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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. If you're playing 2 v 2 I would just do one flip for each team. Last time we played 2 v 2 we said that each team had to alternate their activations too so person A couldn't activate all their models before person B activated any. Things such as how you'll do initiative, one control hand per team/person, whether you have to alternate activations etc. should all be decide beforehand. In the 3 and 4 way scenarios that are available in the schemes and strat deck we had each player flip cards and then the highest got to choose whether they would go first and if they didn't then the next highest would get to choose and so on. So it went in card order but if you forfeited activating first you went to the bottom of the queue.
  2. Personally I don't agree with this. I think it's awesome that the designer(s) spend time of the forums and take time to answer rules enquiries but it's been stated abundantly by Wyrd that answers on the forums are not official and they only become so once they feature in the FAQ. Therefore by not including things like this in the FAQ you will end up getting people who will continue to argue the point because they have been told that answers on the forums (including from the game designer) are not official. I really don't see the reasoning behind not including things in the FAQ. I think that the cover example in there is incredibly simplistic and if that is included then there's no reason something as complicated as this shouldn't be. FAQ's should become as bloated as needed to iron out any issues that will inevitably arise from a complex ruleset with thousands upon thousands of different interactions that feature in a game like Malifaux. I personally think that is far preferable to 'we're not including something because a large FAQ might put people off'. What about 'there's no definite answer to a strange combination of abilities/triggers etc. so I'm put off'?
  3. I'm am not a Guild player....until Thursday then I sort of am....
  4. Seeing as you've been outed as a Guild player in the now closed thread about Francisco I think you should keep quiet!
  5. This! For other factions that I do: TT: Shen Long boxset, Tengu, Monks of the High River Outcasts: Jackdaw (I would also say Ashes and Dust but I have a very talented friend making one for me).
  6. But she couldn't use her or declare a charge action because she would still be engaged because the engagement goes both ways as already stated. But when she declares a walk action the opposing model wouldn't get a disengaging strike unless Pandora was also within the range (which if it was 1" they wouldn't be).
  7. You are correct as Dirai states. Once you have determined the duel you do damage flips as normal (applying any HtW etc.) then apply the damage track of the person who's attack you're using against themselves.
  8. Two a turn v one a turn really is key with the Mort v Toshiro debate and I'd rather get two a turn (plus if you give him his Favourite Shovel he can still walk and do his (2) action). I like Toshiro in my Nicodem lists a lot of the time as double buffing can be gross but if you're using Toshiro to bloat then he's potentially sacrificing himself by hanging back to support Nico instead of moving up with the troops. Nurse for Paralyse/full heal is a better use of healing that wasting Nico's AP which can only heal a couple of wounds anyway (unless you discard your precious corpse counters which you're already making less of if Mortimer isn't around). If Chiaki is around you can get Mort back in the game straight away too.
  9. I've only played against him so far and whilst he seems frustrating I don't think he seems any more OP than any number of numerous other examples in the game. The first time you come across something unfamiliar can be pretty daunting. The fact that is lasts until his next activation is probably the real issue (or maybe it should only be a choice of Df or Wp rather than both) but if you kill him it goes away! Also luring him out of position or forcing him to activate somehow will get rid of it. I could see it be frustrating when Assassinate is around if you're trying to accomplish that but as always Malifaux is a game of strats and schemes. Is having a +2 Df/Wp stopping you accomplishing your goals? Sure it might make a Master stick around longer and be a bit frustrating but if you can get around that by focusing on your goals then it's not that much of an issue.
  10. Totally going to steal these to post on the AWP FB group!
  11. 1. No, you could spend one SS to give yourself to the duel and another to add a suit but you can only ever spend one on each of these. 2. No, you just need one additional to surge as the other one is already built in to the Ca Bah, Ninja'd by my Resser friend! We're surprisingly spritely....
