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Everything posted by paradoxstorm

  1. I haven't tried it, but I suspect card stock would be better than normal paper.
  2. Ahhhh so I need to make sure you take some paints and brushes when you snitch my minis.
  3. New to the board and first time in this thread. Like monkeyboy I have loads of minis--all malifaux--that you are welcome to "steal" for painting. You do very nice work! Did you ever get your paints to live in the same house as you do?
  4. Hmmm, love the look of the zuzzy mats, but I like the idea of making my own as well. Maybe it is time to look at the youtube videos on making my own gaming mat.
  5. Do you have access to any warhammer fantasy bits? I don't know, but I suspect, that an elf arm might work for Raspy.
  6. Teaching is one of my favorite subjects--I like talking about it. Sounds like you are on the right track.
  7. Be flexible and adjust to the situation. Have a starting point or plan in mind, but be prepared to adjust as the situation warrants. And, above all else, be prepared to adjust to the person or people you are working with. For example, elsewhere I have been told to start learning with a Lady J crew versus a Rasputina crew. Schemes and strategies have also been recommended. Based on the comments from those who understand the game, I expect that this is a pretty good pairing for most newbs so it provides a starting point for demo games, especially with crowds watching and/or newbs who don't have their own crew yet. However, some newbs are already going to have a Colette or Seamus or other crew that they bought because they liked something about it. Be ready to adjust so that they can get started with their crew whenever possible. Talking--generally you want to be fairly chatty. But I have played (other) games against newbs who did not like direct instruction at all--they want all their focus to be working stuff out in their own head. Doing anything other than playing my best against them was perceived as an insult. Others will want you to tell them what to do the first game or two and then taper off as they find their own "voice." Teaching at the individual/small group level is a joy in part because you can customize lessons on the fly to fit the needs of your students.
  8. thanks all. I'll look at the model tracker
  9. Thanks for getting this thread started, I look at all the wonderful paint jobs that folks are showing in the showcase and I get a bit discouraged (recognizing that my artistic talents are unlikely up to the standards I see there.) I have been watching some youtube videos, but it is still nice to see some written instructions. Thanks to those that have (and still will) respond. For Rarkry13 I would mention that there are a lot of videos for beginning painters on youtube, some of them quite good, most are at least okay. My interest in war gaming is narrowly focused on Malifaux so I do have some personal issues watching instructional videos based on warhammer (or other game) figures. If you don't have those issues, you have a wider range of videos to choose from. A message that I have taken away from some of the videos is that there is a "game ready" standard of painting and a "display ready" standard, which is much higher. The game ready standard appears to be something I can achieve with ordinary levels of painting skill so I am constantly reminding myself that I am planing to play my models, not win painting contests. (I have also stocked up on Simple Green so that if/when my painting skills improve, I can strip my early models and repaint them.)
  10. Malifaux is new to me, but teaching is something I've done before. I spent 5 years teaching chess to mostly 4th grade students. With two newbies playing each other you pretty much have to restrict yourself to referee/fact questions unless there is a specific request by the stronger player that you help the weaker (i.e. long-time gamer suggests you help their gamer newb opponent), and the weaker is open to help. For demo games with henchman v newb I recommend a lot of talk-aloud as you plan out your moves and as you make those moves. It is all to easy for someone familiar with what they are doing to leave the newb in the dark by providing incomplete explanations. Of course this needs to be tempered based on the newb you are demoing with. Someone already familiar with table top war games needs less of it (probably a lot less) than someone who is used to board games.
  11. Is there no ultimate authority on the interpretation of the rules? If people attend different tournaments how can they be certain that they are playing by the same (interpretation of) the rules?
  12. I have some tech, but no Malifaux skills so I won't be part of any testing unless it gets extended for several months. :-( I do want to second/third/fourth/whatever a collection manager with different screens. Knowing what I have right now to build a crew, knowing what I might still buy to enhance a crew, would both be nice. Especially since I seem to lack much in the way of organizational skills.
  13. I like Bengt's suggestions. I might have a bit to add, from the newb perspective, but I have never asked---are demo games two players who know what they are doing showing how the game is played or are they setting up two newbs and supervising their play?
  14. Thanks guys. I am ocd enough that I'll work out some form of pinning unless I find that I lack the skill actually do so--in which case it sounds like I can still use nice bases with a good job of gluing.
  15. The metal models come with the slot thingie for mounting on a base--but I see all these wonderful models with everything from a bit of green stuff based flooring to massive works of art between the model and the slotted base. I really like those bases. Even a simple floor or cobblestone street seems to set off the models so much nicer. But there is no mounting slot. I think that what I would need to do is cut off the bit that goes in the slot on my model, drill some holes in the feet of my model with matching holes in the base, and use a bit of wire and glue to hold the whole thing together. Am I one the right track?
  16. Thanks for the info---I was wondering about these a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully the deal lasts until I get my next paycheck in a week or so--I seem to have accidentally purchased large quantities of paint and basing supplies running short of hobby money for a few days. But now that I have figures and paints, I really suppose I should figure out what to do with them.
  17. Some excellent news guys--thanks! A normal release in time for Christmas would be perfect 'cause the wife and kids are always complaining that they don't know what to get me as a gift.
  18. Thanks--limited edition makes sense. I like limited editions, but I like retirement savings even more, so I won't be getting her in the foreseeable future :-( But at least now I know what is going on.
  19. OP: After indiscriminately buying lots of starter sets I am taking the time to read the big rules book which has a brief back story for the masters and other models. I am finding that when I think about playing rather than building/painting I am attracted to different models. For example, I've seen a few photos of Tara, but never gave her a second glance until I was reading the fluff last night--now I have a thread asking if I will ever be able to get her. Not sure of your gamer situation--I am fortunate enough to live in a small town with one enthusiast who has a nice assortment of models and normally has to drive for an hour to get a game. He is only too happy to let me borrow some of his models if he can get a game or two mid-week. If you can find someone like that, that would be a great way to try different masters.
  20. So I finally got a chance to get back to looking at the fluff/rules manual and see Tara--a master I wasn't familiar with, but her back story strikes me as fairly interesting so I think "Hey, maybe I should go buy a Tara!" A bit of web surfing teaches me two things: 1) Tara was one of the first (the first?) new master introduced with plastics, and 2) she is basically impossible to buy right now. So (1) tells me why I don't own her yet since I am a metal lover. But what I haven't figured out on my own is why (2)? Was she a limited edition? Is Wyrd rotating model production so she's temporarily out of stock but will come back? Other? Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Thanks
  21. Are these suitable for novices or should I get some experience before I buy 'em?
  22. I may not have the best impulse control when it comes to buying models. I may have purchased a handful of duplicate figures. I think that I might need some sort of checklist or spreadsheet or something to help me track my purchases so that I know what I have and what I still want. Before I put a lot of effort into recreating the wheel, has anyone developed a model list that I can use to develop a checklist? Maybe someone already has a checklist? Other suggestions?
  23. This describes me as well. I suspect that there are non-native English speakers/writers who have the Malifaux knowledge but are hesitant because of their English skills. I lack the Malifaux knowledge but have competent editing skills.
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