreciate any social media tweets, shares etc, if you think the site is worth sharing with others. Thanks alot. https://www.etsy.com/shop/TrailblazerOutpost?ref=hdr_shop_menu In the meantime, I'm currently working on a Model Tracker Spreadsheet so I can keep track of model - owned, assemble, primed, painted, varnished, based and also I'm going to throw in some tid bits about crew building for each of the crew boxes (all taken from the wiki) with also having hyper-links in the spreadsheet to the specific pull my finger wiki strategy guides. I'm leaving an area under each crew section to keep track of the paint schemes I'm using. I'm just about done with the Guild and I'll upload it for Community use soon.
  14. Sure, I found them on Amazon but they are available elsewhere. This company also makes different sizes too, so if you look around you might find something more to your size crew or what have you. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001AN7LRG/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  15. Really, really nice dude. I was just painting my Guild Guard today and am still working out the paint scheme. I went with blue for the coat but haven't settled on the pants yet. Right now I'm eyeing doombull brown from GW cause it's kind of cool'ish with hints of deep purple. I really like your Captain Dashel and the light brown/tan against the pale shirt really stands out, especially with those red accents. Love the Lone Marshall as well, I'm gonna have to dig out that model and paint it. Can't wait to see more...
  16. Thank you. I was inspired by Mako's write up in the Chronicles issue. I'm trying to resist the urge to buy the mindless undead and crooked men. lol I want them but I have models already that need painted.
  17. Seamus Crew Doing the base like I did with the inverted on bottom really helps with being able to grab the modle without have to touch it. The lip really gives you something to grasp onto.
  18. well thanks for the kind words. I usually leave detailed notes on the colors and mixes I use in my main painting thread. Hopefully I be posting some new models there soon.
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