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Everything posted by MONSTERNOGGIN

  1. Fair enough. I'd just be worried about two of your three beaters having such low df/wp. It's putting a lot of stress on the hauler and nurse. Liking the entourage/breakthrough on sammy tho. And voodoo doll is always fun in turf war.
  2. Why not burt instead of Lenny? Are you wanting the Rams for Franc?
  3. Lenny being WP1 could be a huuuuuuge handicap if you face Neverborn or Ressers. I'd have a backup just in case. Other than that, I second the hauler for debuff/healing into the turf war bubble.
  4. For me, haulers rarely use their attacks as they tend to stay behind the lines. If they are attacking, it's usually to lower the Df of a rogue alpha-strike model who's made it to my Master. Also, at range 8, if they can shoot something, they are likely also in their targets charge range which means they are probably going down on that models next activation due to haulers being such juicy targets. As far as snipers, utilizing terrain and bigger models (Lenny/Gracie) can help mitigate those early one shots. I also try to pressure my opponent with Ophelia/Burt/Franc/insert beatey model to draw the snipers fire.
  5. Lol. "It depends...." kills so many potentially productive conversations. Thanks for following up. When theory-fauxing, you will tend to get better feedback if you include your reasoning with your list. Unfortunately, just posting lists ends up with your thread gathering tumbleweed. It's much easier to have a discussion about your line of thinking. With that being said, what strats/schemes were you aiming at here? I'll second the Lenny, Slop Hauler core. Building a brick of models that you know back, forth, upside and down and then salt/peppering based on the terrrain/opponents/pool (especially if you're learning) will serve you better in the beginning. Once you have that synergy dialed in you can start rotating models in and out game to game to find out what combos/synergies work best for your playstyle and in your local gaming group. With that, for me, Pere is the 'swing-iest' model in your list and is the best candidate for being dropped. Also, saddle is a legit upgrade, but who are you anticipating dragging around the board? Repositioning Remi? Setting up Pere to charge into the opponent? I don't like keeping my crew within his blast radius as it tends to be too large of a liability. With Lenny hanging out near Ophelia to dish out rams, he can easily toss her and the Hauler so they will not necessarily need saddle.
  6. Lenny, Franc, and Slop Haulers tend to find their way into most lists. Burt, Gracie, Rooster Riders, and Merris will mosey in depending on whether I'm seeing killy, tanky or more interact/running schemes in the pool. Remi or McTavish can be useful for laying down cover fire while you get the rest of your forces into position up the field. As far as totems, that can be a hotly debated subject. Personally I fall in the Old Cranky camp vs Young Lacroix. Although they can be bothersome, my playstyle favors the bearded wonder. Raphael and Pere don't see a lot of table time for me. Although they have a strong following, I find them too 'swing-ey' for my tastes. As always, tinker around and find out what feels right as you develop your playstyle. Welcome to the Bayou, and let us know how you like it!
  7. Anyway to have her riding in the pot as it runs around on chicken legs?
  8. Thanks! Oddly enough, I've been struggling against this list, or something very similar, for quite sometime now. I may have to do a lot of *bleep*-ing, but it will make for a lively discussion. And speaking from the other side of the table, 5 reactivated flesh constructs a turn is brutal to deal with.
  9. Hello Wyrdos! Mister Dreads and I, along with some other folks in the Houston area, are cobbling together material for podcasting and we need your help. We are looking for your suggestions on the "best of theory-faux" for us to allocate some play-time and report back on how things worked on the table. Think of it as a Malifaux Mythbusters if you will. For all those times when a post has started "...Hey! I'm looking at *Random Master* and *random list/combo* seems really strong...." Essentially, post any combos, synergies, or 'what-if' situations that have come up in the various forums, discussion in your metas, A Wyrd Place, etc in this thread. All ideas will be considered, there's nothing too silly. Thanks everyone, and we look forward to seeing what ya'll come up with.
  10. Seeing as my record for buying proxies/stand-ins just before their special announcement is dang near 90%, I expect to see rooster riders and bayou gators.
  11. *sigh* Excitement level just fell through the floor....
