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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. Just to note that in this instance Seamus would still get his heal because a model failed a Wp duel. Same with things like Pandora's Misery which does damage when you fail a Wp duel even though the enemy won't end up Paralysed.
  2. You really only want to be taking a Hanged when there is other Terrifying stuff around. I tend to run him in a little bubble with Seamus, Sybelle and Yin. That's a lot of Terrifying and if Yin gets Gnawing Fears off as well most things won't even attempt to attack any of those things because of the negative flip means an almost auto-fail on the Terrifying check.
  3. I take her mostly for her Condition Removal. The Heal only goes off on a Trigger and only heals two Wounds so is pretty unreliable. Her upgrade allows her to hand out Slow and re-cast it on a Trigger too so is worth taking. I can't think of a game where I've got any Chi on her to be honest (although it's likely I've forgotten about it outside a Yan Lo crew!). I think with her Manipulative and Incorporeal coupled to the fact she's often hanging around at the back and rarely dealing damage (so not attracking attention) means she is very survivable, so much so I've been known to take her as my Bodyguard target.
  4. Might just not be worded very well. If somebody declares a charge against the Hanged they'd just check once as Unrelenting Terror doesn't work if the Hanged was charged. However, if they charge something within 4" that doesn't have Terrifying then it doesn't matter because Unrelenting Terror has no effect. I think what is being described is if you charge something that is also Terrifying and stood next to a Hanged although you'd actually have to check three times (once when you declare the Charge action as it has to have a target and then once for each (1)AP attack taken as part of the charge). Hope that makes sense?
  5. Patting myself on the back for getting all the questions correct!
  6. Another rules thread turns into a Godlyness (+ others) sideshow....
  7. Trapper's are useful for everybody. Convict Gunslingers are also very good though the 1SS Merc tax might make them less favourable. One thing to note - Taelor almost certainly won't be showing up on her own at all. She's already part of the Viks box so you are likely to need to buy that if you want her.
  8. Note that this is only if you charge the Hanged itself. If you take a Charge action against another model within the Hanged's Aura you still have to check for Terrifying with each action as it strips the immunity. Key to taking out Hanged and a lot of the other Incorporeal stuff that Kirai likes to bring is Ca actions which NB seem to have quite a lot of. Or target the cause of the summons (in this case Kirai). Remember she can pass off damage to friendly Spirits so getting rid of them first is usually best (though she can also stop things dying).
  9. Depleted are good Tarpits and also explode to hand out Brilliance when they die. Tots also become particularly invaluable with Lynch as as soon as you have the ace of in hand they are constantly sprinting so you can get them wherever they need to be. A Doppelganger is also very useful as she is a Swiss-Army Knife of utility. I've only played against him though so that's as much insight as I can offer in terms of what to get.
  10. I've replied in the AWP thread (with no hostility I believe - Michael 'Jonah' Rees). My thoughts would be: 1 - yes you can be Lured off walls/cliffs etc. and will take falling damage. The wording says must end the move as close as possible. If you end that walk as a corpse you've still ended as close as possible based on the interpretation of the rules; you just happen to be a corpse now. Nagash's point about Killjoy is a very good comparison. 2 - as others have said there is nothing in the rules that prohibits this but I think it is something that should be agreed with your opponent beforehand 3 - this isn't framed very well as a question. You fall/can be pushed off terrain and there is nothing stating you have to end up without terrain underneath you. You could for example fall from one level of a building onto another one and still be in/on terrain or the building itself could be in hazardous terrain and you could fall/be pushed off. What do you define as a place of nothing? You couldn't be walked off the board for example. 4 - if the markers get terrain traits then I think they would be treated as the terrain they are supposed to represent (i.e. hard cover, blocking, dense etc.). Markers being ignored is for things like scheme/scrap/corpse markers for ease of the rules whereas ice pillars/forest specifically mimic the terrain whose traits they gain.
  11. You have my vote too. I knew the official announcement thread got locked but didn't realise that the other one (or more got locked too). Wyrd are usually excellent in their customer service and community engagement so those kind of things leave a sour taste in my mouth (they remind me of one of the reasons that I jumped ship from a certain other company that regularly did similar things).
  12. The rulespack is available to download from the first page. Stats and deployment are already set, schemes determined on day.
  13. Given their fairly unsatisfactory response (judging by people's counter-response) to the Nekima issue I suspect it will be something along the lines of 'this was as it was intended, there is nothing being done about it'. Still, as somebody who quite likes the Watcher I don't really think they need a response (you can't satisfy all of the people all of the time after all).
  14. It's a shame you have Punk Zombies really as the boxes of three minions are almost always better off bought with the Master box set they come in where applicable. If you've not opened them yet I'd consider exchanging them for the Nicodem box for the same reasons I listed for buying the McMounring box.
