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Everything posted by Grez90

  1. Grez90

    Masters 2015

    Ben Crowe has to actually be Ben Crowe, so hes not allowed in the masters (one down, 14 more to go) snigger snigger BTW, incase you didn't get it from my tweet, I'm confirming my attendance for the Masters. signed "53"
  2. I'll pay you at the club Panzer, but heres my teams. Team A (The Filthmongers) Pool A - Rob "Yes I've started using Colette and shes filth" Smith Pool B - Martin "Wow this Colette really is filth" Wodehouse Pool C - Adam "Seriously I'm bored of typing the name Colette" Hutchinson Pool D - Nate "I know he's playing Joel first, but he has to have a Colette somewhere" Zettle Pool E Nathan "I have no connection to Colette" Chenery Team B (The Obvious Choices) Pool A - Joel "My pigsuit is going to mess with your head" Henry Pool B - Graham "Say hello to the kiss of blu tac death" Bursnell Pool C - Adam "always finishes behind me on VP so once I win the GT he will finish 2nd" Hutchinson Pool D - Andy "I ran out of SQUIGS to pick so a Winton will do" Winton Pool E - James "Mindgames can work both ways" Winton
  3. Tickets bought for myself and Ben Harris. Looking forward to seeing the venue for the first time.
  4. Also just to let people know there will be some wave 2 cards available to borrow if you have not had chance to get your own (unless your gremlins, not a real faction so I don't own the cards). Just ask the man with the laptop and he'll be happy to lend them out if you are wanting to use any during the day, but must be returned .
  5. 1. Acolyte (Great damage spread, auto slow on everything, and FTS...needs no further explanantion) 2. Myranda (Don't care if people say Cerberus/Blessed of December, why not get them at a stone cheaper and halfway up the board, or same price with 4 more cards) 3. Joss (Best Tank in the game) 4. Mech rider (ability to summon, ability to card cycle, ability to drop multiple scheme markers from a single shot, can basically get 3 points from most schemes on his own) 5. Cassandra (8SS hechman with basically minimum 3 AP standard, plus opportunities to push/understudy. Rock solid to kill once activated with an attack equal to an illuminated, and don't even get me started on the upgrades she has).
  6. Thats what I find most fun. Seing how many combo's are what some people consider OP to then realise every faction has 2/3 OP combo's. My new feeling/reaction to all of these potent threats is 'stick an ice wall infront of it'. I believe Ulix has some strong combo's that when played right will result in autowins vs some crews. Against other crews this may not feel like such a threat. Pandora using incite/Lucius with red tape trigger/raspy dropping an ice wall in the way/Marcus casting law of the meat etc. Thats the beauty of the game, everything can be a major threat, or useless at exactly the same time. I can definately see some nice tricks with corn husks, the clobbering stick etc, but its not like it hasn't ben done before (Vik's with the malifaux child, Colette with any durable beatstick, dreamer teddy summoning build, belles) all of which are filth in one meta, but weak in others.
  7. Not really. With Alpha your spending 2 of your masters AP at close range needing 8 to even get off Alpha, and even then your only going to kill 1 model with a cerberus, with which your opponent has the opportunity to respond against something thats only defence is 10 wounds. Whereas on turn 2 with Ulix looking at his/the sows cards I'd be quite happy to use a pig to drag Ulix upfield turn 1, spend stones turn 1/2 to card cycle, spend his first AP both turns to draw 1 card with poke around, and then spend just the 1 AP to set off the Sow and in turn you can quite easily have crafted a hand of 4+ severes (8 cards from initial draw step, 2 turns of poke around followed by turn 2 stone for cards aswell) you are on average cycling to get 4 severes. Sow charges in with flips and your more often than not forcing your opponent to cheat, with which you should have the hand to beat what they cheat (unless their base stat is higher than yours, which you wouldn't choose as a target in the first place), rinse repeat this a few more attacks and all of a sudden you've killed a ton of models and only potentially losing an 8SS model in return (thats if you've not taken out the enemy's heavy hitter) and your opponent cannot react to it, as you are basically getting anywhere between 2-6AP depending on how many cards your opponent has burnt from thier hand trying to do thier own tactics, or defend other models. Heck I'm seeing a very nasty alpha strike list involving Sow, Mancha Roja and 2 rooster riders in which you can literally spam a mass amount of high damage output attacks. Sow can charge off if it kills models from shot in the rear, Mancha Roja can have an even bigger threat range if positioned against a building, and have 3 ML7 2/5/6 attacks that all have great triggers, or at one less melee you can use his (0) action challenge to make your opponent burn even more cards by making them attack Mancha Roja instead of the threat that is the Sow. Then you have two Roosters going reckless and being able to potentially have 4+ attacks each that are not too shabby themselves from 15" away (reckless walk, 2 x charges 1AP each), and thats not