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Everything posted by Lussuria

  1. Thanks so much, Lord Darcy! Very helpful! Definitely need me one of those hobby saws!
  2. There are metal bases on the new plastic figures? Or were they just used for display purposes?
  3. Thankyou both!! I really appreciate that! Going to go find me some balsa wood *grin*
  4. Looking so good!!! Am I the only one that thinks it's a total pity that his pants section is hiding all of your lovely skin shading on the legs? Haha, either way, cannot wait to see the head!!
  5. Hello friendly people! I was hoping for some advice. I just got Collette and Angelica just recently and really wanted to do them on those nice glossy dance-floor looking bases I have seen. Now, what I am using to make the base are miniature craft sticks (similar to the big standard wooden popsicle stick things, only little). So my process: I cut and glued them Punched in some little 'nail' holes Washed using GW Devlan Mud Small amounts of GW Sepia wash Tried to sand the edges with sand paper to make it 'round' Glossed several times with Gloss Varnish Now, the problems I'm having is: cutting the sticks to shape with metal clippers, scissors, and a hobby knife and ALL were tedious and extremely hard to get through the wood - what can I use to cut these? the wood came out WAY too dark and ended up looking old and rotten instead - how should I colour the wood? Thankyou all for any advice!!! Here is the product that resulted:
  6. If you zoom into the GenCon Buddhe's glasses, and then use some of that magically-make-photos-out-of-nothing software I see on CSI all the time, you may see Mako in the reflection *shock*
  7. Omg, that hooded rider is GORGEOUS!! Absolutely love all of them, but that one is my favourite!
  8. Picked these up as they were suggested to me as a 'must have' item for my cleaning up of Metal minis. And got my girlies!! * Warmachine mini not pictured as she arrived with missing parts and some type of cleaning fluid trapped in her box that had fused her stat cards to the plastic. aaaaand finally, my basing things... Can't wait to put some of this grass on my bases!! *grin*
  9. Someone please put up a picture of their Tara box when they have a chance!! And any other gencon goodies! I'm eager to see what it all looks like!!
  10. So - I think the answer is yes, but are these just digital magazine released? Or are there physical copies available?
  11. Looking so so good! Very jealous of your creativity!
  12. These look AWESOME!! And this is actually the first time I've seen a non-black base (that wasn't painted because of the basing object) that I actually love! Looks so good with the purple on the mini! And sorry, just to clarify - are these painted by you or your wife?
  13. My thoughts exactly. My fondest memories of Kenshin are from Samurai X, so I love the colour you've chosen. Think it also makes him look more adult than some of his other colour renditions. And I always liked more cheeful and happy go lucky, but badarse looking Kenshin.
  14. Completely agree! I love how the purple has made her skin look. I definitely want to try something similar when I go to paint up my Rasputina! And Awesome work on the heart piece on Teddy! Not only is the free handing lovely and clean, but the white surrounding actually looks fluffy!! *grin* Jealooouuuss!
  15. Woohoo! The return of BleachedMan! I feel the prophets for-told of this day... Can't wait to see the updates *grin*
  16. Can't wait to see how you do his shirt. Also - do not envy the whole shading white thing. This appears to be something I cannot do to ABSOLUTELY save my life...uuugh. Although, yours looks like it's gone great!!
  17. Oh thankyou! This is very helpful. I never even considered the idea that it may have been painted UNDER the resin, nor about the layering. Thanks thanks *grin*
  18. Put in an order today for: Another copy of Puppet Wars Unstitched (Birthday gift for a friend) Colette Du Bois (On her own) Angelica (On her own) Major Hayley (War Machine mini) Vallejo paint thinner medium Some static green grass and some green tufts for baseing Photos to come when everything arrives *grin* ... because I love taking pictures of things haha.
  19. Very cool! I really want to try a water effect like this. May I ask - what should I look for on the shelf when shopping for a clear liquid resin like this? And do they come in colours? Or do I need to add an ink to make it blue?
  20. The bases on the two little ones came out lovely! Excellent effect on her hair too. I'm still struggling to paint blonde! And can't wait to see Padora!! I'm not sure if it's what the camera has done to the colours but is the shading at the edges of her skin purple/pink? I'm very new to painting, may I ask what effect this has on her skin tone as you progress? (i.e makes her more pale etc) Either way, she looks like she's started up great *grin*
  21. @ Seregon: Oh they looking so nice. I wish wish wish I knew how to shade in the folds of a jacket/cloak like that. Can't wait to see them done! @ Mike3838: Would LOVE to see a closer shot of the girl in the red. Her skin looks PERFECT. Ooooh they looking so pretty
  22. Oooh that looks so cool! I've been loving the foliage on the others! So that would get my vote, but in that being said, it could also look cool with the grass! Need to get me some of that slate. It looks so very effective.
  23. Awful snap shot, but I feel it's kind of like a teaser shot. Just enough that I'm excited to see the good quality pic! Ooooh, I wish I could make theeeese.
  24. 100% Metal. To be entirely honest, I have no really valid claims to support why other than, I like the weight, overall feel and I prefer painting them. I actually tend so much more towards metal that I 're-think' buying a plastic mini simply based on whether or not I could possibly track down it's original metal counterpart and buy that instead. BUT, my first real full on experience (assembly + painting) with plastics are the Wyrd Puppet Wars minis and I must say, I actually really like them. But, still prefer metal.
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