  15. Another +1 for the McMourning box. That will get you Nurses, Canine Remains and a second (awesome) Master to play with. Hanged are also quite fun and work well with Seamus and Sybelle because of the Terrifying checks. I'd also +1 getting Yin who again synergies well with the -Wp that Seamus can hang out and the aforementioned Hanged. As you got Punk Zombies I'd recommend Toshiro to turn them into horrific damage dealers (plus gives you a bit more variety for summoning).
  16. I agree with Spectre. It looks to me like it's fanning out it's wing turning or preparing to land. I'm probably in the minority but I actually quite like it
  17. Again I disagree with you Spectre. I also think you are conflating two completely different issues - using deception and players who don't know the rules. I agree with you that people should know the rules and should play properly at tournaments as outside of specific tournaments designed for learning the game tournaments are not the place to learn how to play (though they are places to get better at the game). I don't agree that there's any distinction between casual fun and competitive fun. You can play competitively and be friendly, they are not mutual exclusive. Playing competitively to me means hiring the right crew for the strats/schemes available, playing to those strats/schemes, knowing your own crew and knowing your opponents (which does not mean knowing every single thing about every single model in the game). Not actively using what I consider as unsavoury deception tactics in order to win. Personally I think that if people need to use these forms of tactics to win then they are not as good at playing as they claim and I would certainly not want to play them again. If this was the mentality of all people at tournaments it would put me off the tournament scene completely. Not using these tactics is not actively helping your opponent (unless you consider telling them everything as regards to a models defence when they ask about wounds as being helping them) but if you think that's hurting myself at a tournament then so be it, I would much rather do that and take my chances at winning/losing using the regular rules to win and end up having a more enjoyable game. That's my two pence/cents on the matter. I suspect we will need to agree to disagree and if you prefer to play the way that is discussed in the deception article then it's entirely up to you, I'm not claiming there to be any right or wrong way to play (and as before it's certainly not cheating, even if I think they're unsavoury tactics), but it's not the way to play in my opinion, nor a way I would play. Hope everybody had a great Christmas and got some new toy soldiers
  18. She's in my pool! Although the damage track is pretty average unless you hit her trigger for the double she is good for several schemes. She is very durable (HtW, Armour, Terrifying and being a Hench meaning she can use SS) which makes her decent for Bodyguard. Her maneuverability also means she is a good option dropping scheme markers for Plant Evidence, Protect Territory or Breakthrough and can be a good for Entourage as well plus she can be in the right place at the right time for Reconnoiter. Also Necrotic Preparation and/or Unnverving Aura make her very good at tying things down and making them pay for it.
  19. Yeah, Killjoy and Frame for Murder is a horrible combination. Kill him off and give me VPs or let him run amok in the middle of your crew. It's quite obvious to spot so it's easy for your opponent to avoid giving 3 VPs away but 2 is pretty easy to score.
  20. With Tormented they will get certain synergies with Jackdaw and friends! With their names I'm really hoping they get some synergy with McMourning too. Can't remember if all the names have been revealed but I really hope that we get the female doctor that featured a few months back in Wyrd Chronicles (the one with Bishop and Barabaros).
  21. Commenting as I'd like some Desolation Engine advice too. But with regards to when it'll be available probably soon. It was a pre-order for the Black Friday sale so it has a model already and will get a general release (probably sometime in the next few months).
  22. I see Killjoy as being a murderer of lower level Enforcers or Minions which he will generally turn to pulp. Higher level Enforcers and most Hench/Masters have the Defences to withstand him. Although never underestimate the psychological advantage that having a buried Killjoy brings.
  23. I disagree completely. I don't think there should be any difference between regular play and tournament play. I'm competitive whenever I play but this competitiveness should not be at the expense of both players enjoying the game, whether I'm at a tournament or playing in my home with a friend. It's nice to do well in tournaments (I won a recent tournaments held just between friends which was ace) but if it means being a douchebag then that just doesn't float for me. I would remind somebody in a tournament setting that my model had HtK, or that they would get flips for some reasons, or that they had to take a Terrifying check and let them reconsider the action, or any number of other possibilities because playing like some of the stuff in the Deception article seems like a WAAC type of play to me which is not ok. I see tournaments as being socialising occasions where you get to play against new/different players that also happen to have prizes attached if you happen to do well.
  24. Haven't read it all yet but fluff, art and painted miniatures in particular are always very welcome (could you link up with AWP? Even if you don't ask for specific entries for painted things there's so much great stuff going up there that a quick browse could fill up some pages). I also enjoyed the batreps in the last couple of issues so was a shame that there wasn't one this time (I know that there's lots of these available online but I like to have all the stuff in one handy volume!). I also found a lot of the Deception article quick unsavoury (the stuff on bluffing cards/strat/schemes seemed fair enough but that a lot of the other stuff felt quite wrong to me). I started a thread on it in the AWP group and guess this isn't really the place to discuss specific articles in depth.
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