even counting the potential stampede and the fact that bayou two card is basically paired (you will only ever use it if your losing). I'm only thinking of things off the top of my head or first glances at cards, but even if your Sow only got 2 attacks on its shot in the rear, and the roosters only got to charge once (3 attacks each), your still talking about 30SS worth of models thats can dish out 13+ minimum attacks in one turn, all with weak damage atleast 2, and moderate damage atleast 4. All from atleast 11" inches away. Also you may not even want to do a lot of card cycling as you may have a decent hand to begin with, so could use Ulix to actually shoot with his bow, potentially giving blood trail trigger to make the Sow even more deadly. I don't know about you, but that would scare most crews, and you still have roughly 16 stones left for models like Merris, Major, Gracie (after Huntin Bow upgrade and Penelope).
  8. I am in the process of getting Panzer to buy mine and Adam Hutchinsons tickets. I can't use my card online after my bank thought it would be a good idea to lock it after gencon orders, and be completely unhelpful over the phone. I'll be declaring Aranists, not sure what Htuch is using.
  9. Please can myself (Graham Bursnell) and Adam Htuchinson be added to the "after priority list". We are ready to pay whenever to join fellow Squig Ben Halford who is already on the priority list.
  10. Oh I agree a buffed Cojo is amazing, but I just feel its a lot of resource put together to just buff his defence. He will still be prone to lure/tangle shadows and other conditions or push effects. Plus just as someone who wants to know how best to use a metal gamin etc, how do you work out activation order/placement of Cojo with the gamin? As I always find myself thinking its ability is great, but takes too much set up to warrant.
  11. Out of all the lists, I like Dgraz's latest, however I personally would swap Cojo & Metal gamin for an Acolyte & Hoarcat Pride. I think if you need Cojo then Myranda can bring him out mid/end game where hopefully he can't get damaged as much (I feel cerberus is offensive, mauler defensive or cojo for table control). Hoarcat Pride and acolyte has that added bonus of hopefully burning your opponents hand (manipulative on the kitty, and potentially 2 discards on the Acolytes shooting). Also I'd like to see how survivable two models with eat your fill would be, as you could use both the Pride and Blessed to clear up enemy minions whilst leaving Myranda, Marcus, Acolyte to deal with the big hitters.
  12. Just to let you know Chris. I'm the mysterious 3rd SQUIG
  13. As a Lynch user for most of my games before wave 2 models came out, I can see why the errata was done, but I do not think it was the big bad everyone makes it out to be. There are many ways to counter Lynch, and more so than ever since wave 2 was released. Condition removal, summoning, counterspell all make him a much weaker threat due to his short threat range. I think this errata will just mean you will see more illuminated and be using Lynch as the brilliance set up so that huggy and 2-3 illuminated can go cause trouble themselves. I would be more inclined to take 52 card pick up now, and addict on huggy. More than likely meaning your illuminated are pushing through 4/6/7 on +flips to everything. After an early turn mulligan that might end up causing the same amount of damage final debt used to do.
  14. Only reason I notified Sandy of the possible miss out, is it said out of stock on outpost after I bought the 2nd ticket. It let me buy a 3rd, but just wanted to make sure of numbers before Sandy bought his.
  15. 3 Tickets bought by myself. For Graham Bursnell, Adam Hutchinson & Brooks Martin.
  16. For the henchman encounter I shall be using Toshiro (hes a daimyo)
  17. Sorry Mike, had a change of heart on a couple of my masters after a game last night (plus I want us to try and use up every master) I'll go with Ironsides, Kaeris and Yan Lo (TT).
  18. This may be a mistake, but I'm going to go with Zoraida (neverborn), Ironsides, and my main man Marcus. 13/13 for cache, surely I won't be picked last in the playground this time!!!!
  19. Most competitive Viks builds I see are based around the malifux child, as boosting Vik of bloods damage output to 5/6/8 with oathkeeper and melee expert with positive flips on attack and damage is basically unstoppable for even most masters. Plus with a 15" threat range from behind buildings after using oathkeeper, why would you need the student to give fast, when for a turn you can have literally all of thier best abilities for a turn.
  20. I'm in for this Unless 37 players drop out Saturday night......
  21. Money sent, looking forward to this aslong as I fight off this dastardly man flu.
  22. Payment sent for myself for both days
  23. Can I be added to a reserves list Mike? And yes I do know this isn't ranked it just sounds like an absolute ball. Plus I love team events.
  24. HOW IS SHE NOT A BEAST!!!!!!! In the mean time great event Sam & Chris, always great hosts. Congrats to Connor, Greg & Chris on podiums. Delighted with my weekend considering I ended up playing 2 of the top 3 and Doxey. I also need to have a read up of masters I'm unsure on, 'dumb luck' doesn't half hurt.
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