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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. Bad juju with Eternal is a model which have performed very well for me uncountable amount of times. I usually start him on the table and just wobble him into the thick of it. Since he can return he can soak damage and wreck face, and there is no real loss if he goes down. Starting him buried is ok, but I am not that found of not having that activation early. Even though it can provide an opponent with some though choices when going after a Silurid or Waldegeist. His (0) is fantastic too, even if it hit friendly models too. Onto your concerns. What have you been trying to hit when you have only been doing minimum damage, and is it only with Juju you have a hard time getting to moderate and severe? Juju is melee 6, which is above the average defence-stat, so getting to a straight or positive flip should happen time to time. Another way to go at it is try and go for severe damage by using a Focus attack.
  2. The BBS can only summon Young of Tots by discarding a corpse marker. They cannot summon Tots from corpse markers.
  3. MD, it depends on what your playstyle is and what models you currently have. Do you feel that another hitter is missing, then Graves might be it; lure effects and a good interferance model, go with Lilitu; if you want some of both categories with some added range and early options for blitzing with Lilith, then Tuco might be the answer. I guess it all depends on how you want and play Lilith too. You spoke earlier of wanting to do some Grow with the Shaman, then Graves might be the best option. He synergies well with the Shaman's healing ability too.
  4. Nice work! I might try and do something similar. Both of Wyrd's Nekimas are horrible models. I hate their "Heavy Metal"-feel.
  5. I will at some point try a Grow list. As Adran pointed out, I am also a bit sceptic about keeping my Tots nearby when they could be running schemes. However, Mastershake are quite on point when stating that Tots are fast enough to spare a turn before they get going. I find that teaming up Lilith, and/or Nekima with a couple of Young should be a lot easier to Grow.
  6. OK! You will need to spread out, as you said. Keep the Sorrows hidden! Sonnia will eat them alive otherwise. Remember, they can stay hidden and still radiate their Misery aura pretty effectively. Sonnia is probably a hard counter to Pandora. Disrupt magic can really put a dent into the effectiveness of Candy and Pandora. I would try and get Sonnia engaged with something, in order to protect the crew. Pandora can fit that bill. Especially if you have The Box Opens and Fears Given Form on her. Pandora can keep Sonnia engaged while she keeps out of her engagement range. I have really little experience of using Voices. I find it vastly inferior to The Box Opens. Not that its bad, but The Box Opens is just that good! When I had Voices work ok, I took a Doppelganger and Ama No Zako who tried and eat everything in sight. If you want to expand with Pandora (and Neverborn in general), I would suggest that you get Doppelganger, Teddy (works very well with Kade in any Neverborn crew), Primodial Magic (best thing you can get for 2ss in the game), and the Dark Debts box set (Illuminated!!!).
  7. As Nical said, Tuco is a situational model. In a solely Nephilim crew, he has a place, but it depends on what you want to do. His push is ok! ts a (0) so it can only be used once. Its casted on a 6, so it should go off most of the times as long as you are willing to cheat. It got a really short range of 4", which is what makes it situational. One needs to weigh in whether it is worth to give up Tuco's position in order to flush out an enemy in order to feed some hungry Tots.
  8. As others have said, yes. In addition, if you attack her with a WP attack and fail, you'll suffer 1 damage and Pandora gets a free push. Some salt in the wound so to say...
  9. Has it been confirmed that new models will be tested in the Beta?
  10. To Tuco is the answer! The good From the Shadows is great with Lilith. She can be placed as far as 12" away with 1 Tangle Shadows. Perfect for early offensive placement of Lilith, blitzing possibilites. Another great trick is that you can easily score 3 vp from Plant Explosvies on turn 1 with the sacrifice of a Prim Magic. He is a perfect decoy or target for Frame for Murder. It can provide for some early game harassment, Tuco can also go after enemy Snipers and the likes. Disguised takes away charges from the opponents repetoire of ways to attack Tuco. Blends perfect with From the Shadows. Tuco's trusty Shotgun is pretty good, especially in a faction who lacks shooting attacks. Its damage is ok, but blast damage on both severe and moderate damage makes up for that. The Stay Down trigger can be really good early game. It can basically paralyze models in their engagement zone, the TN is 12 so it can burn good cards out of the opponents hand and deck. The OK Tuco's melee attack is decent, but far from great. Flay is always nice to have. Damage track is ok! However the stat is pretty average, so be prepared to Focus or cheat down a high card when using it. Luckily Tuco's Push attack Disillusion can flush enemy beaters away from him. Its a (0) and it can get the target on for DF duel with a trigger. Its usually worth to try and get this through. Because it frees Tuco up to continue to use his shotgun. Its a push too so Tots, Rooted condition, and the Living Blade all synergies with it. Tuco's got pretty average stats overall for a 7ss model. No real strengths against any type of attack. He is a ok model to put several of the Nephilim upgrades on. Granted, this will hinder him from being out there on the offensive side of things. The bad Tuco brings a lot of different things to the table for Neverborn, a Jack of all trades so to say, meaning that he won't blow you away in any aspect either. Overall For Lilith especially, Tuco can do a lot and shouldn't be overlooked!
