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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. Guslado

    Izamu The Armor

    I like the bold, clean colors you used. Nice job at keeping getting some good depth of shading to the white without it getting muddy.
  2. Guslado


    The more different versions I see of this model the more I feel like I should add it to my collection. I like the basing you did to accommodate the wide stance of the model, great solution!
  3. Guslado


    That is a great looking bit of railroad there. What did you use to make it?
  4. Guslado

    SnowStorm Entry

    I would love to see a whole Cult of December crew themed off of this. Digging the purple hair for contrast.
  5. Nice job keeping the bright colors clean, really tough to do that sometimes. The snow makes for some good contrast against the colorful model.
  6. Guslado


    I am digging the Salvador Dali clock on the base. Very cool concept!
  7. Guslado

    Frozenmoment Kang

    Very clean paint job! I am a huge fan of the base on this; nice to see Kang doing some work away from the railroad.
  8. Guslado

    Bayou Gremlin

    Great basing on a great model! What did you use to make it look like the algae is floating on the water?
  9. Guslado


    I have loved the look of this model since they revealed the renders for it. Great job on the muscles--looks like exposed flesh but without the excess of drippy red gore on the back that I have seen on many paint jobs for this model.
  10. Guslado


    Very clean paint job. I like the stonework base.
  11. Guslado

    Candy Malifaux

    Nice to see a Puppet Wars mini in this category. Nice depth on the hair.
  12. Guslado

    Mr Graves

    I enjoy the work you did on the face, especially the look of dark bags under the eyes.
  13. Guslado


    I like the newspaper on the base. What'd you use for that?
  14. Guslado

    Snow Storm

    Note to moderator: The image should be the model from two different angles but in the image preview I can see it appears to be centering on the line between the two, thus cutting off both images. Obviously I don't want the images both cut off. Please inform me if this ends up being the case and I can upload a different image. Thanks!
  15. Hadn't seen that post, thanks for the info!
  16. Not sure if I missed seeing where it was posted or that it hasn't been posted yet, but what time on Friday does the sale go live? There are several of the limited editions I don't want to miss out on.
  17. I see the same thing in iOS as well. I usually just end up switching over to the full site.
  18. If I remember correctly you can also remove scheme markers through interact actions. Not sure if that is a (1) or (2) action. I don't have my rulebook in front of me at the moment, anyone able to clear this up for me?
  19. Guslado

    Zoraida Cards

    What is the best method to contact you to fix this?
  20. So, basically think of it all as the same blast whether I am placing one blast marker or a dozen so long as the source is the same?
  21. So, basically think of it all as the same blast whether I am placing one blast marker or a dozen so long as the source is the same?
  22. I was playing a game today and was told I had been doing blast markers wrong. I had a Ca action with a double blast (specifically Rasputina's severe damage on December's curse) . I was able to place the two blast markers as described in the rulebook and hit a second enemy model with both of the blasts. My opponent told me that the model which was under both of the blasts could only be damaged once by the blasts. We consulted the rulebook and couldn't find anything saying that a model hit by two blasts markers from the same spell is only damaged once. We are both relatively new players and my opponent told me that was how he was taught by one of our local Henchmen, but I couldn't find anything in the rules which stated this. We thought it might be something from 1st ed. rules and our henchman never picked up on that rules change, but I've only ever played M2E rules so I have no knowledge of the differences between rulesets. If a model can indeed only be damaged once by the two blasts, where does it say that in the rulebook? Also, is a model can indeed be damaged by both blasts, does it deliver the damage all at once or does the damage resolve separately (thus overcoming Hard to Kill, being reduced by armor both times, etc.)?
  23. In the few games I've done the double ice pillar fun with Rasputina/Wendigo it has been quite effective at directing traffic the way I wanted it.
  24. Approximately 16 days and 15 hours until the vendor floor opens at Gen Con and I can get my hands on all of the awesomeness! The suspense is killing me!
  25. I'm not a big fan of using printed cards even if they are official; probably stems from the part of me that won't use unpainted models and hates using proxies even in a friendly game...
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