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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. I've yet to play my Levi yet but this matches my own thinking. As with Katadder's list I think most of the things I would want to take with him are from Outcast anyway so Pariah of Ashes/Bone (of that's what they're called!) don't seem overly powerful. Part of the reason I wanted Levi is so I could use my Ressers with him but as I collect Outcasts as well it's unlikely to be the primary consideration. He seems like a top tier Master by what I've read about him but that doesn't seem to be a result of his ability to hire other constructs/undead
  2. I already use Photobucket so that sounds like the way to go.
  3. As Dafty says LoS is still blocked by intervening models based on the Ht of the other models in question so in your example they would block LoS to the third model behind.
  4. Not sure I've played enough with my other Masters but on the three tier system that Math is proposing I'd say for Ressers it's: Tier One: McMourning (probably the best), Seamus, Nico Tier Two: Yan Lo Tier Three: Kirai I've not included Tara or Molly yet because I don't have any experience with them. Tara seems to fit in Outcasts better than Ressers but Molly seems pretty good. I'd also point out that my experience of Kirai is limited to just a couple of games so she could be much better than I think (though I do find her a bit boring as I've yet to really get her going).
  5. Whirlwind does say 'Take this Attack Action against every enemy model in range' and Attack Actions do need LoS so it is a bit unclear. Generally you play by the rules unless a rule on the card specifically overrides it (i.e. by saying ignoring LoS). Thematically it seems to make sense they'd just bounced around jumping all over the place though and would be able to attack the hidden RW.
  6. Justin mentioned it one of the AWP podcast's as well. If my memory is correct then essentially Aura's are infinite height both up and down. The only determining factor of Aura's is LoS which is measured from a top down perspective (the example was whether something was on top of Ht10 terrain could be caught in an aura originating from ground level which it was stated it could).
  7. Anybody have any experience of the TTB kits? I'm thinking of trying to get hold of some bits from that to make a Witchling Handler (or two).
  8. OK, I've just dirtied myself by starting Guild and I'm thinking they're probably going to be my faction for TOMB2 so I'm wondering what I should look at adding over the coming months. I currently have the following crew boxes: Lady (Dead) Justice Latigo Posse Torch and Flame Bound by Law Plus I also have a Pathfinder. I am already planning on picking up some Riflemen (one of which I'll be converting into an Austringer) and some Executioners (I know these tend to be unpopular but I'll be running Guild McMourning and plan on getting McCabe as I also collect TT so I think they'll have a home) and I'll re-purpose some Zombicide Dogs as Guild Hounds. Are there any other must haves that need a home that I don't have?
  9. Sorry for the double post but a couple of questions: Can anybody recommend a good BLOG site? I've had a wordpress one before but don't know how good that it for pics? And will there be some sort of collation going on with links to everybody's BLOGs?
  10. If you can't find the old metal ones it's unlikely that these guys are going to be available separately from the Freikorps crew box. Mainly commenting for some advice though as just picked up Sonnia and some other Guild stuff myself.
  11. I would like to jump on board with this. Just need to decide whether to go with Outcast or Guild. I've got a lot of Outcast stuff already and I just bought my first few Guild bits so I'll mostly be using things that I already have with my budget with a few things bought over the Tale. Just need to set myself up a BLOG...
  12. I used my Jackdaw as a Hanged until the plastic ones came out and he works fine. Definitely good starting choices though now you have Nicodem I'd stress picking up the University of Transmortis when you can. They are great for summons because of how they each excel against a different enemy (living/undead/construct) so when you can summon them once you've seen what you're up against they're golden.
  13. He'll probably be my baby steps into Guild so that I have some familiarity (plus I want to give some Executioners some Meds from a Nurse.....) but he can't turn things into Flesh Constructs when he goes Guild
  14. Better we kill him than let the enemy do it! Plus we're just sacrificing him, we have the skills to put him back together! I had a sneaky plan with him last time I play Pandora but he failed the Fears Given Form Df duel and I had no cards in my hand so I couldn't eek on her (with Seb stood there too).
  15. Hah, I completely forgot that the little guy had that! Generally I just use him for eek some poison out earlier then get Seb to sacrifice him for a card and SS!
  16. I haven't actually had a game since I decided to do this! I also may or may not have bought a load of Guild stuff yesterday....
  17. I see! She is pretty frustrating! Shooting her is definitely a better way to attack as she's very frustrating in melee with her movement shenanigans.
  18. He is a bit of a copy cat mind as I suggested all those things already (except Bishop which was a big miss!) Although what am I missing with Rafkin?! He doesn't have Expunge does he?! I have found this too. When I first got her I liked her a lot as she is very cool and a model that never dies (as long as you hold the card back) is great but the more I play the less she makes my lists as I just see too many other options for the SS cost (plus keeping back a card for her can be a pain (though you should always weigh up whether that card is more important for something else))
  19. You can but they might not be easy to get hold of. I would suggest Necropunks over Crooligans as the latter seem most likely to come in the Molly box set when it's released.
  20. First up welcome to the best faction (and from your profile picture maybe your first real faction ). Your suggestions so far are solid. I see Ressers as being divided between the fleshy side with McMourning, Seamus and Nicodem and the spirit side with Kirai and Yan Lo (with Molly somewhere in the middle and Tara a bit of an outlier). If you don't want to get everything yet then stay away from Nico who needs pretty much everything to work! Having said that the Iron Zombie box is pretty useful if only for the Valedictorian (although if you are not planning on hiring the others it's probably not worth the money until you expand into Nico). For McMourning Guild Autopsies are worth picking up as they're another way of putting poison out, give you some ranged support, and can help control your opponents hand a little because of their ability to reactivate if your opponent has no cards. Rafkin is also very useful in a McMourning crew for more poison synergy (he's another source of healing too). If you can get hold of a Chiaki she combos very well with the Nurses (Paralyse/Heal your own models then use Chiaki to remove the Paralyse) although she only comes in Yan Lo's box so that's another crew box if you can't find her separately. For Seamus I like both The Hanged and Yin as their Wp shenanigans help him. Dead Doxies may also be worth picking up if you want some more Belles.
  21. Who do you mean by 'her'? Because Pandora herself is not Incorporeal. Though he Sorrows are and are annoying even with Incorporeal they are very low defence and easy to take down but any Ca action will be your friend here (so Chiaki and Yin as mentioned. Even though their damage output is fairly low it is easy to do damage to Sorrows and when you're not halving it it's a lot more effective). On your second point playing to strats and schemes is absolutely what you should be doing, all the time! I play against Pandora pretty often and my friend is very good with her and often find her very frustrating. But last game I mainly just let her do her thing because she's so hard to stop and just mitigated against it as much as I could by spreading my models out then concentrated on my strats/schemes.
  22. This. And also very difficult (and/or expensive) to get hold of in a lot of cases.
  23. This is a very frustrating word! There was another argument about Rasputina and her immediately ending an attackers activations which I believe she would yet other's believe that extra attack Trigger's (i.e. Killjoy/Cerberus etc.) first. But if we take the common sense (and what I believe would be the intent) meaning then immediately means exactly that. Hopefully we'll see a FAQ about that too.
  24. Wait, what?! Really?! How did I never notice this! I really like the metal Necropunks mind. I'm guessing we'll see Crooligans in Molly's box so sooner that comes the better!
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