  11. What other models do you have available form the Neverborn/mercenaries, Skullz?
  12. That characters name is Patrick Castle, for obvious reasons.
  13. You should be hiring those filthy Waldegeists! They seem very solid. In faction I think that the humble Metal Gamin can be pretty good. Molemen could be very good at harassing chunks of enemies by bolting in and out. As for other masters, I think Ramos and his little spider friends are one of the best bets in this strategy. Throw in a Mech Rider who can summon Metal Gamin too, and most opponents will have a very hard time running away or match the numbers.
  14. Haha, math can be scary at times...
  15. Sensible argument This is a very important and often overlooked part of these strategies. That 12" bubble is very useful for a number of reasons. You can force enemy models into it, thus keeping them from counting for scores. Hide your own models (who can set up for a Deliver the Message run, etc) since the opposing player rarely wants to go chasing after models in the no-scoring zone. Granted it hinders your own models from scoring too, but its a fairly good tactic if you have a runner or assassin to spare from scoring that turn. Just to name a couple. On the point of having synergistic/ close-by-crews vs crews consisting of independent models, I also often find that the latter is often very overlooked! Summoners and crews who thrives in staying close can often be forced into though spots by faster independent crews who can roam freely on the board.
  16. Lilith paired with Juju can bring the Waldegeist upfield too. Depleted slingshot is simply gold! Lilith seems pretty solid in the strat, hands down.
  17. Seems like most are high on the Lucius, Dreamer, and Collodi trio. I am not surprised! Dante83, I liked your point on the Depleted! Their tarpitiness alongside a unburying Huggy could be pretty good for tying up a lot of models.
  18. Johan/Johanna is too obvious of a choice to discuss I reckon. Still its a bit weird that nobody mentioned them! Sue for 9ss isn't that bad, but a bit steep. The anticasting auras can benefit Lilith at least. Killjoy+Bad Juju combo is pretty neat for the guerilla fighters of the faction, mainly Zoraida and Lilith that is. Throw in a Blackblood Shaman who can also heal the Fat One while dishing out even more blackblood and its even more interesting. 9ss for Hans isn't that a bit steep too? I don't really rate Hans, for reasons, mainly inexperience with him. Make a pitch MD!
  19. That filthy old man is not a Neverborn!
  20. By underdogs are you referring to masters that aren't played a lot in your meta, or are you referring to "lesser" masters?
  21. What master(s) are in general using for: Reconnoitre and Interference?
  22. Illusionary Forest (and the Waldegeists' trees too) work wonders against Ressers. They are slow to begin with (most of times) and all of that extra terrain can make things even harder for them. Lilth's trees blocks LOS and can be placed so far away makes things even harder. Some great points there Mastershake! In my experience Ressers and Neverborn match-up pretty evenly. Armour (like Izamu) and the Drowned might be some of the best counters for Ressers against the melee heavy Neverborn. Both factions got lots of WP tricks, and both have masters that have their strengths and weaknesses against that. McMourning and Lilith comes to mind. When facing a savvy Resser opponent that will field or summon those kind of models, Eye of Retribution on Teddy or the Strongarm Suit might be good counters. In these aspects, its simple Malifaux. You will have to balance your attack and guess to some extent what the opponent will bring. In the original post, it seemed like that it was summoning was a big problem. Taelor from the Outcasts can be an easy solution to that problem. In general I would suggest that one attack the opposing master and important models. Then the opponent must waste her high cards instead of having those to summon with. Making the opponent waste Soulstones follows the same logic. Also, if a resser player is simply summoning for the sake of doing so, most of the time that is equal to digging their own grave. They can spend their Ap and cards on doing better things than that. Like getting VP.
  23. Neverborn is in general not that hungry for crows, which is what the Strongarm needs for his trigger. So Eye of Retribution might not be the best upgrade on him. With that said, what other upgrade would you take with him?
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