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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. Gen Con is only 67 days away!!!! Half of my office is already gone for the holiday weekend and I am all finished with any possible work. So this leaves me way to much time to browse more Gen Con things and contemplate what awesome shinies Wyrd might have in store for us. So, Who here is going? What events are you doing What do you think the Nightmare model will be? Who is going to get the Miss Model treatment this year? Getting so excited! I plan my year around this event!
  2. I think an interesting idea for a tourney would be to have a fixed faction tourney and that you can only use any master once. I think that could bring an interesting feel to a tournament and force players to expand their horizons.
  3. Well, I have my ticket for the "Welcome to the Boxcar" henchman hardcore tourney. Time to start trying out a few lists to see what will be fun to play with.
  4. Yay for painting requirements! Looking forward to seeing fully painted crews on the table! Question for the "Welcome to the Boxcar" henchman hardcore tourney--are proxies of other Wyrd miniatures acceptable for out of production models not yet available in plastic? Specifically, would an alt. Rasputina model be an acceptable proxy for a Silent One as the metal Silent One is out of production with no new plastic out yet?
  5. Yeah, my main problem with stuff going in the middle of the day is that I don't want to ditch my friends who don't play Malifaux for several hours to play in a tourney and that I also like to run around and demo as many new boardgames as possible; Malifaux is only a portion of why I go to Gen Con. Last year I only got in a couple games off hours because I definitely overbooked myself, but should be able to get in a few more this year.
  6. This saddens me greatly. Not sure if I'll be able to take part in any of the tournies due to their timing. I was hoping to get in some pick-up games for achievements after hours.
  7. I've had a few people ask me how I did the wood flooring on my Iron Painter entry, so I figured I would share a cool method for getting some wood floor basing without having to find woodgrained plasticard (which always seems to be sold out). I hope you all like it! Hobby Tutorial: Wood Floor Basing
  8. So no achievement league this year?
  9. Glad it helped! I was in the same boat when I found this method and figured there were others with the same need, so I just had to share it.
  10. I have been trying to find a method to base some of my miniatures with long grass for a while, but anything I could find either looked too artificial or wasn't long enough. I finally stumbled up this method that turned out great that ends up being not only great looking, but ridiculously cheap to do. Check out the Tutorial! I hope this tutorial helps you all out!
  11. Not so much an event, but a recommendation based on my experience last year--having some shopping baskets at the booth would be quite handy for to those buying a large number of small boxes.
  12. "Where Your World Ends, My World Begins" The waking world is ours, but the world of dreams and nightmares is the domain of Nytmare and the Dreamer. I had a lot of fun putting together this piece. I really enjoyed pushing myself with some new techniques, such as the object source lighting from the portal, adding the strands of spittle to the Insidious Madness and Chompy's mouths, and giving the eyeball a hard acrylic cornea. I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I enjoyed building and painting it.
  13. I was planning on ordering the Ironside crew box this weekend, but looks like that will be pushed onto my stack for Gen Con. I was planning on this being my last Wyrd purchase until my Gen Con mountain, but at this point I figure might as well add it to the list and get that much closer to an extra Miss model.
  14. Apparently I get butterfly for free, so bonus! I choose love and beauty, because people already tell me all the time how "special" I am
  15. Why not!? Aaron loves me and I am a special and beautiful butterfly!
  16. And because I can never just be working on one project, I finished up a few Waldgeist (or is it Walgeists?) while waiting for things to dry/cure/harden/etc. on my Iron Painter entry. Enjoy! I have several other angles of all of my angry trees on my blog. Check it out! Note: Apparently the appropriate pluralization for Waldgeist is Waldgeister. I knew it was German for "Forrest Spirit" but couldn't remember the proper pluralization (it has been a few years since I studied German...)
  17. It's generally best for the survival of humanity if elder gods keep on sleeping Looks great! Where is this model from?
  18. So what are we getting at Gen Con then? I must know!!! Thanks for being so upfront and awesome with us, Aaron!
  19. You guys keep doing what you're doing. You all make some amazing miniatures, awesome games, and interact with the community far more actively than any other game company I've ever dealt with. You all seriously rock!
  20. Worried about the future of the game? That's more than a bit of an overstatement. There is a delay, things will come out eventually, and then you'll have them. This is why other companies don't put out release schedules.
  21. Great job! I've never seen someone do a forced perspective thing like this with a miniature! Really cool idea and great execution! The top left photo really captures this the best. Digging the homage to Dr. Strangelove too.
  22. One of my favorite books growing! Such a cool interpretation on the theme. Your stuff never ceases to amaze.
  23. But is it a beast? Because Marcus has decided he wants him as a new friend... and as Aaron said, he's just looking for a friend
  24. I never noticed this in the beta files (probably because I didn't look too terribly closely at anything other than the Arcanist files), which faction is this awesome looking dude for? Also, is it a beast so I can bring it along with Marcus?
  25. Love the paint scheme on this guy. Definitely going with the lighter belly thing you mentioned when I get around to painting my fishfrogs!
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