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Everything posted by Fireuser

  1. Unlesa otherwise stated, an aura has a height equal to that of the model that generated it. So the Dreamer would generate height 1 auras, unless otherwise specified. However, I am not sure how far down it would go....
  2. Alas no. The vulture, with eyes and ears, let's Nicodem draw LoS and range from the vulture; however, Undead crowning uses neither, as it does not target, and has a range of -. Instead it creates an aura on the model using the action. Now, if you want a totem to use Undead Crowning, the Malifaux Child can cast one of his Master's (1) Ca actions using Just Like You. Since the child is the one taking the action, he is the one that would generate the Aura.
  3. Just wanted to point out, terrain is not necessary for Belles. Terrain is necessary for everything. Without terrain all ranged abilities become far more effective than intended. Guild gun lines love a sparse board. And while cover may not offer a benefit on the duel against lures, severe terrain will still cut your movement down making the lure less effective. Also defensive stance does not help against lures. It provides a to Df duels only. PS - their slow almost never actually works for me.
  4. I look at it more as playing a primary faction as opposed to a Master. When I started, I just had Seamus and a handful of Rotten Belles. Then I came to learn that this crew isn't very good at some things, but I still liked the game so I started to look at other models in the faction. Then with the discovery of Punk Zombies, I was able to add what my crew was missing - - some melee punch. The Punk Zombie may "go with" Nicodem, but it turns out that with the way that I play, they also go with Seamus. Try and hang in there and see if there are any models in Neverborn you think would be fun. The Spawn Mother (wave 2) can keep making babies for you, and I believe they are hard to shoot. The babies also have a chance to grow up to be Silurids. Aslo, Ortegas (and Kin) might be the killiest crews in the game. They are also pretty straight forward, easy to use, and forgiving of mistakes. Perdita = Easy mode while Lynch isn't.
  5. Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but Love they Master is really not needed, but if you like it, Mortimer could carry it instead, freeing up the slot for you. I usually just run Shadow Embrace when I play him, mostly for the empty vessel.
  6. Not jumping on the "omg cuddle!!" wagon, but.... am I the only one that thinks attacking the WP of stubborn models isn't exactly easy. Focussing first basically cuts your AP in half.
  7. One of the students also ignores armor....Student of Anti Construct that I can't remember the name of.
  8. Yeah, nothing stopping it, and since Tara can use SS she has an easier time than Hans does. She does need an 8 and a 11 to make it work, and needs to be in range of the opposing master.
  9. I am curious about the usage this upgrade gets. Please discuss uses that you have found for it, or why you choose not to take it. Thanks.
  10. That would answer the question perfectly if Seamus were being forced to use the action, but he is not.
  11. The playtest forum is being taken down. Not sure if any other changes are scheduled.
  12. Let's say that Seamus is buried, and Tara uses Whispers from Darkness to Shoot his gun. If Seamus becomes unburied, can he shoot his gun that turn? Basically does copying an action treat it as if it were printed on the copying model's card, thus limiting them from doing it twice, but allowing the original model to still use the ability?
  13. Vertical anything is kind of a weakness of the game. I believe you still have to pay the inches of movement to go up and down though. Unless it is climbable as you would ignore paying the extra movement to climb the terrain. Here is another one for you. I have a Ht 2 guy standing next to a Ht 3 building. On top of the building is another model. Looking straight down, they are within each others engagement range. Are they engaged with each other?
  14. How about Metal Gamin. They can buff themselves and hand out burning with each subsequent hit.
  15. I think this discussion is getting a little more heated than is needed.
  16. I think this discussion is getting a little more heated than is needed.
  17. Enslaved Nephalim has one, Rogue Necromancy has one. I am sure there are more.
  18. Enslaved Nephalim has one, Rogue Necromancy has one. I am sure there are more.
  19. It was more along the lines of. If a model uses a once per activation ability, does it actually have to reactivate in order to "refresh" the ability. The answer is no. Anyone can make it use the same ability outside of its activation all they like.
  20. It was more along the lines of. If a model uses a once per activation ability, does it actually have to reactivate in order to "refresh" the ability. The answer is no. Anyone can make it use the same ability outside of its activation all they like.
  21. Thank you all for the clarifications. Think I got it all squared away now.
  22. Thank you all for the clarifications. Think I got it all squared away now.
  23. If I have a model with a once per activation ability, that I use on that models activation, can another model use obey during their activation and use the ability? I know that they cannot use the ability a second time as per the FAQ, but it was not clear to me if this scenario could still happen. Thanks
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