  12. OK, first up apologies for plagiarising Hateful Darkblack! But after seeing his Levi Master Recycling Campaign I've been inspired to start my own with McMourning. The idea is that I will try to turn opposing Masters into lovely new Flesh Constructs courtesy of the good Doctor Doug. Mine will be slightly different as I don't attend that many tournaments (though I'll be doing at least three this year including one this past weekend) so I will also be keeping a record of whenever I manage to do this in friendly games as well. I am also not limiting it to when Assassinate is on the table, just if I manage to turn a Master into a Flesh Construct. Therefore his is much harder. The main aim is just to see how many different Masters I can collect for the Flesh Construct machine! I managed to do it in a tournament this weekend and it's the first time I can remember doing it (I have vague recollections of maybe turning another Master into one but was a while ago) but I'll update this opening post whenever a new Masters is 're-used'! Current Recycled List Ramos
  13. It's only worth summoning if you have a high enough card in your hand. If it's a crow then ideal, if it's not then you need to burn a SS to get the crow which is the most common way of getting it. If you don't have the cards to summon then concentrate on his other tricks (you can get Fast with a 4 of anything which is incredible and handing out Slow to an enemy is also good). Unless it was a really desperate gambit I never risk a summon off the top of the deck. You want a high SS pool with a summoner (I typically run 6 with Nico) to make sure that you have to burn for summons plus anything else you might need them for. As to what to take with him it depends on the strats/schemes. You always design your crew around these so it's difficult to give too much advice without knowing what you'd be playing. But Nico can be great at all the strats and most of the schemes because of the way he can support his crew. Handing out Fast like Candy means you can get models to where they need to be for Interact actions and if you move him up so he's dishing out bonuses to his troops for his Aura then they become very efficient killing machines!
  14. Thanks very much I had a fun day and only played one of my regular opponents (which was quite good considering we took up 7 of the 16 places) and was good to play some new opponents and new styles/crews. I'm generally pretty wary of tournament scenes as I see them as being quite insidious but the Malifaux community generally seems pretty easy going and the tournament reflected this which was nice (even in my last game against Liam when we were essentially playing for the tournament win I felt he was very easy going, particularly when we'd not really defined terrain very well before the game and he ruled in my favour with regards to LoS on a piece that was ambiguous).
  15. I think I need to start my own recycling campaign with McMourning. Played in my first tournament yesterday and made myself a Ramos Flesh Construct!
  16. Great tournament today. Thanks to Alex for running and great to meet some people, hope to run into you guys again.
  17. That is exactly what I have mistaken it for! Thanks!
  18. Broadening my horizons! And plotting their demise from the inside.
  19. Don't know much about the dogs! Just been on the other side from them with Luna and McCabe turbo charging them! What would be the advantage of running Guards over Hounds then (or are there really not any!)? I have some Zombicide Dogs that would make good proxies for them fortunately (just like my Zombie Dogs became Canine Remains). Not on the right side of the law, just corrupting...
  20. What do people find making their lists instead of Guild Guards? I'm branching out into a Guild force soon but will mostly be the contents of some of the crew boxes so I'll like only have Witchling Stalkers, Death Marshalls and Guild Guards so my options would be limited. What do you guys use for scheme runners as seems Guard would be ok at that.
  21. Defenders Triggers go first and since Rasputina's defence trigger ends your action immediately (as once, instantly) then the Attacker would not get to declare their trigger so no I would push or draw a card because my activation has just been ended giving me no opportunity to do so.
  22. And would you like a definition of immediately? Because I will: 'at once; instantly' And Malifaux is a deliberately a game that uses common language. Let's take another example from the FAQ that uses immediately: 'What happens if Mei Feng targets Pandora with Jackhammer Kick? What happens first, Pandora’s Fading Memory, or the push from Jackhammer Kick? A: Fading Memory occurs immediately after success, and the push portion of Jackhammer Kick occurs when applying the results of success or failure. Fading Memory would happen first, pushing Pandora. Then Mei Feng would be pushed into base contact due to Jackhammer Kick.' (my emphasis) So Raspy's Sub Zero would happen 'immediately' after (Killjoy's) success and therefore Killjoy's activation would end immediately (as in at once, instantly). Was it meant to be anything else it would state 'after resolving triggers' or something similar as many other abilities do (i.e. after succeeding, after damaging, after taking damage etc.)
  23. But the current action is ended. The Onslaught trigger says to take this action 'again' therefore it's a separate action generated by the same AP.
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