  12. For Fran, I've had good success with a brick of Ophelia/Fran/Slop Hauler accompanied more often than not by Lenny for toss/damage reduction/built-in ram shenanigans. If Lenny tags along, I'll slap Dirty Cheater on Fran. If not, then he gets Stilts. If I'm facing a blast heavy crew, Merris will hang around to null out the blasts until late game when she blasts off to snag schemes (Hide in the Mud helps keep alive during those long, reckless-augmented runs across the board). You can swap out Old Cranky instead of the Young to add in on def to bolster Fran and to gain a SS everytime Ophelia and Fran chain activate to erase a model. After that you can toss in Burt and some BG's to act as flankers/scheme runners.
  13. I've found the taxidermist too situational to consistently bring. He'll tag along if I'm playing a friendly game against Rezzers, but not much else. With that said, the most fun I've had with one was against Hamelin. Kill rat, summon stuffed piglet, bacon bomb, kill more rats. Next turn rinse repeat. It's also nice because you're summoning mobile pig-bombs that provide blast damage and can deny Collect the Bounty, Make them Suffer, Headhunter points.
  14. Whenever Som'er hits the table, I always end up humming this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7GyLr7Cz2g
  15. Since I just finished my Puppet Wars Trixie doll conversion, I'm going to be waiting on Mah's box. The models are beautiful, but aside from Trixie, I don't really need them for play (for all the reasons stated above). For the original question of whether they are a better choice than BG's, no, I don't think so. Your basic BG, for me, are either scheme runners, meat shields, or pigapult ammo which also happen to have a shoot ability. Their SH 4, again for me, even when focused has never produced any sort of reliable results and so I tend to shoot only if I don't have something better to do with them or it's a hail-mary attempt at a model with 1-2 wounds left that absolutely HAS to die this turn. Yes, we all have stories of the 'Little Gremlin that Could', but for me they are there to be a nuisance, burn opponent AP, eff-up opponent scheme marker placement, gain objectives, or screen Lenny from lures. For the stones, bushwhackers just don't check those boxes for me as well as the little guys do.
  16. Just realized my forum notifications weren't hitting my email.....sorry for the delay. Thanks for the posts on the monks, Math. I ran across some animal themed characters that could work as well, I just know how I feel about the aesthetic. In the end I think I'm going to pick a few of the more rotund models from the Bushido line for an Asian-Friar Tuck theme.
  17. Alright, I'll poll the crowd. I'm looking for some Fermented River monks. I'm just beginning my search, and will post any promising finds.
  18. It's yours Mr. Joel. I imagine you're participating in the 50ss Masters, I can give it you then, otherwise we can figure something out.
  19. I have decided not to play in the enforcer brawl at GenCon. If anyone would like my ticket, they are welcome to it. Just let me know and we can arrange a meetup at the convention. First to respond either in the forums or by pm is the lucky winner.
  20. Immediate goals: Paint the balance of needed models for Gen on (2 moon shinobi, 3 piglets, 2 stuffed piglets, Trixie conversion) Mid-range: - Acquire/paint Wong box - start building gremlin terrain set/2nd super secret terrain set - start filming battle reports/launch podcast. Long term: - finish painting gremlins and neverborn. - start working through the balance of my unpainted plastics. ....
  21. Thanks clement, hadn't thought of fingers and the chatty bubble for disrupting the pick up honestly. My go at it had Zoraida kiting and obeying models in to the group while Lenny, Burt, Francois, and Juju hand out the melee damage. The doll came in handy for killing models in their backfueld without dropping heads (they die due to the hemmed condition and not a direct model, therefore no head, right?) It went 'ok', but was ckunky.
  22. Thanks clement, hadn't thought of fingers and the chatty bubble for disrupting the pick up honestly. My go at it had Zoraida kiting and obeying models in to the group while Lenny, Burt, Francois, and Juju hand out the melee damage. The doll came in handy for killing models in their backfueld without dropping heads (they die due to the hemmed condition and not a direct model, therefore no head, right?) It went 'ok', but was ckunky.
  23. As a whole, I'm really digging the new gaining grounds strategies. However, Headhunter is proving difficult using only currently released models. I'm currently building crews around points denial through kiting. Anyone care to chime in? I've got everything released in both plastics and metals at my disposal. Any and all thoughts would be appreciated.
  24. ICEMYN, will we see you at GenCon again this year?
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