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Everything posted by theJudge

  1. I was thinking of using this model. Sculpted by the guy doing Arena Rex. http://guildofharmony.com/steampunk_zara.php
  2. They said they would not be shipping orders till the 5th so I would give them till the 4th personally
  3. I have a question related to the rules manual. Does it include clarifications for anything that has been FAQ'd to date?
  4. This clear plastic makes me wonder what you're supposed to do with the mold lines on your minis. I am sure scrapping them off will ruin the look.
  5. I think the cherub is on the side of the box. Also, you should see a pic of the cherub on its card.
  6. I have Wong new in box and I am looking for the following Stolen x 3 Malifaux Rats (as many as available) Obedient Wretch Preferably unpainted. I also have old 40k, Necromunda, WFB stuff (all unpainted) but too much to list here. If you're willing to part with what I'm looking for and would be interested in some retro GW bits and bobs then give me a shout.
  7. May I suggest you get on twitter. I use twitter to arrange 99.9% of my vassal games these days.
  8. I want lots of pics posted for the painting entries. That is going to be one tough group.
  9. I am thinking of using these from Bushido http://www.waylandgames.co.uk/gct-studios/bushido/the-cult-of-yurei/rat-swarm/prod_16787.html
  10. scheme markers are ht0 as you are allowed to walk over them unimpeded.
  11. If Von Schill is inside an opposing models :melee3 range but the opposing model is not in his :melee1 range can Von Schill charge the opposing model that he is engaged with using augmented jump given that it states I find it hard to say he can but I cannot find anywhere in the rules that would counter this.
  12. these are my scheme markers that I made for the Viks. I got the idea from another guy in the UK scene. Vik Scheme Markers You cannot stand on them but that has not really come up in the games I have played. I also have generic laser etched ones in case my opponents object.
  13. Get yourself a Flesh triad. I use the panzer aces one from Vallejo personally
  14. I also know that Jon got a lot of stick from people when he ran the first league because it was only open to European players. It is such a thankless job to begin with and then this kind of thing happens. It's quite sad.
  15. My league has actually been very active so I guess I was lucky. However, I completely agree that people lack of activity (and manners) is disappointing. If you don't want to take part, don't sign up. Jon and Adrian both put a lot of effort into running this. the least a person could do is reply saying they can no longer take part.
  16. Sure, I would be happy to get a game with you whenever. Do you have skype? It's pretty much essential. I am int the GMT time zone so 6 hours ahead of you. Dm me and we can sort something out for over the weekend.
  17. Creating the metal molds that the plastic is injected into to create the models.
  18. Yep. I used to play a little of everything except Archanists and Outcasts. Now, I am exclusively Outcast
  19. Mythicfox had a cool blog post recently on Archanists basing http://blog.mythicfox.com/2013/10/basing.html
  20. I have played with the Viks pretty much exclusively for the last 2 or so months. I love them. They didnt seem to get much in Wave 2 but then again I didnt think they needed much. Vanessa is a given and you can combine her with Lazarus or Sue to do a couple of basic tricks. The Librarian is a nice addition if you done want to use Vanessa for healing. I am also trying out other Merc models like the Performer as well as an alterative for the Oiran.
  21. if you focus and then charge/flurry/rapid fire the first attack gains the benefit of focus and then the focus condition is removed from the model.
  22. I am pretty sure that there is a piece of fluff in the Twisting fates book about a few Death Marshalls taking on the Dreamer and LCB. One of the Marshalls is described as a hulking 1 eyed "Giant". Maybe this kneeling Marshall model was inspired by this piece of fluff?
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